
Protectors of Cosmos

Philip, a Crimson ranked detective in the City of Emphris starts to question both his sanity and reality when his investigation of a case starts to point to the existence of supernaturals. scenarios after scenarios begins to unfold as every breakthrough in investigation of crimes lead to unexplainable theories. History also begins to prove that his family lineage isn't as simple as he initially thought.

Timmy_victor · Urban
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9 Chs

Working together

Click! Click!! Click!!! Click!!!!

The sound of hills colliding with the ground reverberated across the room. It was as if time had stopped as everyone became silent when she arrived. She waltz across the room in her maroon suit looking fair and beautiful but exuding a cold and indifferent aura, and every police officer she passed by subconsciously shivered as they stepped back. Only one bold officer managed to calm himself as he walked over to her and asked, "d..de... dee.. detective M.. Ma.. Maaria what brings you here" she glanced daggers at him as he avoided eye contact with her, "Where is he?", she asked with indifference written all over her face.

"a.. aar... are y...you referring t..to S..sir Phillip?", He stammered while asking.

She looked at him like she was looking at an idiot, wondering who else in the area would be worthy of her asking about them if not him.

"Ah yes, erm he's right over there" he answered while pointing eastward.

She looked in the direction where he was pointing at, and proceeded on her way.

When she got to where Phillip was she stood behind him while staring at the scene of the murder and said "I guess we'll be working on this one together 'Del Philipe'....."


*****In a dark and enclosed space******

"My liege!, it has begun", a silhouette of a creature could be seen kneeling on the ground with his head bowed to an empty throne.

"What of the Guardian? were you able to escape from his range of detection", An eerie voice could be heard coming from the throne area.

"You don't have to worry about Him my Liege, his power weakens by the day. A time will come when he finally looses all of his abilities and becomes ordinary, and when that day comes we will take everything and you my Liege will become the ruler of all." The creature replied the empty throne.

"YOU FOOL!!!", The eerie voice retorted angrily as the creature shivered after hearing the anger in his voice laced with a bit of killing intent, "you had better tread carefully lest our heads ends up on a pike, he may be losing his abilities but don't forget that he only needs a little bit of his powers to wipe out my entire army. You had better not underestimate him or you'll regret it when you find yourself in the afterlife."

"Y...Ye... Yes my Liege", the creature stammered in fear as he thought of how powerful the guardian was even as he was already losing his powers.

"Tread carefully Aprhais, i still can't forget what he did to me after thousands of years. If he finds out about our plans now we'll be finished before we start." The sound of eerie voice once again echoed in the dark space.

"Yes my liege i will not fail you. We will keep carrying out the plans covertly so he doesn't find out ", the creature replied as beads of sweat rolled down his face.

"Good, now go and prepare for the next sacrifice!", The eerie voice disappeared after speaking.


******Back at the crime scene ******

"Huh come again", Philip said as he turned around to see a face that he detested so much. "Maria! What are you doing here? this is my investigation, you don't belong on this scene" Philip said with a cold voice.

"Calm down smart pants, i also don't want to be here. Obviously the higher ups don't think you can handle this investigation on your own so they sent me here to work with you", Maria answered with a look of indifference.

"Why would they send you here? couldn't they have sent someone else, like Manuel or Mark. Those old geezers must be messing with me on purpose", Philip wondered out loud.

"They obviously wanted the best here seeing that you are total screw up who still haven't closed two murder cases. Now you're behind me in number of solved cases Sherlock", Maria mocked him while speaking.

Philip; "..." (This bitch, i knew she'd rub it in my face)

"You know what? just do your thing and let me do mine. At the end of the day we'll combined our discoveries", Phillip said with a straight face. "That's fine with me", Maria replied and added, "I've already gotten briefed on the autopsy report, but have they tried the 'Orus Machine'?"

"Yes, they have and surprisingly it didn't work. Same with my two previous cases. why do you think i keep hitting a dead end", Philip answered powerlessly.

"Hmm, isn't the Orus machine supposed to work better in an enclosed area?", Maria asked again.

"Are mocking me? even a baby knows that. why are trying to kick me while I'm down", Phillip stared angrily at her, "remember, we're still ranked the same"

Maria smiled sheepishly at him as she replied, "Not for long", she turned around and walked out of the crime scene as her voice sounded from a distance, "We'll meet one week from now to compare our investigations, i hope you'll not let me down,hehehe...."

Philip; "..." (that bitch, she's dreaming if she thinks she's going to be promoted before me).

Philip has always disliked Maria since they met while they were training to enter the Force. He was always top of his class, but in the academy he met his match. Anytime they praised him for being a genius, they would also praise her too. Every test he aced, she would always get the same score with him, and when he tried to make friends with her this happened....

"I don't like that smug look on your face and besides i don't talk to monkeys, so scram", she said this and walked away.

Phillip;"_" , "That cold bitch how dare she call me a monkey." Phillip brought out his device and started making weird faces at the camera, "look at that attractive face, don't mind that woman she's probably an Android with no human emotions, how could she call this butter face a monkey."

The officers around the crime scene stared at him like he was retarded. Some of them thought he asked her out and she turned him down which made him lose confidence in his looks. Some of them shivered at the thought of talking to her much more asking the demoness out. A lot of them have heard scary rumors about her and also seen her in action before, so they knew how merciless her methods were compared to the easy going Detective Philip; and they were both Crimson ranked detectives at such young ages, so one commanded respect while the other commanded fear and respect.

Orus machine is a modern day technology that uses the refraction of light to showcase images of things that happened in a particular area; in the last 24 hours. It works better in an enclosed area like inside a building. It's like a modern day CCTV.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. i will like to know what you think in the comment section

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