
Chapter 79 Not a Fickle Man

Elsie dumbfounded expression caused Christopher to explain further, saying, "I just wanted you to know that I'm no longer a fickle man."

"You're crazy!" She turned around and ran after saying those words. Even though it was dark, he was extremely happy to see her blush-tinted cheeks. After she disappeared out of sight, he whistled and left in his car.

When Elsie returned home, her face was still a bit flushed. "Cristopher is really a lunatic. He came all the way here to talk tell me this? Whether he is fickle or not, what does it have anything to do with me?"

No! He must have misunderstood that she was interested in him. She had to make things clear to him—she didn't care about him at all. Determined, Elsie picked up the phone and was about to call Cristopher.

The phone rang first, however, and Joel's deep voice sounded after she answered the incoming call. "Elsie, Rylan and I will arrive in Stroast South tomorrow. Remember to pick us up from the airport!"