
Chapter 76 None of Your Business

Cristopher's delight lasted only for a few moments as he grew a little angry. He guessed that it was Jaydon's fault that Elsie had gotten drunk and hurt herself. They had only known each other for a few days, but she was silly enough to humiliate herself for a puny guy.

With this in mind, he scolded with a fierce expression, "Look at what you've done to yourself. Isn't he just a guy? So what if you two broke up? Why did you have to humiliate yourself like this?"

"Mr. Reynolds is right. Isn't he just a guy? If you break up, then so be it. You don't have to humiliate yourself." Gracie made an eye gesture at Elsie, who lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing this, Cristopher stopped lecturing her after a while. He then phoned Jay happily. "I'm at the hospital. Elsie is sick, and she looks terrible. I can tell that she is malnourished. Bring over some nutritious tonics right now!"