
Protagonist Leech System

Shi Long was an unlucky transmigrator from Earth who not only transmigrates into a trashy body with the same name but also lack a cheat item or system that was normally present to someone like him. Nine years after transmigrating, the sect he joined was attacked by an unknown group and seemingly the same group as the one responsible for the destruction of the once prosperous and righteous Harmony Lake Palace, leading to his death. Surprisingly, he was given another chance at life when he woke up in the same trashy body five years before the night the unknown attackers raided his sect but with a new lease on life. [Ding!] [Host Shi Long has attained the prerequisite for Protagonist Leech System: Dying without reaching the 5th Stage of Spirit Gathering Realm] [Protagonist Leech System has been bestowed to host please use it well.] [Protagonist Leech System aims for host to become the greatest leech *cough* shield for destined protagonist of the world!] [By leeching off a protagonist's heaven-defying luck, grow and become their greatest backer who could save them in dangerous situations! (To leech off more of their luck)]

Dyrem · Eastern
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13 Chs

Fighting a Magical Beast

In the dead of the night, magical beasts are more active. That's common knowledge. In this world where spiritual qi was mixed among the air everyone breathes, animals were also affected by it. They evolved, reproduced and evolved again until they became some sort of a nemesis among cultivators.

They're a menace to mortal villages or cities, impending the civilization's development. Cultivation Sects, or just cultivators, in particular, hunted them down not only to reduce the dangers to the mortal populace but also for the benefits the beasts would provide them.

Every magical beast meat, if not downright poisonous, is like a lavish meal for cultivators. Their bodies have seeped in spiritual qi that could either strengthen them or add nutrition to their cultivation bases. Not only that, even the weakest magical beast possessed a core. Although it's not as potent as using pills or spirit stones, it could be a substitute. Furthermore, the cores of strong magical beasts sometimes yield mystical abilities to a cultivator.

There's a drawback though… Using a magical beast core as a cultivation resource had to face the risk of having their spiritual qi muddled and contaminated.

They had to expel those harmful substances regularly right after using them. If they let it be, it could result in Qi Deviation.

Shi Long could make a list of Outer Court disciples who died of Qi Deviation or those who successfully cultivated a mystical ability from consuming it.

However, it's not the right time for that!

Having noticed the incoming magical beast, Shi Long stood on alert. He channeled spiritual qi in his eye to enhance his eyesight, allowing him to see in the dark of the night.

It's not a direct upgrade but at least, he could now make out the magical beast that's making its way toward him. It's a Berserk Swine. It's a local magical beast that was comparable to a 4th Stage Spirit Gathering Realm disciple.

The disturbance brought about by its shroud of spiritual qi wasn't that menacing. It still made his heart tremble though.

Even before he died, he could count on his fingers the number of magical beasts he managed to take down. That's how weak he was!

He could curse at his unluckiness later. What he needed to do was to take it down and go back to the sect alive.

"After stumbling to a fortune, here comes another misfortune." He wryly smiled at the same time as the magical beast roared to terrify him.

Seeing that Shi Long was unperturbed, it angrily stomped its feet before ejecting itself to lunge at the misfortune-ridden guy.

"I knew you're going to do that." Shi Long spun to the side, evading the magical beast. Delivering a counterattack, he focused his spiritual qi and launched a kick using the momentum of his spin, squarely hitting the swine on its body and kicking it away.

"H-how?!" Even though he's the one who delivered that attack. Shi Long was surprised at his strength. In his mind, he only thought that he could make it tumble.

But looking at the footmark he left on the beast's seemingly thick hide, Shi Long was convinced. The union of Spirit and Body Cultivation made him even stronger than a normal 4th Stage Spirit Gathering Realm disciple.

With that realization, the doubt and fear clouding his chest dissipated.

Fighting barehanded was kind of idiotic. But what could he do? He didn't have any weapon on him. In fact, Shi Long had only started using a weapon when he was brought out by Hai Tuo to hunt some magical beast as a mission from the Contribution Hall.

In this regressed timeline, that experience has yet to happen.

"Not that I needed it. I can do this!"

Shi Long's eyes lit up as he took up another stance. To not be hit by another misfortune, he prepared himself to finish off the daring magical beast who thought he was easy picking.

"Take this!"

Before the Berserk Swine could stand up, Shi Long's spiritual qi-imbued fist connected to its head, sending it rolling a few meters away.

He then jumped and squeezed more spiritual qi to his feet to deliver another kick to its head.


Despite the constant loud squealing of the beast, the loud cracking sound of its skull became a pleasant sound in Shi Long's ears.

He had read how thick the Berserk Swine's hide is. If he targeted its body, he would just waste his time before he could take it down. But its head wasn't protected by it. His 12 Lions of strength were enough to crack its skull!

A few moments later, the magical beast issued its dying howl before it stopped struggling and lay lifelessly on the ground.

Shi Long went over it and smirked to himself. The bandages covering his body were torn apart from the force, revealing his now-sculpted upper half.

If someone who recognized him saw the complete transformation of the weak-looking Comatose Dragon, they'd be astonished.

"Now then… It's time to go back before more of them come here." Shi Long walked back to the bonfire and picked up the ointment and wore his Outer Court disciple robe that Ling Xia folded at the side.

After doing so, he went back to the corpse of the Berserk Swine and carried it on his shoulder.

"I can just say a passing expert left this body… I can finally eat some nutritious meat after a long time." Shi Long joyfully muttered.



Meanwhile, a few hours before Shi Long regained consciousness, Hai Tuo, who was humiliated by Shi Long visited someone.

Even though the incident happened during the day, his anger hadn't been abated. Add to that, Shi Long escaping from his grasp further fueled it.

That's why Hai Tuo thought of a solution on how he could teach the guy a lesson. He was going to put Shi Long in a situation that he wouldn't be able to run from.

"Greetings, Elder Min. This disciple has a request." Hai Tuo respectfully bowed to a middle-aged man wearing a flowing red robe; a uniform unique to the appointed Elders of the Mighty Dragon Sect.

"Human Roll Ranker, Hai Tuo, speak." The Elder eyed him in a non-committal way before lowering his gaze to a book he was reading. He's an esteemed Elder of the Hall of Punishments. Normally, he would kick out someone Hai Tuo for disturbing his reading but because of his faint ties with the boy's family, he allowed it.

"A lowly disciple disrespected me, Elder. As a senior disciple, I can't take that to my face or everyone will smear mud at me. I'm requesting a duel against the said disciple." Hai Tuo lowered his head and cupped his fist respectfully.

He's facing an Elder and someone from the Hall of Punishments to boot. That Hall is a little special as it managed both Outer and Inner Court, being an Elder assigned to it gave them unimaginable power to the disciples of the sect.

"Very well. I will send another elder to preside over that duel. Wait for that Elder to summon you."

A tiny scuffle between Outer Court disciples was insignificant in his eyes. He even disdained the boy a little for running into him for such an issue.

When Hai Tuo left, Elder Min shook his head in disappointment, "An arrogant son full of air and an unscrupulous father. The apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree."