
Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Was he a pawn or would he reach the end of the board and flip it over? ............. At the age of 5, Leon's parents were slaughtered in front of him, but instead of getting arrested and punished, the case was closed off, with the villains of the incident running free. At the age of 24, he had turned into a mass murderer crazy psychopath. After sending many criminals to hell, he finally got his revenge and killed the people responsible for his parents' deaths. However, instead of finding solace, what he felt was never-ending emptiness making him lose his will to stay alive. Surrounded by cops, instead of struggling he leapt off the building deciding to end his life. Alas, fate played another joke on him. He was selected by Deity and was sent to a world filled with protagonists and antagonists of urban cultivation novels. And to his utter dismay, when he woke up he found himself in the body of trash fucked by fate brutally. His mother divorced his father and remarried. His fiancee was taken away by another one. A girl whom he fell in love with later turned out to be his step-sister and engaged with someone else. His stepmother had thrown him out of the house and blocked his cards. Recounting all the bullshit, Leon finally lost his sanity. "Screw you all and Screw the world." "I wanted to have peace but since you are not going to let me in peace, you will see my dark side." Follow Leon's journey as he tramples over the so-called childrens of heaven and destiny villains, and strives to the top of the world. ................ .......... I am a complete novice. My English sucks still I will try my best. However, despite all the flaws, I hope you can give it a try.

Lonelythree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
351 Chs

306:Meeting Old Friend

Everyone was wide-eyed at the massive space station. It looked like a city made of metal, floating in the darkness. But what caught his attention was the weird glowing crack in the middle. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie.

It was humongous, large enough like a mini city. Countless thrusters kept it floating that seemed to be powered by spiritual stones.

Huge pillars rose that seemed to keep the crack in check from which huge votes were revolving.

There were many decks and Leon's spacecraft was given the signal to land on port 7.

After the spacecraft was craft, as Leon descended his eyes caught the sight of some familiar people waiting below.

"Ohh! Who do we have here?"Leon made a surprised expression staring at the silver-haired old man.

"Sir Argent, haven't you retired."

"I can't believe that you have grown so much. It feels like it was yesterday, we were having deals, and now..."Argent gave a bitter smile.