
235:Leon Vs Seph[IV]

"Father....Will he be alright?"Irina's voice tinted with worry echoed but it was suppressed by the roars of the battlefield.

Fights went on like crazy here and there but out of all Seph and Leon's fight made the most noise.

At every strike, there would be a formation of craters accompanied by a loud thunderous noise.

Arthur sighed heavily and patted Irina's head and Gwen's head as both of them nestled onto his chest.

At first, when Gwen saw Irina she wanted to scream at her to go away as her presence was gonna hurt her brother but the moment she saw her, Gwen felt that she had become somewhat different.

No, it's just she has reverberated back to normal.

It would be wrong to say, she hadn't loved her mother. Her mother had always taken care of them well...

She had always prioritized them even before herself and no matter where she was, she would run there in case of trouble.

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