
Protagonist's Halo System

Su Zhan has transmigrated to the world of cultivation and woke up with the Protagonist's Halo System. [Protagonist's Cultivation Halo]: As a protagonist, trivial things like cultivating are easier than eating and drinking! [Protagonist's Resurrection Halo]: Can a protagonist die? Can they still be called a protagonist after death? [Protagonist's Intent Halo]: No matter how trash a martial arts technique is, it can develop intent, that's what makes someone a true protagonist! [Protagonist' Mentality Halo]: As a protagonist, even if a group of women stand naked in front of him, he won't cough. However, the effect of the mentality aura is unstable, use it wisely! Other protagonists only have one Protagonist's Halo, while I have one hundred trillion!

SuXiaoshu · Eastern
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124 Chs

Did He Dare to Kill the Young Master?

When Chen Jue's face was filled with fear and regret, his life came to an end, and Su Zhan felt calm in his heart.

"You intended to destroy my entire family, how could I let you live?"

Su Zhan collected all of Chen Jue's belongings and looked at the trembling half-step God Transformation Realm experts from the Liu Family beside him.


"Young Master Su, please understand! We, the Liu Family, were truly forced! We despise Chen Jue, that beast! We would never engage in such despicable actions!"

"That's right! As members of the Tianan Cultivation World, how could we do something so dishonorable?!"

"It's all the actions of Chen Jue, Zhao Fang, and Liu Badao!"

"Even though we are in the half-step God Transformation Realm, Young Master Su, you know very well that we are nothing compared to Liu Badao, Chen Jue, and Zhao Fang! How dare we oppose them?"

The elders of the Liu Family in the half-step God Transformation Realm immediately knelt down, trembling, begging for mercy.

Even the half-step God Transformation Realm experts from the Wu Kingdom, who were not members of the Liu Family, quickly knelt down.

Although they were not involved in this matter, everyone knelt because standing firm would attract Su Zhan's attention, and he could easily find a reason to vent his anger on them. Wouldn't they end up in tears?

The half-step God Transformation Realm experts from the Wu Kingdom, who were influential figures, were all anxious, waiting for Su Zhan to speak.

Su Zhan looked at the elders of the Liu Family and said, "Although I have killed your patriarch, you surely harbor great hatred towards me and seek revenge day and night, right? In that case..."


Realizing the meaning behind Su Zhan's words, the elder of the Liu Family quickly said, "We would never dare to seek revenge against Young Master Su! Moreover, what Liu Badao did was treason, betraying the entire Tianan Cultivation World. He deserves to die!"

"On behalf of the entire Liu Family, I sincerely thank Young Master Su for eliminating this scourge. We express our heartfelt gratitude to you!"

"Thank you, Young Master Su, for your exceptional kindness and benevolence!"

"That's right! Our Liu Family was on the verge of becoming sinners in the entire Tiannan Cultivation World. Young Master Su, you are truly our savior!"

"Young Master Su's help will never be forgotten!"

"We can only express our gratitude to Young Master Su. How can we seek revenge?"


Another elder of the Liu Family quickly spoke, driven by their survival instincts.

"You want to thank me?"

Su Zhan was momentarily stunned, then he thought and smiled, "So, how do you plan to thank me?"

"Our Liu Family has a royal-level longsword that we want to offer to Young Master Su!"

"We also have a spiritual stone mine. If Young Master Su wants it, please feel free to take it!"

"Oh, and our Liu Family has many brothels in the mortal world! The women inside are skilled in various arts, such as music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. We are willing to offer all of these places to Young Master Su!"

Although these words of gratitude were only spoken out of their survival instincts, seeing that Su Zhan genuinely asked this question, the elders of the Liu Family didn't hesitate and immediately offered many things.

"This is too valuable. You should keep it for the Liu Family!"

Su Zhan said, "I have heard that your Liu Family has a place called the Connecting Heaven Dao Ground. How about giving it to me? What do you think?"


The elder hesitated.

"Since you don't want to, I won't force it. But it seems that you have no sincerity at all. It seems that you do indeed harbor hatred towards me. Furthermore, you might be planning how to kill me, right?"

"No, no!"

Everyone from the Liu Family trembled, and the more cowardly ones even wet themselves.

The elder of the Liu Family trembled in fear, afraid that if he was too slow, he would be beaten to death like Liu Badao. He shouted desperately, "Our Liu Family is willing to offer the Connecting Heaven Dao Ground to Young Master Su as an apology!"

"Are you truly willing? As you know, I never force others."

"We are willing! We are truly sincere!"

The elder of the Liu Family nodded repeatedly, his expression sincere.

But deep in his heart, he felt greatly wronged.

Not forcing them? Indeed, he wouldn't force them. After all, when he beats us later, our Liu Family will be gone. What else can we ask for?

"In that case, take me to the Liu Family's Connecting Heaven Dao Ground later!"

"Yes, yes!"

The Connecting Heaven Dao Ground, which was originally planned to be borrowed, was immediately given to Su Zhan by the grateful members of the Liu Family. Su Zhan felt very pleased.

Turning around and looking at the other fourteen stone platforms, he pondered for a moment and said, "The Tiannan Cultivation Conference was originally held every twenty years. The early meeting conducted by Liu Badao was to subdue the powerful factions from various countries. Now that Liu Badao is dead, this matter is resolved. You can all leave!"


"We will follow Young Master Su's instructions!"

"If Young Master Su has free time, please come and visit the Xiaochi Kingdom!"


The powerful experts from various countries respectfully bowed to Su Zhan and left one by one.

However, the people from the Wu Kingdom, Huayue Kingdom, and Xia Nation did not leave.

The first group was less courageous, while the latter had a special relationship with Su Zhan.

Empress Ye Qingyu, Qin Jincheng, Chen Changfeng, Li Qingyang, and others flew towards the stone platform where Su Zhan stood.

"Su Zhan, you have truly impressed me once again today!"

Chen Changfeng patted Su Zhan's shoulder. "Taking you to the Yuntian Sword Sect was the wisest decision I've ever made in my life. Hahaha!"

Qin Jincheng was also very delighted, but then her smile faded, and she expressed a bit of concern. "Su Zhan, the power of the Sword Pill Sect is extraordinary. How can we fight against them if they attack?"

"How to fight..."

Su Zhan pondered for a moment and said, "In my opinion, the best way is to take the initiative! Besides, the Sword Pill Sect wants to destroy my entire family. This matter is a fight to the death. Chen Jue's belongings contain a map of the route he took from the outside world to Tiannan."

"In that case, I will personally go to the Sword Pill Sect and resolve this matter."

"You want to go alone to confront the Sword Pill Sect?"

"Not to confront them, but to reason with them."

Su Zhan shook his head. "I believe they will listen to my reasoning."

The expressions of Chen Changfeng and the others turned strange.

"But what if they don't listen?"

"If they don't listen..."

Su Zhan pondered for a moment and said seriously, "Then I will have to kill them first and exchange ideas with the remaining ones."

Chen Changfeng: "..."

"Enough, let's not discuss this matter for now. I will go to the Connecting Heaven Dao Ground to break through to the God Transformation Realm. Elder Chen, Sect Master, I won't accompany you back."

"You want to break through to the God Transformation Realm?"

Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng exchanged glances and smiled. "We have many reasons to witness such a great event firsthand. Besides, although our cultivation may not compare to yours, we can still protect you and prevent interference from monsters or the like."

Li Qingyang also quickly said, "Young Master Su, you were invincible today, and now you will achieve the God Transformation Realm. I will do my best to protect you and prevent anyone or any monster from disturbing you!"

The empress smiled faintly. "How can such a significant event be missed? I have entrusted state affairs to the ministers, so there is no immediate danger. If Young Master Su doesn't mind, I also want to witness your extraordinary breakthrough to the God Transformation Realm."

"The empress is joking. In that case, let's go together!"

After searching and collecting Liu Badao and Zhao Fang's belongings, Su Zhan boarded the white jade boat and headed for the Connecting Heaven Dao Ground in the Wu Kingdom.


Outside the Tiannan Mountains.

Tianxuan Dynasty, Nanjiang Prefecture, Jiuhu County.

As one of the most powerful forces within a radius of tens of thousands of miles in Jiuhu County, the Sword Pill Sect itself occupied an area of over a hundred square miles with its buildings.

The sect's influence extended to a radius of three thousand miles, and hundreds of families, sects, and other forces had to pay tribute to the Sword Pill Sect every year to survive!

At the moment.

Main Hall of the Sword Pill Sect.

Chen Ye, the Sect Master, who had reached the third transformation of the God Transformation Realm, the peak of the Holy Yinwei Pulse, gazed at the shadow pearl image in his hand.

"Hmph! This Tiannan barbarian land is indeed infested with pests. Su Zhan was still arrogant earlier, but as soon as I heard Jue'er mention wiping out his entire family, he stopped immediately. Clearly, he's scared and panicked, but he pretends not to be moved. How ridiculous!"

After seeing Su Zhan halt when Chen Jue threatened to annihilate his entire family, Chen Ye sneered.

Standing below, an elder who had initially reported the affair nodded upon seeing this scene and laughed. "These barbarians are all soft-hearted. They were born to be slaves, and they are truly timid—him, him!"

Watching Su Zhan deliver a punch, the elder from the Sword Pill Sect was in disbelief. "He actually dared to kill the young master?!"