
Protagonist's Halo System

Su Zhan has transmigrated to the world of cultivation and woke up with the Protagonist's Halo System. [Protagonist's Cultivation Halo]: As a protagonist, trivial things like cultivating are easier than eating and drinking! [Protagonist's Resurrection Halo]: Can a protagonist die? Can they still be called a protagonist after death? [Protagonist's Intent Halo]: No matter how trash a martial arts technique is, it can develop intent, that's what makes someone a true protagonist! [Protagonist' Mentality Halo]: As a protagonist, even if a group of women stand naked in front of him, he won't cough. However, the effect of the mentality aura is unstable, use it wisely! Other protagonists only have one Protagonist's Halo, while I have one hundred trillion!

SuXiaoshu · Eastern
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124 Chs

Annihilation of the Sect!

"Crazy Demon Slash!"

With a loud shout erupting from his mouth.

A long sword, blood-red in color, swung out!

Countless strands of red sword Qi intertwined in the front, vaguely forming a terrifying demon head, rushing towards Su Zhan with gnashing teeth and dancing claws!

Still over a hundred meters away from Su Zhan, a bloody aura was already flowing towards him. The ground beneath began to crack, and the cracks synchronized with the sword Qi in the sky, spreading towards the cultivation altar where Su Zhan stood!

"Young Master Su, with your extraordinary talent, nothing will happen to you!"

Empress Ye spoke softly, her gaze focused ahead. Although she said so, she couldn't help but feel a little worried about Su Zhan.

Even Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng, who always had unwavering confidence in Su Zhan, had changed expressions and became concerned when they felt the power of this sword technique.

The most anxious person was not them but Li Qingyang.

Previously, Li Qingyang had shown his favor towards Su Zhan. If Su Zhan lost, he would not have a good outcome either!

The others also observed attentively, their eyes unwavering.

At this moment.

Su Zhan, who became the center of attention for everyone, felt extremely calm.

Sensing that Zhao Fang was using his strongest attack that even risked his life, he immediately used the Great Sun Star Sword.

Starry light flashed from his brow and fell into his hand.

Even before infusing it with true qi, the Great Sun Star Sword buzzed impatiently, as if eager to battle!

"Is the Sword Pill Technique really that powerful..."

Recalling the words of others earlier, Su Zhan's gaze sharpened as he swung his sword.

Extraordinary starlight, brilliant starlight emerged!

Interweaving forward, it transformed into a star dragon head, flying towards Zhao Fang!

Sky Star Dragon Soul Sword Technique!

"You're not a body cultivator!"

After seeing Su Zhan's weapon was a sword, Zhao Fang became surprised.

With Su Zhan's incredibly strong physique, why was his natal weapon is a sword?

Although there were body cultivators who used swords as their natal weapon, it was not common.

But all those swords were heavy, giant swords. For someone like Su Zhan, whose physical strength was clearly very strong, using a natal sword that was fundamentally unsuitable for body cultivation was akin to wasting his combat power.

Zhao Fang felt puzzled, but when the two sword qi forces collided, Zhao Fang quickly understood why Su Zhan's chosen weapon was a sword.

Because the power of the Star Dragon Sword Qi had shattered his understanding of sword techniques from Core Yuan Realm cultivators in this world!

Under the Star Dragon Sword Qi, his Crazy Demon Slash couldn't even hold on for a moment before completely dispersing!

"Profound-level Sword Intent! High-grade Heaven-level Sword Technique? Yet, with his cultivation level, how can he unleash such a terrifying sword qi!

That... is a divine weapon!"

Zhao Fang's pupils contracted. Sensing the terrifying sword qi flowing towards him, he felt a chill, as if under the power of this sword, he was as insignificant as an ant that could be crushed at any moment!

"No! Breakthrough!"

With no way to retreat, Zhao Fang once again infused Sword Pill into his sword!

His hand quickly grasped the tip of the sword, causing his skin to be cut, leaving traces of blood dripping on the long sword!

But he didn't pay attention to it, tightly focusing on the Star Dragon Sword Qi that had attacked in front of him, thrusting his sword!


Although his natal weapon appeared stronger after drinking blood, under the Star Dragon Sword Qi, it only lasted a moment before the blood-red light dimmed.

Then, the blood sword that had been nurtured for hundreds of years shattered with a loud "Boom"!

Zhao Fang's body was thrown thousands of kilometers away, crashing into another peak beside Mount Qingyun, and his breath ceased!

"It seems the Sword Pill Technique is not as powerful as all of you claimed."

Su Zhan sheathed his sword and looked at the people praising the strength of the Sword Pill Technique with a hint of surprise.

They were all stunned, and after hearing Su Zhan's words, they smiled awkwardly.

While feeling surprised, they also felt a little frustrated.

Zhao Fang, who had reached the peak of the Second Transformation of the God Transformation Realm, practiced the Sword Pill Technique, which had explosive power far exceeding ordinary sword cultivators at the same level!

Yet, Su Zhan had killed him with just one sword!

Damn it!

Indeed, the Sword Pill Technique was undoubtedly formidable, but who could have imagined that you, Young Master Su, were so abnormal???

Powerful experts from various countries complained in their hearts.

Afterward, one by one, they all bowed deeply to Su Zhan.

"It's not that Zhao Fang is weak, but you, Young Master Su, are too strong!"

"Today, the Tiannan cultivation world is on the brink of danger, and you, Young Master Su, single-handedly turned the situation around. We greatly admire you!"

"As Tiannan cultivators, we thank Young Master Su for your extraordinary benevolence!"

"I am the king of the Xiaochi Kingdom. From now on, whatever Young Master Su desires, as long as I can help, I will do my best!"

"The same goes for our Flame Moon Sect!"


Su Zhan glanced at the grateful cultivators and sincerely thanked them, saying with a smile, "There's no need for such gratitude. I am also a member of the Tiannan Cultivation World, and this issue is certainly my concern as well."

After speaking, he looked at Chen Jue, who appeared confused and disbelieving.

"What else do you have? Use everything you have and let me see how strong you geniuses from outside the Tiannan region really are."

"It's impossible! This can't be happening!"

Chen Jue's face turned ugly. "Zhao Fang, that useless Zhao Fang! Useless!"

"He was truly killed by a Core Yuan Realm cultivator. How can our Sword Pill Sect have someone as useless as him?"

"It seems you have no other way to make me curious."

Su Zhan walked towards Chen Jue.

As Su Zhan approached closer, Chen Jue began to feel anxious and shouted, "What are you planning? I am the young master of the Sword Pill Sect!

Do you know about the Sword Pill Sect? The Sword Pill Sect even has many cultivators in the Third Transformation of the God Transformation Realm!

Don't think that killing me will escape the attention of the Sword Pill Sect!

I am the young master of the Sword Pill Sect, which possesses a secret treasure, the Shadow Pearl!"

As Chen Jue spoke, he produced a black ball the size of a fist, activating its true qi, and the ball emitted a dazzling light.

"The Shadow Pearl comes in a pair, which can transmit images and sounds between each other!

Now, the shadow bead in my hand has transmitted images and sounds, including your face, to the Sword Pill Sect's shadow pearl!

If you harm me, the Sword Pill Sect will definitely know!

I know your name is Su Zhan! With just this, the Sword Pill Sect can easily find you!"

Su Zhan's footsteps did not stop. He had already arrived at the main stone platform, just ten meters away from Chen Jue.

At this moment, Chen Jue finally felt genuine fear welling up in his heart.

"No, please don't kill me! I will offer great benefits, many benefits!

I will immediately leave and never come to the Tiannan region again, and I won't ask for the secret path to the Dark Star Forest! Let me go!

Are you insane? If you dare to harm me, the Sword Pill Sect will annihilate your entire family!"

After hearing these words, Su Zhan stopped and looked at Chen Jue with a very serious expression. "You want to annihilate my entire family?"

Seeing Su Zhan halt his steps, Chen Jue felt relieved, thinking that Su Zhan had been intimidated by the Sword Pill Sect and regained a bit of arrogance. "Of course! Our Sword Pill Sect is very powerful. If you dare—"

Before Chen Jue could finish his sentence, he saw Su Zhan throw a punch!

That terrifying punch could even kill a God Transformation Realm cultivator, let alone him!

At this moment, he screamed in extreme fear, full of regret, but it was already too late.

Under that terrifying punch, all his defenses easily shattered, and the force struck his chest.

His chest caved in, his internal organs crushed, and he coughed up blood, falling to the ground!

The force of the punch penetrated his body, destroying his clothes and even the ground behind him!