

Fiksi Realistik
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What is Proses

Read ‘Proses’ Online for Free, written by the author Jatniko_Alfarizi, This book is a Fiksi Realistik Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Kisah keseharian seorang pria dengan ke-tiga temannya.


Kisah keseharian seorang pria dengan ke-tiga temannya.

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"No..." "No........" "Nooooooooo" Scarlett suddenly got out of her sleep . She was sweating heavily. Because of scream , her mom also got scared. She was there to wake her daughter but when she opened the door she hear her scream and saw her sweating . She directly placed the cooking knife on the table and directly jumped near to her as she said " Scarlett .....what happened ?" Scarlett was still breathing heavily . So firstly her mom cooled her down and clean her forehead from sweat as she again ask the same question . This time Scarlett opened her mouth and replied "I ....I....I just saw an dream " "It was really an scary dream " she replied with scary tone and dark expressions . "What did you saw ?" her mom asked as she was also getting scared. "I ....I saw myself" " I was in the middle of the class as there was my class teacher who was teaching normally and other students who were listening normally " "But then suddenly ..." Scarlett eyes get wide . "Suddenly what ?" "But then suddenly I fart...in the class " ".............." Her mom's mouth remains open for some second after which her expressions changes from fear to anger. She suddenly pushed Scarlett as she shouted "What......just fart .....just an simple fart " Scarlett got pretty shocked from her mom sudden movements as she replied " Mom it was really an scary dream , I had just fart in the middle of the class , it was really an big fart and all the students were laughing at me including my crush too" "yeah....but it was just an fart and you scared me to death like you have saw some ghost". "Ah....it was really an scary dream " " OH...I am going back to sleep , I don't want to go to school" As Scarlett was just going to lift up the blanket over her , her mom suddenly steeped on that blanket and take the cooking knife in her hand. As she pointed that knife towards her , her facial expressions totally changes from an caring woman to an evil woman . She said with an cold smile " .....say it again " "......." Scarlett got shocked as she saw the knife as she switched her sentence . " Ah....I said I am going back to school , I don't want to go to sleep. Her mom nodded silently as she take out the knife . She was just going to leave the room when suddenly her daughter asks " Mom , whats in the breakfast ?" Her mom replied " Sweet potato " Scarlet eyes remains open as she shouted " WHAT......sweet potato , I just fart in my dream because of them only "

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