1 The past

Long ago people could use magic. The world was filled with sorcerers in every corner of every kingdom. Magic was used in everyday life to do everything. Through magic's evolution, it started to get harder and harder to control. Then, suddenly, one day almost everyone in the world except for one could use magic. His name was Merlin. Merlin received a prophecy one night. It said that magic would one day return to the kingdom one single spark, a single human. That one person would be found somewhere nobody would be looking. Merlin brought the message to the king, but with the new message that magic would not return till this person was found the king was furious. He sent people tearing though the kingdom in search for the prophesied bringer of magic. Merlin said that the person would not be found easily. The king even more infuriated now sentenced Merlin to death in his rage. He was to be killed infringement of the people by Guillotine in front of the people.

Right before death Merlin said, " The person will be found when nobody is looking, not a moment sooner my dear king."

And with that his head was severed. What Merlin said was right though, the ancient kings searched for centuries but nobody was found. The prophesy was passed down through generations of kings yet no trace of magic in a human was found. Eventually, the kings one by one stopped looking until they stopped completely in hopelessness. The only wielder's of magic now are the elves, dwarves, and other magical creatures. What will happen next.

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