
Prophecy Reality Forbidden Library

Within the confines of the Mathers Family mansion, there exists a room of unique structure, bearing a striking resemblance to a massive library. Indeed, it is a library, but not just any library. This is the "Forbidden Library," one of the most secretive and enigmatic locations within the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica. For years, mages, high nobility, royalty, and influential figures from across the nation have sought its ancient and mysterious knowledge. Scholars have endeavored to grasp the words of past eras, aiming to record or study them. However, all these efforts have been in vain. To access this unknown knowledge, one must gain the approval of the guardian - the librarian. Beatrice, the librarian, has been sitting calmly, engrossed in a book she has read nearly 199 times. It has been 395 years since she last saw her mother, yet the contract her mother left behind continues to bind her. She has lost hope in the "That Person" her mother mentioned centuries ago. Yet, her overwhelming love for her mother is evident in her unwavering devotion. She remains in the same spot, in the same room, within the same environment, century after century. "Because it's a promise, in fact." Suddenly, a violet spark appeared above her head, startling the young girl to her core. The violet spark eventually formed a small portal, from which slid 17 books and a piece of paper that appeared to be a note. Beatrice stared at it, flabbergasted by what had just... "Happened, in fact..." --- Note : basically 1 to 15 volume of Re:zero and Two edited Tanpenshuu volumes teleported by a violet vertex into, The Forbidden archive 5 years before the Canon begins. the one behind it? I'd don't know. ( -_- )

Loli_Beatrice_II · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3 The end of a simple desire Part 2

I'm not skilled at writing; in fact, I'm terrible at it. So, I rely on auto-correction and editing applications for the good of yours and mine brains. I wrote all of the direction of the plot and let the apps polished to what are you reading now, a little credit for my commitment and efforts would be appreciated. ( even a bit )

Credits go to Tappei Natsuki- Oh, I meant Nagasaki. ('-') Nagataki (Googling...) ahhem. All credits go to Tappei Nagatsuki, same goes with the covers."

" Happy valentine day :v "





Her Butterfly Irish Reflected the next part of the strange but astonishing plot of the unlucky raven-haired Japanese boy adventure into their world, even though.

she had hard time  admitting something like that.

in any case Beatrice gaze upon the written words within the page. Slightly optimistic now as her bother was on it, as for the elf.... ( jealousy Huff mentality )

[--It occurred to Subaru that the feeling of waking up,--]

[--and Subaru was the type of person to be fully awake once he opened his eyes.--]

[--"Oh, you finally awake? "--]

" Hmm... "

An unconscious breath escaped Beatrice's lips as she found herself confronted with these opening words. They seemed strangely familiar, yet also unfamiliar, leaving her with a sense of uncertainty.

The librarian's mind became entangled in a web of thoughts, trying to unravel the mystery behind the familiarity of these lines. However, she quickly dismissed these unproductive musings, realizing that dwelling on them would only lead to further confusion.

Despite her best efforts to recall why these words felt both familiar and unfamiliar, Beatrice decided to push aside her earlier intense pondering and continued reading, determined to focus on the present moment and immerse herself in the story.

[--As Subaru turned to look in the direction of the voice,--]

[--his head on something soft that was being

used as a pilow.--]

[--"you shouldn't move. You hit your heat, so I can't say whether it's safe to just yet."--]

[--this concerned voice also sounded very kind,~~to have one's head in a girl's lap.--]

[--Subaru pretended to turn to readjust so he  could enjoy himself to the fullest.--]

" These Human seems doesn't lack any inappropriate traits, I suppose. "

Her voice reverberated through the quiet archive, its tone carrying an unsettling quality that seemed to unsettle some.

Beatrice's eyes flickered with a momentary expression of disgust as she read about the boy's actions in the book. One could argue whether it was an exaggerated portrayal or an overreaction, As the cases of pervertedness, actions and thoughts it's intolerance in her pure eyes.

These were among the things she despised most in the cruel world. Facts that she despise Altair back then when that ignorant Fool shamelessly revealed his discomfited dreams with her mother, right in front of her adorable face. ( and cowardly friend )

Recognizing that her thoughts were veering towards sensitive topics, Beatrice swiftly pushed them aside. She tightened her grip on the foreign book, continuing her reading with a mix of tragedy and nostalgia intertwining within her.

[--" Wow.... Beautiful girls are a lot hairier than I imagin-- Hey,  wait a minute "--]

[-- " I thought that at least until you woke up, I'd make you feel comfortable. You can thank me later. "--]

[-- " first of all, I'd like you to stop with that terrible falsetto voice. There's no way I'd mistake a cat for the heroine. "--]

[--" Wow, this is actually really comfortable. Like, this is amazing. I understand why people

Want to love their cats 'til they go bald. "--]

" So it's bubby no wonder... Though, the boy's mouth are sure bold, in fact. "

Commented the Little librarian with both sense of dishonor and envy towards the clueless boy, It felt within her a bit jealously of something she gravely desired to do or received after seeing her Spiritual brother on the novel's cover.

So reading the boy received a fluffy

lap pillow from her brother in the book cause a little desperation within her and the boy's reaction afterwards? She was undoubtedly disappointed with the boy named 'Natsuki Subaru'.

It appeared that her brother's concern and kindness had been in vain, leading her to a disheartening conclusion. Her impression of the Japanese otherworldly oddly decreased.

[--" well, if you're going to be this happy about it. I guess it was really worth super-sizing... Don't you think so too? "--]

[--" Umm... I'm sorry about all of this, It look like you ended up staying here with me until I woke up, and--]

[-- " Don't get any ideas about this. The only reason I stayed is because I still have some question to ask you, if it weren't for that, I would have left you behind, I mean it so don't get any ideas. "--]

The librarian eyes widened a little after reading somewhat childish line of the elf, an unexpected expression form into her face, almost like her expection hasn't met, what she early anticipated towards her brother contactor.

No, most of this still be delusional... it's to early to stablish abstracts base on this line alone. Hunched Beatrice abolishing the doubtful thoughts that plunge her mind.

[--" the reason I healed your woulds, and the reason I had puck serve as a pillow until you woke up--all of that was for me. So I'm going

to have you make it up to me, Ok? "--]

Beatrice frozen solid, blinking in bewilderment, helding tightly the impression that her brother won't acknowledged someone with little traces of naivety.

Her thoughts begin of mixture of complications and confusion deeply wonder  what's more special about this elf that even her brother who hold the title of the Beast of The End would bowed upon her feet.

Appearance? Race? or maybe...

' what occurred back then? ' the loli pondered slightly disturbed something she thought about despite giving it her a headache even just the mere thought of it.

[--" I know you're trying to build this up and everything, but if you just have something to ask, go right ahead. "--]

After reading the boy's words, Beatrice found herself in agreement, although her impression of him remained low. Even the Mathers' clown ranked higher on her list, despite her distaste for the 'Hector' wannabe.

[--" I'm not asking, I'm commanding, You Know something about my stolen badge, didn't you? "--]

Looking upon the elf's line in confusion Beatrice quickly put the pieces together as an expression of realization embodied on her adorable cute face.

" ' scoff ' Betty's admit the book's plot, is impressive, a suspicion encounter, i suppose... seems likely isn't simple. "

Highly praised by the 395-year-old loli, she felt slighted by her lack of perspective on different positions, as her attention was solely focused on her brother Puck in the book.

She disregarded anything irrelevant to him, including the book's intended contents. However, in her defense, 'Why should she care about something else that doesn't interest her?'

The fact that she even picked up and opened the mysterious book that appeared out of nowhere already demonstrated curiosity and generosity befitting a noble being, despite the risk.

Returning to the task at hand, Beatrice continued from where she left off, now in a state of renewed focus.

[--" You didn't hit your head real hard or anything while I was passed out, did you? "--]

[-- " You were only out for about ten minutes, and no. nothing like that happened. Answer my Question. "--]

[-- " Well... If that's the case, I've got to say I really don't know. Ha- ha. "--]

[-- " Well, if you don't know, you don't know. But the fact that you absolutely nothing itself

is information you have provided to me, and enough for me to justify healing you, "--]

It took Beatrice a few moments to fully comprehend the implications of her brother contractor's words.

She chose not to dwell on it, brushing aside the momentary distraction. Her facial expression briefly flickered with disappointment, but it quickly returned to its usual state as she continued to delve deeper into the novel's content.

[--" Well, I'm in a hurry, so I'm going to get going now, Your wounds should all be healed,

and I threatened those other guys so much I doubt they'll go near you again, but it's still dangerous to enter an alley like this all alone.

Oh, and I'm not saying this because I'm worried about you, this is a warning: if i see you in a similar situation again, there won't be any merit to me saving you, so you can't expect me to do so again. "--]

[--" I'm sorry about that, she not really honest

with herself, Don't think too strangely of her, okay? "--]

" They'll really know each other... but How long? I wonder. "

Uttered by the little librarian her tone which can be describe as downhearted with small pieces of envy.

Her adorable face hard as she skip some impractical contents of the book.( Much to the author's relief. )

[--without once looking back, the girl continue to walk.--]

[--She had something stolen from her,--]

[--" She's not really honest with herself. "--]

[--" If you live like that, you're just going to keep losing until there's nothing left, "--]

[--Again Subaru was reminded of the otherworldliness of magic.--]

[--" hey, Wait! " Subaru called ou--]

[-- " What's is it? I'm going to tell you right now, I onl--]

[--' " Anyway, what you lost is really important, right? Let me help you look for it. "--]

[-- " But you said you don't know anything... "--]

[-- " It's true that I don't know the name of the girl Who stolen that badge from you, or where

She's from, but at least I know what she looks like!  She got blond, is sort of a little a kitten, and has this canine tooth that sticks out that's hard  to miss, She's shorter than you and her chest is pretty flat so she's maybe two or three years younger than you! How about that! "--]

[--" .... You're strange, "--]

As she read back and forth, her Butterfly shape eyes can't help but narrowed slightly suspicion of the supposedly fateful encounter,(setup) between the resemblance of the calamity and the suppose Japanese otherworldly.

her lips curled into a thin line, a mix of emotions played across her adorable face. Though she maintained a neutral expression, but her mind was not calm. Thoughts swirled within her, a tumultuous blend of intrigue, confusion, and agitation.

The lines she had just read had stirred something deep within her. especially the prologue chapter she read moment ago.

yet, despite the inner turmoil, she remained composed. as she further read into the unknown.

[--" I should say up front that I can't offer you anything in return for your help. I might not look, but I don't have a copper piece on me. "--]

[--" Don't worry, that makes two of us. "--]

[--" three of us, If you count me... Pretty terrible for us as a group, "--]

[--" I don't need anything in the thanks, I'm the one who should thank you. That's Why I want to help. "--]

[--" if that's the case, then I'll help you for my own sake, the reason is... Yeah that's it, I'll use you for my 'one good deed a day' project! "--]

[--" One good deed a day? "--]

[--" That's right, Once a day you do one good thing. If you do that, after you die you've got a one-way--]

" He... Just wanted to make a reason to stay with her... Don't tell betty this boy have mischiefing motives, i wonder... Though if bubby is really what been describe by the book then is ambiguous in fact. "

Speculate by the girl in red dress, pondering the real motives of the boy...

'If this is truly what the silly girl looks like, then why isn't this boy scared? Has he not heard about the Witch of Envy?... Wait!'

As Beatrice was deep in thought, a sudden thunder strike jolted her, triggering a vivid recollection of what she had read just four minutes ago about the boy's origin.

'born on "Earth" The "Third plant" in the "solar system"'

Beatrice recalled that special line, she pondered the true meaning of the words and the connection between them. Unfortunately, no matter how much she delved into her 395 years of knowledge, she could can't theorize a possible and Reasonable outcome...

This realization opened up a new path of knowledge, waiting to be discovered. Her grip on the book tightened as her lips trembled slightly, her eyes burning with pure curiosity and caution.

' I wondered what mother would say about this,' she thought a little sad and curious As she continued to read the enigmatic book.

( Elsewhere a woman in white sniff slightly as she sip some chai-tea. ) [ An Indian Spider-

man variant from the spiderverse suddenly felt irked for whatever reason. ] 

[--" I don't sense any evil intentions from him,and I don't really think it's a bad idea, you know? With how large the Capital is, it's way  better than going on no clue at all."--]

[--" but if I get him involved..."--]

[--" You're cute when you're stubborn, but it's foolish to let your stubbornness get the best of you and make you lose sight of your goals, I'd really rather no think of my own master as a fool."--]

As she read, lost in a state of contemplation, she began to imagine a scenario where her brother commended her for her unwavering stubbornness.

A slight faint smile graced her face, but it quickly faded as logical thoughts took hold. Realizing the silliness of her imagination, she forcefully compelled herself to dismiss those thoughts from her mind. ( Another sign for her internal loneliness. ) 

[--" Plus, th sun is starting to set, If night falls,

I won't be able to help you, I'm worried  about you handing a thug or two, but... It's better to be safe than sorry. "--]

[--" well, it's sounds like you're the one to call if  there's danger! But, wait--according to what you said, you can't come out at night? Is that one of the deals of your contract or something? "--]

Beatrice ignored the Japanese boy's intrusiveness as she too was curious, about her bother contract despite may seems breaching off privacy.

It's quite absurd, but she had already done it - once she opened the novel, which she did.

[--" it's more like, I may look cute, but I'm a spirit, you know? I used a lot of mana just by materializing, when night falls, I return to the Crystal that is my vessel and prepare for when the sun is out again. I suppose you could say it's the perfect nine-to five job."--]

[--" Nine to five? That's sounds like a government Job... The condition to hire a spirit sound more severe than i expected..."--]

As the little loli read their exchange, a mix of curiosity and skepticism filled within her. Regarding her brother, she couldn't help but wonder about the practicality of his "nine-to-five" analogy and the underlying reasons behind it. Although that reason simply vanish after truly understanding what her brother said later on.

For the Japanese boy on the other hand she found it comparison amusing, yet it also left the loli slightly perplexed. However, she didn't dwell on it for long, swiftly flipping the page after finishing all it dialogues.

[--" What is the meaning of this? "--]

[--" Even with all of my experience, I never thought that it would be this difficult... "--]

[--" You seem to have a really high opinion of yourself, but I haven't seen anything from you

To prove it. No matter how you slice it. Things aren't going well? "--]

[--" Nobody says, 'no matter how you slice it,'  anymore... "--]

Finding no further noteworthy contents or specific events about the two naive individuals, one elf and one human unfamiliar with their surroundings,-( mostly about the boy's weird perspective )-Beatrice read throughout all of it silently, maintaining a focused mind.

However, she did find herself wondering about her brother's whereabouts in all of this. She admitted that it was challenging to visualize something rather than witnessing it with her own eyes.

[--" for some reason our word and writing are mutually understood!"--]

Then her eyes landed on that line where the Japanese boy noted the similarity Language between them.

' interesting' she mentality mused, a hint of curiosity in her thought, eventually she quickly moved onto the continuing to read further into the unknown novel.

[--" Still, Why do you have to raise the difficult like that on me...? The world's not kind at all."--]

The loli's initial interest slowly transformed into an irksome feeling. She couldn't help but think that the boy's foolish mindset would ultimately lead to his dismise if he continued to treat his situation as a mere game.

The beating he received from those hooligans seemed futile, and it would become even more perilous for him if he didn't change his perspective.

Despite recognizing the boy's childish fantasies, she admitted it's challenging to teach him the harsh realities of life in this world

Moreover, she didn't particularly care if he ended up getting beaten up again.

Her primary focus remained on her brother  and his contractor, consuming most of her attention and concern, Mostly true and false either same way.

[--" Wonder what she's doing..."--]

[--" Oh, that? She's communicating with the lesser spirits. "--]

[--" I thought that hadn't seen you in a while, but you hadn't gone home or anything, were here the whole time? "--]

[--" there's still a bit of time left before I have to go, unlike those minor spirits she's talking to, I taking my job seriously. "--]

The little librarian stare at her brother line, slightly curious for the reason behind that proclamation.

did they really created a strong bond with each other?  Beatrice thought (Frozen-Bond) both happy and jealous for some complicated reasons.

[--" well that quite honorable of you... But, what are those uh.... Lesser spirits again? "--]

[--Going by the name, I suppose they're a rank down from regular spirit?--]

[--" lesser spirits arw being that, in a state prior to becoming real spirits, start to develop some knowledge. IF, over time, they gain power and self-aware-ness, they'll become spirits like me. "--]

Unconsciously nodding in agreement as her brother lectured the clueless foreigner about spirits, she displayed a slightly sad smug face while flipping the page.

In the process, she didn't find the following dialogues particularly interesting, so she simply summarized them, skipping over the irrelevant details and other things she didn't fully understand.

Most of the blame could be attributed to the book's strange and unusual phrases and paraphrasing, which were very uncommon in this world.

Nevertheless, she took note of it, thinking it might be useful in the future.

[--" Wow! That's so cool!! Are all of these glowing things spirit? "--]

[--" Oh, look at that. They're panicking. "--]

[--" just look at what you did! They're gone! What are you going to do about this? "--]

[--" Ah... Um... I'm Sorry! It was my first time seeing spirits like this that and I got a little excited. I mean, it didn't look like they were dangerous or anything. "--]

[--" it's only safe because I had them under control, if you had down that to an inexperienced spirit mage, it would have been

awful. In the worst case, the spirit could have gone berserk and BAM! "--]

A brief flash of amusement crossed upon the little girl's face, finding the fact that the use of 'BAM' at the end wasn't exactly as helpful as the novel had described.

However, she was on the side with the girl even though, she was jealous of her in some special direction. and not likely she would be in the side of the Japanese boy to begin with.

"Pretty much a deflated tale, I suppose. Its obvious that this unique (idiot) human is the protagonist, infact,"

Her exasperated statement echoed in the quiet library, followed by the flipping of a book's page.

"To think Bubby was used for this, just to get Betty's attention,(mercy) I suppose."

Her brows furrowed twice as her face formed a somewhat angry and cute expression, while her eyes remained fixed on the continuation.

[-- " Oh, come on. There's no way those little sparkly things could be dangerous. Do you really expect me to believe that? "--]

A little bit of irritation itch upon Beatrice's adorable face reading once again a very offensive line from the supposed Japanese boy.

[--" well, to put it one way, "-- " I may look pretty cute... But it would only take two seconds for me to turn you into a pile of dust "--]

And that was something the young girl gladly wanted to witness under different circumstances, or perhaps just biased towards a specific person, namely a spirit. This spirit also happened to be her brother, Spiritual.

[--" damn, spirit are scary!!! "--]

'It should be' the librarian thought proud and mighty as she carried on into the unknown tale.

[--" I would never use puck for something like that. If i were going to violet with you, I'd handle you myself... Ugh, it really looks like they aren't going to answer me anymore. "--]

[--" I suppose It's not helpful to ask this after the spirit have already gone. But what is it exactly that you were trying to do? " ]

[--" I was trying to see if I could get any  information from them about what I'm looking for. They disappeared before I was able to ask, though. "--]

The loli paused, her gaze fixed on a particular line as she pondered. In that moment, a picture of a blonde rat thief she had saw earlier flashed through her mind.

"To someone as bubbly's contractor, this silly girl is quite dumb, I suppose,"

Beatrice confidently remarked, knowing really the reason behind it, disappointment and resentment evident in her expression.

(Farther north from the Mathers estate, in a specific and mysterious frozen forest, an unknown silver hair girl sneezed, feeling as though someone was speaking about her in a less than favorable manner.)

However, her focus remained unwavering as she once again noticed that most of the following dialogue revolved around the two characters exchanging names and (only Subaru's) talks, which she deemed irrelevant. She decided to skip most of it, until...

[--" ha, i was waiting for you to ask that question, Given this trope, I'll have to say I come from a small country to the east. "--]

Her Irish twinkle transients in a moment,as she became intrigued and curious about another information regarding the Japanese boy's origin.

She had already dismissed the notion that he was from the Great Waterfall, as the boy had been incessantly talking or thinking being teleported or traversing into different dimensions, or whatever silly ideas he had about his predicament.

Although, again her impression about him is still low. ( But if might change somewhat, in fact she may even regret just thinking about it ? )

[--" if you look at a map of the continent, Lugunica is the country farthest to the east, so... There's no country to the east here. "--]

[--" what are you serious? We're at the ends of the east?! So does this make this country my long-yearned-Zipang. "--]

It will very likely just to ignored the last part, as The Great Spirit frowned slightly at the unfamiliar term, but quickly dismissed it not really surprised by the occasional unknown references.

She continued on her reading, but a small curiosity lingered within her. "What is this 'long-yearned-Zipang'?" she wondered silently. (Note: same here.)

[--" So you don't know where you are, you don't have any money, you can't read, and you have no one you can count on. I'm starting to think you're worse off than I am..."--]

" Precisely I suppose, an obvious first glace, in fact "

the librarian spoke in a detached manner, After reading the subsequent lines, the blonde librarian began to discern certain characteristics of the elf's true personality.

However, the certainty of the book's legitimacy still remains uncertain, leaving Beatrice, the great spirit, without a definitive answer. She slightly pondered the question, unable to provide a clear response.

[-- " taking another look at you, you actually look like you're in a pretty good shape, Um... Uh... Subaru. "--]

[-- " huh? Oh, Yep. Subaru. That's my name. "

[-- " I do strength training every day, since I'm almost always cooped up in my room, I've got to do at least that much to stay in shape. "--]

[--" I don't really get what you mean by 'cooped up in your room,' but you're from a high-ranking family, aren't you? Weren't you taught some sort of martial arts? "--]

Beatrice just 'meh' at the elf's words.

considering she read how the boy's willingly throw away he's pride in the face of danger.

Albiet she cannot be sure about it, since there's various factors and cheap reasons cause, why the fight between The Foreigner boy and three local hooligans turn into something like bullying.

While the topic about the Japanese boy's background may seem disinterested on the outside. The loli can't confidently say that it didn't piqued her curiosity. 

Will mostly the thing interested her about him we're his origin and the place he came from, nothing else. ( or is it? )

[--" I'm actually from an extremely originary middle-class family, but... What makes you think I'm from a high-class family? Do I exude some refined air of Nobility? "--]

[--" well, you do have a bit of a curious air to you, at least. "--]

Beatrice somewhat agreed with that, even though she still perceived a sense of naivety about him.

Deep down, she admitted that his behavior might be understandable, considering the boy was abruptly and unexpectedly teleported or summoned into a new environment, as both his thoughts and the book described.

What she couldn't quite comprehend was why she felt irritated every time the boy did or thought something foolish or perplexing.

It wasn't as if she was concerned about the boy's well-being... However, she couldn't hide her worries and troubles every time she recalled what she had read a moment ago.

(time travel' via his own death)

[--" it's also these fingers of yours, but yours skin and hair are part of it as well. These aren't the hands of a commoner, and your muscles don't look like the product of hard labor. "--]

[--" black hair and dark(brown)eyes, I hear that is common trait of the refugees from the south, but the fact that you are here in Lugunica with those traits means that you are able to live a life of luxury, Also. The craftsmanship of these Strange clothes of yours is magnificent... So, have I got it right? "--]

Now that it's brought up, she realizes that she hasn't truly seen what the boy looks like. Most of her impressions are based on descriptions from the book.

She could easily skim through much of the lengthy dialogue and potentially stumble upon some images of the boy. However, for some reason, she hesitates to take such a step.

To be precise, it's fair to say that she doesn't want to spoil anything intriguing. She finds value in understanding all of it one piece at a time.

Not mention she didn't lack time, her patient though is fragile. The only resisting it was puck her brother in the book.

[--" if you're asking me whether you're wrong or you are right... Youre absolutely wrong, but is there any way I can say it so you won't get hurt? "--]

[--" If I'm wrong, just tell me I'm wrong, If you don't, it's just going to be more embarrassing for me. "--]

[--As Subaru watched her go silent, he thought about how he was going to explain where he came from--]

[--he could just say, "I'm a loser who was Summoned from another world! " But given the precedent set by fantasy fiction about other worlds, that would open the gates for him to labeled as someone who was wrong in the head,--]

As the dialogues unfolded, Beatrice fought the urge to chuckle as she read about the boy's problematic predicament, as described in the novel.

However, she found much of the subsequent content to be uninteresting and of little benefit, with only two ignorant fools engaging in pointless conversation. Without a second thought, the librarian skipped over much of it. Nevertheless, she did take note of something noteworthy, albeit to a lesser extent.

[--" You don't have to think that hard about it, 

you know? If it's something you can't talk about, I won't question you any further. "--]

[-- " but... Really, this isn't looking very good. "--]

[-- " What am I, am idiot? Well, yeah. I am a idiot. Just what have I been doing all this time... "--]

[--" Subaru? "--]

[-- " I have a few things that I want to check with you, it's that ok? "--]

[-- " Um... okay, yeah. Go right ahead. "--]

Her analytical eyes scanned the pages back and forth, while she allowed herself to relax slightly in her seat. After reading every word the novel had to offer.

she flipped the page, her pace gradually slowing down as she stumbled upon intriguing lines. With a thin line forming on her lips, she read those lines a bit slower, savoring their depth and meaning.

[-- " I was just thinking... I know your cat's name now, but I don't think you ever told me your name, ha-ha. "--]

that the boy mentioned it, she also realized that she didn't actually know the elf's name. Her brother, Puck, had once referred to her as Lia in the book.

understanding that it might just be a nickname or an alias that her brother had given the elf, causing the lolita to immediately disregard it.

So, the blonde Loli continued to read further, her eyes scanning the text with curiosity about the elf's name, until...

[--"... Satella. "--]

Her butterfly-shaped eyes stared upon that name, a name that most people would consider a curse.

It was a name that many wished never to hear in their lifetime, and now... that name... was being used by the elf... The name of The Witch of Envy, the calamity that once destroyed half of the world.

[-- "I don't have a last name, so you can call me Satella." --]

Beatrice felt a chill run down her Spiritual spine. Her insides pounded in her chest, the rhythm echoing the gravity of the name she just read.

Her mind raced, grappling with the implications of the elf's declaration. The library seemed to darken a bit, the her grip on the book losses a bit with the weight of that name she just read, Satella.

" What in Od lagna... is Inside of these elf's head? I wonder? "

Deadpan the great spirit leaving a bitterness taste both her mouth and mind , additional the feeling disturbed which resulted to her steadily stared at the elf's introduction line for a while.

'using that name.... That literally she resemble... Are you insa-' instantly Beatrice concerning thought stopped as she realized something. or accurate realize what Happening to her.

The great spirit broke the stare, as she move on, feeling self-conscious uncertainty, both with the book and herself.

[--" ... That's in really bad taste, you know, "--]

Beatrice unconsciously nodded as her brother, Puck, finished the last sentence of Part 7, Chapter 1. Her narrowed eyes reflected the patience and apprehension she felt, evident in her body language.

After her slightly shaken form Steadily for a few seconds regaining her complex thoughts, she continued.

To be continued... (Hopefully)




Re: Prophecy: Beatrice Knowing the future from zero.


Special Note: I'm just sharing my thoughts about a Re:Zero fanfiction. It's more challenging to try writing it than imagining it in my head.

Note 1 : a little slowly of the story's progress right? Well yeah, I noticed that too. Combining School duties, and four (Fanfiction projects) and plot lining, things are complex as combining physics and math.

Note 2 : this chapter was original the final part of simple desire, unfortunately I cut it half for plot porpoises or something between those lines. (Half lie is just I have a limit of my chapters length 4500-5000 words)

Note 3 : most of Beatrice here are based of my understanding of her character so, I apologise if something it's was out of character of her between her reactions or thoughts.

Loli_beatrice_II out.