
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
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59 Chs

Finally going home

Chantel waited at the car park with Adiepena and Cynthia. They were waiting for Roger, Chantel's driver, to come pick her home. She had already informed her parents about coming home for the vacation and her parents were so happy about it. As she stood there at the car park, they saw someone running towards them. It was Kevin. Chantel was very surprised to see him there. She walked over to him, and he hugged her immediately when both of them got closer to each other.

Kevin was panting very heavily and Chantel wondered how long he had been running. "How come you are here today? You did not tell me you will be here." Chantel said after they had broken the hug.

"I came because I wanted to say goodbye to you before you leave to be with your parents again. I almost thought you had left." Kevin breathed in.

"That's so sweet of you, Kevin. Well, it's good you are here, because I was beginning to miss you."

Kevin hugged her again and walked with her to join the girls. "Hello girls," he greeted them.


"Hello, Kevin. Hope you are good?" Adiepena asked.

"I am actually, thanks for asking Adiepena. Hope you are good, too?"

"I am well, by God's grace."

"What about you, Cynthia?"

"Huh? Oh, I am fine. Thanks," Cynthia smiled at him.

Kevin smiled back and turned to Chantel. "I am happy I have been able to catch up with you before you left. I actually wanted to give you this."

He put his hand in his pocket and brought out a necklace. "It's not expensive but, I bought it for you because I wanted you to know how much I love you."

"Oh Kevin. This is so nice. Thank you so much for your gift. You know, I don't care if it is not expensive. As long as it came from your heart, I am fine with it."

"Can I put it around your neck?" Kevin held the necklace towards her and Chantel turned around. Kevin put the necklace on her neck and locked it. Chantel turned around again and faced Kevin. She raised the necklace a bit to have a view of it.

"It's beautiful. Thank you," Chantel said, looking happy. The necklace was simple and had a thunder bolt as the locket. It looked white, a little bit silvery. Even though it was not expensive, Chantel was happy with it. The small gesture from Kevin just warmed her heart.

"I am curious though. What is the meaning of the thunder bolt locket? I bet it means something," Chantel asked him.

"The thunder Bolt means that the love I have for you is as strong and fierce as the bolt. Nothing can ever stand what I feel for you," Kevin explained.

Cynthia and Adiepena just stood aside, watching the love birds, as they talked like they were in a world of their own. Cynthia kept rolling her eyes and shaking her head, as Adiepena just watched the two, as they talked and laughed.

"I love you so much, Kevin. And thank you once again for the gift."

"I love you too, my beautiful Chantel. I am going to really miss you."

"I am just going to be away for two weeks. And I will be calling you from time to time. So, I am sure you won't miss me that much."

"It is not the same as having you here, Chantel. Can I hug you, one last time?"

Chantel nodded. Kevin hugged her tight, then kissed the crook of her neck. Chantel felt so many different feelings when Kevin did that and giggled. After what seemed like eternity, Kevin finally let go off her.

"Well, I better get going now. Call me as soon as you get home, alright?"

Chantel nodded. "I will call you as soon as I get home, I promise."

Kevin smiled at her and pulled away from her a little to speak with Cynthia and Adiepena.

"I am leaving now, girls. I am sorry I hijacked your friend like that. I will see you girls some other time," he said.

"Alright Kevin. Thank you for coming. And please have a safe journey back to your school," Adiepena replied.

"Thanks. Good bye my darling," he held Chantel's hands as she looked in her eyes.

"Good bye, Kev." he finally let go of her hands slowly and began to walk away from her. He turned one last time and waved at her and Chantel waved back. Kevin smiled at her one last time and left. Chantel sighed deeply, and walked towards her friends.

"Eeii, lover girl. Have you finally finished enjoying your love talks with Kevin?" Cynthia mocked her.

Chantel smiled shyly. "Come on, Cynthia. He only came to give me this necklace. Isn't it beautiful? I can't believe he is so thoughtful."

"It is beautiful. I am kind of surprised he appeared here today, though. Well, that's nice of him to bring you this nice gift."Adiepena said.

As the girls were talking, a car drove by them. Chantel turned and saw that the driver of the car was Roger. She ran to him when he packed the car and got down. Chantel quickly hugged him happily, while he laughed at her giddiness.

"You look so happy. What's gotten into you?" Roger laughed.

"I am so happy to see you, Uncle Roger. It's been so long since I last saw or heard from you. That's why I am so happy to see you now."

"Good then. Because, I am also happy to see you. By the way, I hope you are ready to go?" Roger asked.

"Yes, I am. My bag is over there with my friends. Come, let's go meet them," Chantel dragged Roger over to where the girls were standing.

When they got to the girls, Roger greeted them and the girls responded. He looked at Cynthia, with a look on his face then brightened up.

"You are the girl who came to meet us the first time I brought Miss  Chantel here. How are you doing, dear?"

"I am fine sir."

"And this is Adiepena," Chantel said, pointing to Adiepena.

"How are you also doing?"

"I am fine thank you, sir."

"So, girls. We are leaving now. I will call you as soon as I get home. Adiepena has her phone with her, right?"

Both girls nodded. Chantel hugged both of them. "I am going to miss you both very much. Please take care of yourselves, okay?"

"Sure. Take care of yourself, also. We will meet in two weeks." Adiepena said.

"Don't forget to call us, okay?" Cynthia said.

"I won't. Goodbye girls." Chantel picked up her travelling back and followed Roger back to the car as she waved at the two girls.