
Prolonged Timeline

A kid who finds the simple in every day life struggles with the becoming of past and future, all driving him more off the edge to insanity.

Deamonz · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

"Wake up Maggot." said an ominous voice. My eyes not registered to the world yet, I was very confused. My back is also in agonizing pain from the bed I've awoken on. Many distant voices in the background, I get up swiftly and move my back to the wall just in case I have to defend myself. My eyes fasten to reality, I find myself in a compound along with a variety of others. Weak, young, built, middle-aged. A cup tossed towards me full of water meets my face drenching me head to hip. "That oughta do it." The man who was next to me chuckled. Four men crowd around me, darkening the light that was once upon me. "We just saved your ass, if you weren't up the sergeant would have you." A decent build with brown slicked back hair man said snarkly "I say the hell with him. Come on lets make our cots before we're the sergeant meat." "Don't worry about him, he's as scared as any of us. When he's scared is when his masculinity really shows, kinda ironic huh? Oh, pardon me ha ha. My name is Mark, The slicked back hair scaredy cat over there is Klein, The other two you saw are practically the same person but there names are Arthur and Glenn-" abruptly interrupted by a loud voice.

"On your feet! I don't know how your moms raised you but I'm your mother now. Only exception is that I don't care if you cry. Now we have training ladies!" while maniacally moving his hands together. We end up in lines, with our differing heights we all looked like a 2D mountain. Since my back was in pain I looked like a hunchback, That had to be fixed before someone saw it and I was excluded and looked at differently then the others. Once we got outside it was perfect. The sun just coming out, moist air that kissed your skin once out there. A beautiful green field that you could see for miles. In the line of men we came up to tables of pistols and a belt of magazines that held four per side. Then on layed rows of metal targets that stretched back farther for more distance. We were using pistols, so they didn't reach too far. Once I found myself at the table there were only two types, all American made. The M1911 and the M1917 revolver. When I would hunt with my friends we brought pistols and I knew the knock back of the revolver, I chose the 1911 because its light and easier to use. I got down on one knee once at the barrier and held steady whilst controlling my breathing. My finger pointed forward til I was ready to strike the trigger. I press the safety off and pull the trigger. It got jammed. I unjam it and try again, I focus my breathing and press the safety off and pull the trigger. I got a dead-on headshot, I was shocked. I've always remembered I was accurate but I thought I was out of practice. "Nice shot, I've already missed 4 and I got 4 left. Wish me luck lad." Klein said. I shot 7 more times, all but one hit the target. Once I got the target back the bullet holes were all in major artery points that would be lethal on a man.

Two years of training later. We set sail for the battleground, men cramped elbow to elbow. It's very dark and dusty, with all the men in there it was hot and sweaty so it stunk of body odor, I didn't dare to breathe through my nose. Red lights lit up the dark boat, with a decently loud alarm. Doors to the boat open very slowly letting in more gracious light but what we did not know it would be some of our last. " See you on the other side" said Mark while fist bumping me. Soon as the door came down enough for men to be exposed, they were decimated, plunging into the water. I make a dive for the water so it would be harder to be hit. Waiting for the moment to rise up, A lifeless body crashed down on top of me interrupting my breath hold. I had to rush up for air. I just needed the perfect time to go up and then back down and make my way to land. I gathered 3 bodies and made a triangle so I can go in the middle to get a breather and have cover while doing so. On one of the bodies a picture fell out and landed on my arm underwater. I brought my arm up enough to look at it and I saw his family. A wife holding their baby and their son in between the mom and The man in front of me. They looked so happy. I couldn't help but wonder what the wife will do when officers show up at her door. The thoughts dissipate quickly because a bullet flew into one of the barriers of men I created and almost hit me. I catch my breath and dive back down, swimming towards land for more cover. Through the bullets diving into the water I made it to land. I only had to pistol whip two guards who weren't paying attention to the surroundings before them. I didnt wanna kill, so knocking unconscious was the next best thing. Half a mile up after arriving on land I navigate in the freshly handmade tunnels to find any information I can. In the two years of training I decided to take the language course and I learned a good bit of german. I reach a three way intersection with two more guards holding their posts. I duck down and take cover and pick up some pebbles from the ground and throw it behind me to attract them. Something came over me that I couldn't control and once the guard passed me I took my knife and hauled it into the back of his throat. The other guard saw and I rolled attempting to dodge any bullets, I pulled out my gun and shot him in the leg and walked over to him and snapped his neck. I reach the path and look and contemplate my decisions. On the right there was an underground control room and on the left was up to the surface. I knew everywhere I went would be a soldier but info was more important so I went right. I reached upon a big metal door that was slightly open but enough for me to slip through quietly. I thought the room would have men occupying it but there was no one. I closed the door and went to the radio and the documents layed there in front of it. The radio repeated the same verse "Wir greifen frühmorgens an, wir greifen spätabends an. lass es angst sein Viva hitler." If you didn't know what that meant it roughly translated to "We attack early morning, we attack late night. Let there be fear, Viva hitler." A file caught my eye. It was very thick and had an ashtray resting on top of it. The first couple pages had blacklines over words so I couldn't understand but as the papers went on it had american army records. Me being the first up with a high recommendation by my ranking officers, all the way down to the hard heads who never wanted to listen. All soldiers were accounted for except for one. Klein. The nice build, slicked back brown haired guy. Was he the one that leaked this information or does he even exist at all. Come to think of it, I never even saw him on the boat. Two men knock on the door and enter an empty room, they shrug and talk amongst themselves then make their exit closing the door. I hid behind the door with the file in hand, stuffing it on my left side. I pick up my pistol and also make my exit. I head the way I came just in case my team didnt advance as far as me. It was a smooth walk, until I turned the corner. A sergeant and a row of 10 men investigating the bodies I had left behind. I have to turn around and go into the unknown. Above ground in that intersection. Just before I reach the entrance of the outside men trample past on their way to their posts. I must find a disguise, but if I do that I could be shot by my own people. Screw it. I ran out and slit the throat of the closest German soldier, my team wasn't that far behind so they cover fired for me. We ended up getting surrounded and ambushed. We fended off as best we could, half my team gone and the other half retreated. I pretend to ragdoll to the ground as if I've been harmed and killed. The soldiers bought my fake act! Once gone, I had a moment of not knowing what to do but my mind was still thinking about how I was even alive. I started to laugh, it was funny and I wasn't even laughing that loud I thought. Last thing I can recollect is seeing a German soldier standing over me and then knocking me unconscious with his rifle stock. My hands are tied and so are my legs. My mouth is dry and a burlap sack over my face.