
Project Zombie Apocalypse

Daro, a teenager on his 19s had a surprise, when after scaping his home town from a gang, a zombie apocalypse starts, however, before passing out, "world downloading" was visible in his eyes, follow Daro as he tries to survive and uncover the mysteries that his reality may hide.

inoffensivePigeon · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: sneaky attack

The figure had a blue uniform and white pale skin, he could be considered handsome if it wasn't for the blood all around him and a large chunk of his cheeks missing, showing what used to be a roll of perfect white teeth now full of blood and flesh, reacting fast he put the fire axe in front of him and the infected mouth only to be pushed to the bus floor with the bus driver on top of him. The infected was biting unstoppably on the axe handle trying to reach for Daro, however with Daros strength he rolled to the side and got on top of the bus driver and quickly hit him with the fire axe. Now full of blood and gore, he stood up, grabbed the axe that was now firmly stuck into the man's head, got his backpack that he had with him and left the bus. He looked around and found out that the slow ones were now slowly chasing after the other 3 survivors, who only backed away, seeming to be too scared to approach. In a normal situation Daro wouldn't care about their fates since they wouldn't care about his either, however he would probably need help considering what he saw on the news, so he went back into the bus and got three other fire axes, and gesturing for the survivors to go to him, he waited. The survivors seemed to be hesitant considering his bloodied appearance but realising that they had no other choice, ran around the infected to his direction. Upon getting close Daro only gave the axes to them and after saying "aim for the head" he started stripping from his bloodied clothes. Cleaning himself as best as he could using an old grey t-shirt, and getting changed, he went back and saw that most infected had been dealt with, with the exemption of a young asian girl that seemed to be shaking uncontrollably and still backing away from the infected, after the old black lady dealt with her last one, she went and helped the asian lady finishing off the infected with surprising agility considering her old age. Daro nodded to himself thinking that the old black lady would be useful and sat on the floor. Once the adrenaline wore off he realised how tired he was, the earlier tension, 4 infected chasing after him lunging and dropping on the floor and getting into the fight with the bus driver took their toll on his body and he found himself out of breath with pain all around his body. The other survivors got closer to him and he asked the asian girl for his axe back since she clearly wouldn't need it, the sarcasm in his voice must have angered the girl, but handed it nevertheless. They all sat in a circle formation and he came to know the name of the survivors, "my name is Adalia poku and im 47" the black woman said, her voice surprisingly cheerful considering the situation, "Yotome Akura and i'm 19" the asian girl said once her voice stopped shaking, "Roberto Sanches, and im 28" a slightly tanned man said, he looked broad and had a little mustache, compared with his luxurious clothing he seemed to fit pretty well with the stereotype of a drug lord. Daro was lost in thought about how weird this group was and how funny Roberto looked that he didn't realise that they all were looking at him, "what about you son", Adalia said, with a tender and sweet voice, typical to grandmas that he broke out of his stupor, "Daro, 19" he said sharply and shortly granting another grunt from Yotome, after the introductions they spoke about this unbelievable situation and what to do next with Daro mostly staying quiet, eventually deciding to take the bus and go to the next town