

" If it wasn't for my love of exploration , I would have killed myself five years ago " (Reading this synopsis, you're going to think it's another novel about transportation to another world, and the mc is going to get bitches and live with happiness and make friends and something like that, but TRUST ME, IT'S NOT.) "PROJECT ZESTA: The Lord of Chaos" is about a mentally ill and unstable young man. When Kayne was about to turn 15, an accident made him forget all his memories, leaving him to face a completely strange world with no friends, no family, no dreams, and no hope. All he remembered was his own name. Years passed and when Kayne reached the age of 19 and entered university, all his expectations about the world burned, leaving him with more mental illnesses and a fucked life experience. The only source of joy he found was in reading novels and fantasy stories that let him wish and dream about being transported to another world, where just maybe, he could find his true identity. Kayne wakes up one morning at 3am from the nightmares he always has when he forgets to take his medicine. He think it's just another long night he’ll have to spend alone in his dark apartment, but surprisingly, Kayne gets sent to another world. In that world, Kayne will go through a lot of events that change both his mentality and his view toward life but not in a good way. As Kayne goes through different experiences and meets other people, he's going to find himself killing and destroying himself from the inside. After reading my novel, chapter by chapter, you’ll realize that the MC is neither a villain nor a hero; he just wants to find his true identity from before losing his memories and try to live his life.

Potato_Big · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

chapter 17 : pure blood

Chapter 17

After the girl shouted out a wave of huge bats came out from the inside of the cave making both her and Kaynee in a hard situation because they ended surrounded

" Another change in the plan we have to fight" Kayne held the metal sword that was in his waist and prepared himself to fight "come on fuckers I need more points" kayne with Greed in his eyes yelled while holding his sword in the sky

"It's the worst fucking time to appear at least wait until my dear points get Distributed " kayne said while gritting his teeth and looking toward the girl who was confused and disappointed because of something " but the problem is I can't fight them and they're flying , I don't know what to do " kayne said while scratching his head

And then the bats started to swell and their necks that were covered with hair looked like it was going to explode when the swelling stopped the bats letting out a scream made both Kayne's and the girl's ears Start to bleed

"How dare you ? How dare you ruin all my calculations ? " the girl with tears on her eyes making a crazy face screamed while covering her ear " you think this is a strong Audio frequency ? I'll show you something even worse " the girl started waving her hands on the air and started Casting a spell but this time it wasn't familiar to kayne it was just understandable language

The bats were going to let out other Audio frequencies but before even starting to breathe in , an arch of stones passed by them cutting some to half and some just cutting their wings , making them Start to fall but before they even touch the ground Kayne was waiting for the chance to try the effects of rising the rank of his skill THE SWORDMANSHIP.

Seven bats were falling three dead and the other four had their wings cut off , Kayne started running to the one who was closer to him

With a clean to cut kayne separated the bat's head from the rest of his body

" Damn " the only thing kayne said after seeing his ability " is this what F grade looks like I wonder what A can do ? " Kayne said

With a smile on his face and his eyes moving without stopping searching for his next prey

But from another perspective...

" Tsk Is he a pervert?" The girl in the other side was looking at Kayne killing that bat with disgusted face " I think this is the reason why he was covered with blood before " the girl gasped in désappointement while she was looking at the other bats that were flying above them rising their guard

And then she felt something warm on her lips and she touched her lips she blood it was a Nosebleeds

"Haaa I think I Overused my MA_" the girl didn't even complete her sentence then passed out leaving all the work to Kayne

Meanwhile Kayne was ready for fighting other bats  that were falling While he avoids the ones who were already dead , at the point Kayne notices that a bat is close enough to the ground Kayne Quickly runs toward him to kill him without any effort

It kept at this rate for a few other seconds until the last one who fell was already dead

" Hmm is it the end but there are still more bats flying why is she not attac_" at the moment kayne turned to look at the girl he saw four bats flying towards her while she was unconsciously laying on the ground

Kayne didn't wait for a second and started running toward the bats that were going to lift the girls little body

Kayne grabbed his sword and He threw it like a spear killing two bats in one hit but alas the sword was already old and rusty it was already under too much pressure the moment the bats fell on the ground the sword was already broken leaving kayne Unarmed

" Tsk no choice but to fight the barehanded" Kayne said while he kept running

The two bats left didn't care much about the other two bats who died in front of them but instead they were trying to lift the girl's body Which caused both of her arms to be scratched by their claws

Kayne was already close enough to just jump and grab one by his neck , before the bat  begins to swell to release frequency kayne just pressed hard, breaking his neck in the end

When the Kayne killed one bat the other one couldn't hold the girl's body alone which caused him to let it fall it wasn't too high but the fall could damage the girls body giving kayne no choice but leaving the bat and hugging the girl and turning his back to the ground to absorp the damage

"Ay yay , even though I have a strong body and the Skill of Pain Tolerance it still hurts tho " kayne was trying to sit while hugging the girl with one arm and the scratching his back with other arm  " but this is a real problem" kayne then looked above him to see the bats preparing to let out a frequency

And before the bats let it out a black fire just covered all the cave, burning all the bats and surrounding Kayne and the girl

' Shit I can't breathe ' kayne though while trying to catch air but alas the black fire burned all the oxygen ' why it's not burning us too it's not even that hot ' looking at the ground that melted from the intense heat in front of him kayne was shocked that the fire didn't damage them " it's warm huh I can breath again" kayne said while the fire around him started to desperate

" Well I thought this would be a good test for both of you , but I ended up pushing you too much " a sound reaching the entire cave

It clearly wasn't echo cause it seems like the one who's talking is Infront of you

" But I admit that you have such acceptable skills, maybe with more experience you'll be a great warrior" the beautiful woman with black hair just appeared behind Kayne putting both her hands over Kayne's shoulders making him totally freaked out

' since I raised my statistics I was able to feel other people presence  but she ! I couldn't even feel her touch!?' kayne though after jumping in fear

"Don't think about too much kid and give me that girl she just have a lack of MANA I'll deal with her right now " the woman waved her hand for Kayne to come closer with the girl And this is what he did

Then the woman just She put her hand under the girl's chest and a green light began to radiate from the girl

What made her slowly opening her eyes only to look kayne handsome face above her looking at her with a surprised and curious expression

"What are you looking at ? Never seen a girl sleeping ? And where are we _uh!!" The girl She said with an annoyed face and a lazy tone of voice , before jumping from Kayne's hands in fear after seeing the other woman and started kneeling and said.." this low creature is greeting the lord , sorry to make you see me in such situation!"

" I told to stop doing that " the woman said while she was massaging her forehead and looking at the girl that was kneeling and moving her butt left right

Kayne couldn't do anything but wondering ' 'what the actual fuck is going on ??? I mean it's true this woman has such great Aura is This means she's a queen or  something?? '

"Aah should I kneel down too ?" Kayne asked the woman while scratching the back of his head and making a nervous smile

"No you don't have to " the woman just sighted then she turned around and started walking " let's go I got us some food don't forget that Dancing butt next to you " when kayne first heard the word food his saliva started  Dripping he grabbed the girl like a Rugby ball and started following the woman that was walking to were they came from

After a while Kayne's fourhead was sweating and he was Very focused

The first thing you imagine after seeing him in the situation is that he was solving some math problems but no he was focusing on controlling the fire so he won't burn the meat on the other hand both of the girl and the woman was looking at him with curious face

The situation kept at that rate until

" Hmm ma'am can I ask you a question?" Kayne asked with a nervous face then looked at the woman's angelic face

" Why the hesitation?  Just spit it out" the woman who seemed to get bored just waved for Kayne to say whatever he was going to say

" Well , it's actually just really weird that you appeared from nowhere and the whole village was gone and then you ordered me to enter such an unknown gate and ordered us again to sit on a weird cave full with monsters " kayne just kept talking no stop with a formal tone until " and I don't even now your name "  Kayne's tone changed to be serious

" After thinking about you are right it's totally weird situation but don't care about too much " the woman said while grabbed a piece of meat and took a bite from it then she continued saying " well for my name I'd like to tell you but I don't have one "

" What? What do you mean you don't have ?" Kayne couldn't help but to get confused

" You dirty !! human how dare you talk with the lord with such disrespectful tone" the girl screamed at Kayne while few and small pieces of meat was flying from her mouth while pointing at Kayne with her finger

" It's alright, sit and swallow you your food" the woman didn't care much about the girls behavior and Continued talking to kayne "well I lived for a long time, I had many and deferent names in deferent places and times"

' it's like in the novels dragons live long while keeps looking young, it's a bit not fair ' kayne though while looking at the woman Infront of him was about to continue talking

" As I said People called me with deferent names like , THE DISASTER, THE HELL GUARDIAN, THE BLACK DRAGON, THE CURSED ANGEL but the name that most prefer was CHAOS "

At the moment kayne heard the world CHAOS he felt something was burning inside of him while remember his image when he was young and then . . .


CONGRATULATIONS the USER has unblocked the seal on its entity your RACE has changed from




after unlocking the seal of entity all that race kind will notice you as an ally unless you caused them any harm

Note : (You're able to use the ability of your kind )



Before the woman continued her speech she noticed kayne reaction and the  familiarity that he had that wasn't really noticable increased to a level that even the girl noticed it making her completely shocked

"You're one of our kind!!  A Nobel one too" the girl said with nervous tone

'i knew it before but his blood wasn't that Pure , caould it be that his blood ! can it evolve?!' the woman though with her eyes opened wide looking at Kayne's eyes that was bleeding the same black liquid from before

" What is happening to m_" kayne said while  whipping the black liquid not completing his  sentence before falling asleep

Chapter 17 : ended