
Project Zackson

The time is now for him to act, he was pointlessly aiming but now a chance to get him on track with Zackson's plan but can he be trusted to truly help him or just use him.

rabbit_aqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

The start

"Rumors," she questioned, looking more concerned.

"Y'know how we cleared the portal," I explained, seeing her nod. "Some think that we cheated or bribed our way into getting permission to clear it."

"How do you know that?"

"5 others confronted me about it," I revealed

She thought in silence for a second.

"Some people do look at me differently," she explained, "but that's mainly due to me being an Elf."

"I get that," I sounded worrisome, "but I get the feeling we'll be targeted in the matches coming up."

"Look, they're just rumors," she reassured me, "and we got a birthday to take care of right now. So don't let that distract you."

"Right," I agreed.

"Did you forget decoration," she asked.

Then it occurred to me that I did.

"Yeah," I chuckled a bit. "I'll go get those now."

"No need to," she smiled at her reliability. "I've already got two people on the job."

"Oh, thank you," I sighed in relief, "it completely slipped my mind."

"You're welcome," she finished saying before walking off.

'Wow,' Rose sounded shocked.

'Wow, what,' I responded.

'It's just that I thought she would be immature, but that was something unexpected.'

'She's older; it makes sense.'

'20, right.'

'Yup. Anyways, it's time to make a cake.'

We spent the rest of the time we had before dinner to help bake the cake.

Before the time came, both Hestia and Emily stepped into the kitchen, bringing a minimalist section of birthday decorations.

"Nice," I said out loud in my own kitchen uniform.

"By the way, I have to ask, why pink frosting," Stella wondered, holding the frosting.

"It's gonna be funny when he sees it," I cheerily replied.

"Ok," she rolled her eyes.

When dinner time rolled around, Stella and I changed out of our kitchen uniform and pretended as if we had just arrived at our table, and a few minutes after that, we saw Jacob and Ophelia come in.

"So you two met up," Jacob asked, sitting down.

"Yeah," I somewhat nervously replied. "I ran into Stella right outside of a spa."

"Yeah, that was so relaxing," Stella followed up. "What about you two?"

"We spent most of our time in the tropical reservation they have here," Jacob answered.

After we finished our dinner, we once again waited until more and more people began leaving the cafeteria before we lead Jacob to the kitchen.

"What's going on," confused by the fact that I was pushing him to the kitchen door. And once we pass through it, there it was, resting on a portable counter right in front of us, a double-layered, pink cake.

"Happy birthday, older brother," I smiled, patting him on the back.

"Did you plan this all in one day," he asked, surprised.

I sarcastically shrugged, "maybe so."

"Happy birthday, sugar," the lady told him as she pushed the cake to the now-empty cafeteria.

The rest of us told him a happy birthday while Hestia and Emily quickly set up the light decorations.

"Why pink," he said, turning to me.

All I did was grin in response.

"Anyways," he continued, "thank you."


"Mr. Zackson, what brought this up," Ruby asked, following him into a restaurant that was part of the premium package ticket if you were to purchase a ticket for the actual resort.

"The matches are coming up," he explained, "and I'll be one of the commentators there."

"Is it to stop the outbursts?" They both took a seat at a table for 2.

"Yes," he sounded disappointed.

"Do you know what causes them," Ruby compassionately asked.

"I've talked to a Physiologist before, but they weren't able to pinpoint down the specific problem." He waved the only waiter that was dressed in a buttoned-up white shirt and formal black pants over. "They just gave me some advice on what I should do to help relax."

"What would you two like to order," the waiter said, small notepad in hand with his pencil pressed on it, ready to write.

"Yes," Mr. Zackson Chuckled when he saw the name of the dish he wanted. "Loco Moco," he read, altering his British accent to Spanish-American for a second.

"And for you miss," the waiter followed up, writing Zackson's order on the notepad.

"Since you're getting a Hawaiian dish, I'll get the Saimin," she pointed to it, grinning at the waiter.

"Any drinks for the two of you?"

"I'll have a Cola," Zackson answered.

"No wine," Ruby questioned, hoping that he would reconsider.

"I want to relax," he calmly replied, looking at her as if the drink choice was obvious. "I don't want to get a buzz."

"Fine, whatever." She pretended the shifting of the aesthetic didn't bother her, "I'll have Rosado."

The waiter smiled and walked away, writing down the final things.

"He isn't in his usual uniform," Ruby pointed out while setting the menu down.

"I called upon him and the Chefs out of the blue, so I'm guessing he just threw on formal clothes and showed up."

"Oh, I see."

'Why aren't you telling her the truth?' the demon transmitted.

'Can't be too careful even with her,' Zackson reasoned.

'She's been by your side for 8 years. I don't see why you don't trust her.'

'She came from the government, remember. I still don't know if she's an enemy or not.'

'You're being too careful now. You two have something that can't be made in a simple relationship; it's a trust that only some hope to have.'

'It'll be fine for now. Things will only just get started.'

'Just consider it. You can't do everything yourself as you've done before.'


The last days flew by as I practiced the magic pouring with Ophelia's reluctant help after seeing how painful the process was.

"Are you sure you're ok," she asked as she healed me in our apartment.

"Yes," I replied, weak on the floor.

'We're up to 24 seconds,' Rose told me.

'Really,' I felt sleepy. 'All that much pain for only 4 more seconds.'

'I'll definitely get the hang of this as time goes on.'

'You better; this feels horrible.'

Then came time right before the start of the first match, talking in the locker room for our section's 3 teams.

"It looks like it will be a battle royale selection," Jacob spoke in front of the rest of us. "With the teams in 3rd place starting first."

"Are you guys nervous," Joseph asked, addressing my team.

"No way," I confidently spoke up, grinning. "Our last month's training hasn't been for nothing, so as long as we stick to our teamwork, then everything will work out.

"Yeah, I feel the same way," Ophelia added.

Most of us were shocked to see her speak up in front of everyone.

"I hope we all do great," she continued.

'I know it's still bothering you.'

'Of course, you do.' I stretched my arms to the ceiling, deeply breathing in.

The sound of a conch played in each of the waiting rooms.

"Looks like it's your time to go," Athena smiled at us, "good luck."

Up above the Arena stadium in the commentating booth, "Welcome everyone," Mr. Zackson said, addressing the other slayers and staff that showed up. "Today, I am joined by Elizabeth and Mr. William Agric as your co-commentators," he continued in a cheery but professional tone.

"Hello," Elizabeth enthusiasts answered.

"Good morning," William groaned.

"Say, William, why did you volunteer for this position," Mr. Zackson asked, looking over to him. "It seems out of character for you."

"Us, the teachers, made a bet, and I lost, that's the gist," he explained, looking down at the arena, seeing Scarlett as the referee of the matches. "Also, interesting referee choice."

"With that, will all 3rd position teams meet up at the center."

Before we reached the open center, I noticed a white line that was painted on the floor of the area. Once there, I was shocked to see the 5 that confronted me days prior, eyeing my team and me down.

I turned to the other 2 teams seeing that both of them only had 4 members, but they were also looking at us.

"The rules are simple," Mr. Zackson explained, "the last team standing and in the area, highlighted by the white line on the floor, will be the winner. Also, if only one member steps out of bounds, only they will be disqualified. Other than that, you may begin!"

'Alright, now start the process,' Mr. Zackson relayed to the demon.

As soon as the match started, we backed into the outer-crowded section of the area given after seeing all teams bolt straight for us.

"What is this," Elizabeth was shocked by what she was seeing. "Are they all focusing on the North-eastern team?"

"That's what it looks like," answered William.

We ran around the outer edge using the obstacles to block the ranged magic attacks coming our way.

'This is what I was worried about,' I transmitted, noticing that the ranged mages were the front of the attack with the physical fighters looking for an opening.

"I didn't expect to have to use this," grunted Stella.

"You have an idea," Jacob asked, almost losing his footing from the rumbling the attack crashes were causing.

"Yeah, but Ophelia, I'll need you to heal me as soon as I finish."

"Wow, what an opening, don't you think Mr. Zackson," asked Elizabeth, closely paying attention to the fight.

"It certainly is unexpected, but not against the rules." He became curious about this strategy and if the North-eastern team will be able to launch a counter-attack.

"Alright, I'm ready," Stella confirmed.

We stopped, and Ophelia began healing her even before she attacked.

"Shine bright, my white star," she aimed her hands to the 3 other teams grouped together, attacking us as we stopped, "Ultimate, Flashbang."