
Project Zackson

The time is now for him to act, he was pointlessly aiming but now a chance to get him on track with Zackson's plan but can he be trusted to truly help him or just use him.

rabbit_aqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

She's Seriously Messing with Me

"Oh, thank you," he had the same dialect as the woman.

After a moment of him praying, he looked up at me. "Is the woman here," his face still full of tears.

"I think she's out doing something; I didn't see her inside."

He went to wipe his eyes after standing up, "you're not from around here, your accent, I mean."

"I'm from the far west and got caught up in this mess," I nervously replied.

He looked at my shoulder, "Oh here," he reached inside the bag he brought with him.

He pulled out a jar full of water along with another glass jar of an herb mixture.

He mixed the water with a pinch of herbs and then handed it to me.

How the hell is the jar hot? Did he use magic to heat it up; I thought as I reluctantly took a sip.

It wasn't sweet, but it wasn't bitter; it reminded me of green tea. Not what I would prefer but definitely not bad.

I began feeling warm after I drank it.

I looked back up to thank him, but he was frozen, mouth open, and looked like he was about to cry again.

It was then that the feeling of warmth was shattered by a few words.

"Why are you outside?"

I already knew who that cold voice belonged to as I could practically feel the words hit me as she spoke.

And by that point, I'd seen what the source of the warmth was.

She had wrapped her arms around me with a hold so tight that I couldn't even begin to wiggle out of.

"I heard a knock at the door," I awkwardly laughed as I tried to turn to her with no luck. "So I decided to answer it."

"And who said you could do that?" She still held a cold tone.

"Well, I didn't want to be rude and keep them waiting, haha."

"You, boy," the kid that came here slowly backed up at the sound of her voice. "Tell them that I won't be needing any for a while."

The boy nodded as he seemed to start running, only to be stopped by words once again.

"Walk," she demanded. "Or I'll chase you."


"They say deep blue is coming by tomorrow," Tiresias told Joseph as he stared off towards the morning ocean. "Not like I'll be able to see it," he giggled then stopped, "or Max for that matter."

"I'm sure that the church leaders have some idea of what's going on," Joseph turned to him. "This isn't the first time humanity has dealt with a white portal."

"Should we start now?" he continued after a short pause.

"Yeah, let's go set up the barrier for tomorrow."


"I kind of want to see the volcano," Athena broke the silence between Frigg and herself.

"Never expected that from you," Frigg responded as she took a sip of tea. "Aren't Emily and Hestia the ones interested in sightseeing?"

"I'm from the city, and while it may be big, you don't tend to see some natural wonders."

"Ugh, you're talking like an old hag."

Athena roughly cleared her throat when she heard that comment as she had a sip of her sweet tea.

"Where are those two anyway," Frigg pulled out her smartphone as the waiter came and brought them their breakfast.


"Man, how long are they going to take," Emily complained as she sat atop a young man, around the age of 20, who wore a colorful Hawaiian shirt.

"Get off my you brat," he shouted as he struggled to move with the iron string that held him in place.

"That's what you get for trying to steal."


Near the north peak of the island, a light blue portal opens with 4 rabbits that stepped out.

2 were gray with white patches near their ears, one was snowy white, and the last was jet black.

"Hmm, quite the nice jungle," the black rabbit said.

"Right, I wonder what yummy food they have here," one of the gray rabbits said.

They heard something move around in the grass and saw a centipede around twice their size, and it only took an instant for the rabbits to pounce on it and devour the abnormal centipede.


Ophelia walked into Jacob's room, finding it empty.

He must be at the grave, she thought before exiting towards the living room.

She found both Stella and Frenda playing chess, something they both weren't very good at.

The room was silent other than the sound of pieces being traded, seeing that Stella held an almost expressionless face and remembered back to what she had told her yesterday.

"You know it's ok to cry," she remembered telling Stella as she viewed the horizon.

"He wouldn't want that," Stella explained, "plus I'm an ugly crier."

Stella thought about how things could have been different if she hadn't tried to attack the gorilla and instead just did as he said.

"What about you," she continued. "I haven't seen you cry."

"Trust me," Ophelia gathered unfound courage, "I've done mine, I've let it out. But we can't stay like this; we need to keep moving forward."


'Why are you enjoying this?' Rose transmitted after the boy left.

'What?!' I responded as I felt the woman's hands moving up to my face.

'You're excited right now.'

'I'm not-'

"Oh wow," she cheerfully interrupted us. "Listen to that heart go, thump, thump, thump, thump. Don't tell me that I got you this excited."

She now got in front of me, beginning to push me back inside as her body pressed up against mine.

"I'd say terrified is more accurate," I laughed off as I began walking in.

"Then do something about it," her voice turned cold as she giggled.

"C'mon, show me some of that human strength so I can crush it right in front of you and see you struggle under me."

Does she not see that I have an injured shoulder; I thought with an expressionless face as we began passing through the living room.

'Should I harass her again?'

'What! NO!' Rose shouted in my head, 'She's going to kill you.'

'Just think about it,' I explained, 'she said to struggle under me. That's pretty kinky, so what if I hit her back with something as well.'


We stopped at a staircase I hadn't noticed before that lead down.

"Why are we going down there?" I began back-peddling against her, only delaying her rather than stopping her.

"MMM," I heard her behind me as her grip got even tighter. "Keep going; you'll just make me want to try harder."

'Jesus, what is wrong with her.'

In the basement was a single jail cell with lanterns that lit up the stone walls.

On a table was the gorilla's head that didn't seem to be rotting, along with the rest of the body, suspended on a wall.

"Didn't know she was a collector," I whispered under my breath.

"I got curious," she responded, "so I decided to inspect what this was. Do you know?"

"They call them gorillas, but this one is weird," I answered as she began pushing me towards the cell. "No way, NO, NO."

"Relax," she continued pushing, her ribcage now beginning to hurt me. "I wanna test something," she continued as she tossed me in like a soccer ball and closed the bars behind her.

"You know that I can't fight with my arm like this."

"Never said we were fighting," she smirked and pointed her finger at me. "If you can get out of this cell and the forest we're in, then I'll let you go."

Is she toying with me; I thought as my face slowly developed into frustration.

"Why don't you let me run outside." I insisted as I moved closer.

"Then get outside using your power," she held eye contact with me as I approached and stopped when I heard what she said.

Right, when I ran away at first, it must have looked like I teleported away.

Does that mean she thinks I can teleport? No, why would she lock me in the same cell as her if I could get out in an instant?

She's testing me, and I bet that door isn't really locked.


He probably thinks that I'm fooled into thinking he's a teleporter, but the fact that he left a trail of blood behind means that he must have passed through there.

But it was as she finished that thought that he vanished right before her eyes.

"Huh?" She turned around, seeing that the cell door seemed to not even be touched, but that floor was shuffled around with dust over it.

"Was that from before?"


I hid behind the table that had the head of the gorilla, hoping she'd think that I was outside.

I heard her mumble and then the opening and closing of the cell door.

'So why the hell did I only have 8 seconds this time?' I asked Rose as I concentrated on silencing my breathing as I heard her walk up the stairs.

'You needed time to recover; how do you not know this?'

'Thought it was like a videogame, and you regain everything after sleeping.'

'What's a video game?'

'It's kind of-'

"Hey," I felt a soft breeze hit my right ear.

A short pause followed, to which I slowly turned my head up; seeing her piercing ruby eyes shine in the dimly lit room and glued to her face was the widest grin humanly possible.

"Oh," I nervously swallowed, "hey."