
Project Zackson

The time is now for him to act, he was pointlessly aiming but now a chance to get him on track with Zackson's plan but can he be trusted to truly help him or just use him.

rabbit_aqua · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Our Training

"Wakey, wakey eggs, and bakey." I heard faintly.

"Huh, I don't wanna," I said, snuggling the blanket I found myself in.

"I said!" now recognizing Stella's voice as she took the blanket from me, grabbing my shirt and shaking me, "WAKE YA ASS UP."

"Huh, I'm up, I'm up," said as I stumbled up from the bed my vision still being a bit blurry "What time is it?"

"6:27 am, hurry up and get dressed, we got a group meeting in the living room," She said, leaving the room. I began to change my outfit but noticed a small scar on my right shoulder. "What did the wolf get me here too, I remember it being my left arm that was affected, or maybe it was Stella she was mad last night," I got dressed took my black mask putting it in my pocket as I exited the room.

"Good morning Max," they said except for Stella. "We got a message this morning," continued Jacob "we're meant to attend a class seminar not far from here at 8:00 am."

"Uh, I don't like school," I complained.

"Wait, you didn't like going in the outdoors and learning about nature," said Stella.

"Don't we have different educational systems," Jacob interrupted, "I heard that the education for Elves revolves around the environment, some mathematics, and local languages.

"Yeah, that's how I was able to learn English, apart from Taru," Stella said.

"What's Taru," said Ophelia.

"My native language."

Jacob then handed me a note, nodded, and then said, "Okay, back to our main topic."

I opened the note finding the message 'we checked the whole place, we didn't find a single camera, but that doesn't mean that this place isn't wiretapped.'

"My birthday is coming up in a month," Jacob said, smiling, "So what are yall going to get me."

"Probably some food," Stella said, writing something down. Jacob handed me another note reading 'If things go south, we need to have a way outside of the island, so everyone will be on the lookout for anyone with construction, anti-gravity, or possibly ice magic.'

"I don't know Jacob," I said, "I'm not sure if there are any shops on the island, but if there are, they might be expensive."

Stella handed the note to Ophelia and then to me after she read it. 'We will most likely be split up due to our different specialties, so talk to as many people as possible to get to know them and their groups.'

After we had our small talk, we walked down to the cafeteria. "By the way, how did you guys know about the class at 8:00," I said, "I didn't see any ways of communication from inside the room."

"A letter came through a pipe," said Ophelia "You know the one near the window."

"Near the window? Uh, I don't remember seeing a pipe near a window."

"That's no surprise," said Jacob "You didn't mention it when you gave the description of the room."

"You also forgot to mention the bathrooms in each room," Stella added.

"Uh, are you guys okay I don't remember giving no description."

"Anyways, we're here," Jacob said. The food they had in the morning was all healthy, I'm guessing to keep us in shape. Jacob got an omelet, warm whole milk, which is the only milk he will drink, and a Kiwi. I got a piece of seasoned grilled chicken, and cinnamon tea, my favorite tea, with a bit of sugar. Stella chose rabbit meat, herbal tea, and strawberries, being her favorite fruit. Ophelia ended up with granola and yogurt.

We took our seats near the back upper left corner of the big classroom as class begun.

"Good morning," said the middle-aged professor speaking into a microphone, "My name is William Agric, but you all can call me William." He turned over to draw on the big board behind him "I'm sure as you all know to become a slayer, there is an emotional and mental process to due so and the fact that you must already have this potential in yourself from birth to due so. So far, we do not know why certain individuals can become slayers and why others are not. The only thing we currently have is that it could be connected to the dungeons first appearances back in the 12th century." He then wrote A-H, "A through H are the ranks that a slayer of any class can achieve, with A being the strongest and H being the weakest. Now about the dungeon ranks, they are identifiable by the color emitted, red being the least dangerous, and purple being the most. Also, another misconception is that monsters can't be tamed, they definitely can as the example you all saw yesterday but only certain types can not all, you'll learn more about that in another class. Finally, one thing they don't tell you in other schools about slayers is that the stronger one's emotions are towards an objective, the stronger one will become, but this doesn't replace training as you'll be restricted by the bodies capabilities. You will take your official training outside, class dismissed."

"Hey guys, it doesn't look like everyone from the arena yesterday is here," said Ophelia.

"They could be on another part of the island," Jacob replied, "this place isn't exactly small." We walked outside and saw what the professor was talking about there were Slayers with signs held up reading, "mages, archers/marksmen, sword fighters, and assassins."

"Well, this looks like where we split up," said Stella "remember what our plan is."

"Sure will," Jacob said, putting signaling for a group fist bump.

"Yeah," I said, putting my fist in, "Let's get her done."

And with that, we headed to our respective groups. The leader of my group led us to an acrobatic area explaining that assassins always need to be on their toes in a battle.

"Excuse me, but what do we call you," said a white, blond-haired assassin.

"Oh, why you all can call me Elizabeth," she said, smiling, "And what is your name."

"I go by Joseph, and I was wondering, there seemed to be a lot fewer people in the class this morning than they were yesterday."

"Oh yes, I was meant to explain that, so our system to help improve yourselves is by having competition, so we had the new residents split up into 4 groups, you all are apart of group 1 the north-east section of the island. Anyways to start off your training, I'm going to need you to do some running, so you all will need to go into the lockers and have a change of clothes that's you can find over on that table." She pointed over to a table near the sigh to the locker room. "Make sure you get the correct size." The suits were made from latex and very flexible compared to other casual clothes.

Our training followed conditioning exercises, and the main focus on our speed and agility. We were then told to partner up with another person and have 3 hand to hand combat matches.

I walked up to a girl who had her brown hair in a ponytail, "Hey, you wanna be my sparring partner."

"Oh, sure," she replied, "I'm Athena by the way,"

"Oh yeah where are my manners, I'm Max, and nice to meet you."

"Now shall we begin," she said, getting into a fighting position to which I followed up with my own.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

I ended up winning 1 out of the 3 rounds we had. "Wow you pretty good at hand to hand combat, did you learn when you were younger?" I said.

"Yeah," she said as she smiled, "my Father and grandfather were big on teaching self-defense to the daughters of the family, I'm the middle child, and you're not bad yourself did your parents also teach you?"

"No," I said, looking down, trying to put on a smile, "I was raised in an Orphanage, so all I learned was to play fight with my brothers and sisters."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's just a bit of history, anyways what's your rank?"

"I think I'm a higher G rank, and you?"

"uh," I paused, "middle G rank."

"Makes sense how I won," she said, giggling, "It was nice to meet you, Max, maybe we can practice again, another time."

"Yeah, see ya later."

Our training ended at 6 pm, I headed to the cafeteria after I met back up with Jacob, Stella, and Ophelia. Jacob said that they went over some of the basics and was also recommend to get a blacksmith to make him a shield, "oh, and I also saw that guy that called out Stella," he said. Stella ignored that comment and said that they were split up into 3 groups: attack, support, and magic specialists. Stella was in the attack group, and Ophelia was in the support group. "They went on about how our energy is limited, so we should be careful, but I don't really need to worry about that stuff," she continued. With our first day behind us, we spend the rest of the day at the pool that Stella heard about when she was talking to one of her mentors.

Before we knew it, two weeks passed by, and we were informed of our first mission into a dungeon, that ended up appearing on our part of the island.