
Project Zackson

The time is now for him to act, he was pointlessly aiming but now a chance to get him on track with Zackson's plan but can he be trusted to truly help him or just use him.

rabbit_aqua · Fantasy
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56 Chs

First mission

"Attention!" Said Jason, "I have chosen your three groups because your cumulative group's scores were the highest so far in the past 2 weeks. The 12 will be entering the dungeon as Mr. Zackson has recognized that this would be a wonderful opportunity to grow and hone your skills, but do keep in mind that this is an orange-colored one, so be careful and good luck."

We changed into special medieval-style clothes after some scouts estimated the time by checking the scenery on the other side, and with that, the 12 of use selected stepped through the portal.

The first team consisted of Athena, Emily, a blond-haired healer, Hestia, a black-haired archer, and a pail elf called Frigg. I like to call them the amazonian women because they reached second place in group points. In our first place position, we have Joseph, Tiresias, a blind mage, Raquel, a brown hair archer, and finally, a swordsman dwarf called Besute (Be-su-te).

We weren't told what the purpose was for the dungeon nor the distance limit, probably because the scouts couldn't find out before they were called back, so we agreed to spit up into groups of 2. I got stuck with Stella, while Jacob and Ophelia made their group. We all agreed on meeting back here in 2 days to discuss what we discovered. Stella and I decided to head towards a forest as it's her natural hunting grounds.

Our walk there was mostly quiet as we decided to hear our surroundings, being careful to not be surprised by anything willing to tests its luck. Although one thing to admire was the scenery, green fields, and bushes littered the landscape with some trees lining the main path to walk through.

"You, getting used to the change in oxygen concentration," She said.

"Yeah, it was kinda intoxicating when we first got in, but I'm doing better now," I replied.

"Man I so wish I could use fire magic here, it would be more effective than back on Earth, although Frigg can use some fire magic, I wonder if it will be bigger," She continued as we walked, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched more and more as we closed in on the entrance of the forest. "Why did they make us change into these outfits, so not my style."

"Xenophobia," I said, turning to look at her, "back when I entered that dungeon 4 years ago, it became apparent that people here hate those that come from the other side. We were bombarded with questions concerning our clothes and where we came from, the 4 of us got lucky that we got the area of a major city, so we came up with excuses easily."

"The 4 of you? Who are the other 2?"

"Alex and Edgar, they-" I said, not trying to get emotional, "they died around a year and a half after we entered."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't kno-"

"You there," interrupted out of the trees, I rushed in front of Stella in a defensive position.

"Stella, if things go south, we're going to run," I said, holding up my dagger towards the trees.

"Why are you with a human," shouted the Elf, now visible high up in one of the tree branches, but checking our surroundings, I noticed we were covered on all sides. The only thing that was on my mind was how were they so quick.

"Stella, what are they saying," I said, looking back at her then looking forward and around me. Wait, this must be "Taru," the language of the elves. Stella paused for a moment but then shouted out, "This human here is my property!"

The elves kept their distance, then the one on the tree said, "Prove that he is your property, show us the mark of territory." Stella grabbed my right shoulder telling me to take off my shirt, she then pointed at my right shoulder, saying, "here it is." I was still in the dark of what was happening, I couldn't know what was being said without a translator.

"Suna," he said, turning his head, "confirm it."

"Yes sir," Suna, a beautiful, peach skinned girl, with brown hair, said walking over to us.

"Just let her see your arm, and we'll be okay," Stella whisper in my ear, I nodded back in compliance.

Suna saw the scar Stella had left me the first night we reached the island. She turned back, yelling, "It's true, they were made with teeth!"

"Alright," he said, "Who are you, and what is your purpose here."

"I am an adventurer," Stella said, raising her head, "coming on a request to investigate this area concerning some threat reported, I'm currently scouting."

"Oh, I see, so word has gotten out about it, must have been the humans, it's a dangerous monster, is it just the two of you?"

"No I'm working with a bigger group, we split up to cover more ground."

"More elves?"

"And humans," Stella added.

"You must be an urban elf," he said, disappointed, "you did say you were sent here, is that human bounded by a slave contract?"

"No, I do not believe it is necessary for him," she said confidently, "I trust him with my life."

"But I do not trust him with the rest of our lives, we'll help you with your mission and provide a place for you as a fellow elf, but only if he is bound by a contract."

Stella sighed, "Alright, let's get it over with."

"Also, how are you able to work with humans even though you have possession of one," he questioned, "aren't they disgusted by that."

"They don't know that I own him."

The Elf then ordered one of the guards to bring the ingredients for the contract. When they arrived back, the Elf told Stella to have a hair strand mixed with the solution brought back. Then came the part of pouring it on my back.

"Hey, what is that," I said shockingly.

"Its some insurance," Stella replied, "so they're able to trust us." After she said that, I felt the cold liquid rush down my back, and it felt as though it was forming in some way.

"Now that we're done, my name is Esterv and yours?" He said, stretching his hand out.

"I'm Stella," she said, shaking his hand.

"Now, if you follow me, I'll take you to where we call home." Stella signaled me to follow, we walked into the forest for about 2 minutes then we saw it, a system of connections upon the trees and some on the grounds, "these are our homes," he said, "Suna keep the human company, I'll show Stella to the elder."

"Are you sure," Stella questioned, "I thought you didn't trust humans."

"I don't, but Suna's strong, and he has that mark binding him. Also, she speaks English if you were wondering."

"Oh, okay," Stella said, "This is where we part ways for a bit Max," she told me before leaving with the Elf.

"Hello, I go by Suna, and your name is Max right," she calmly said in English.

"Finally, someone who I can understand," I said in relief, "how do you know English anyway."

"Some of the younger elves learn it as they grow up for trade communication with the towns nearby, although they aren't too kind to elves that overdue their stay," she said, chuckling.

"Can you tell me what's going on," I asked, "I didn't catch what happened earlier?" Suna went to speak but stopped herself, to think for a moment.

"What's your relationship with Stella?" She said, getting closer, trying to intimidate me. I had to piece things together. There's no way Stella told the truth. Otherwise, we would have been dead. I told her about the xenophobia they have about the other side, so she most likely went with the fact that we're traveling or adventurers, and asked about the thing we came to deal with. That Elf also addressed her first, probably asking a question and, I was the subject as they sent Suna to see my arm for the scar Stella left there. Then when they put that stuff on my back, and she mentioned something about "insurance" and "trust." Okay, if I put that in perspective since I'm human, they don't trust me, like a wild animal, but once they put that stuff on my back, they allowed me in their homes. Then the thought, "It restricts my action," came. It was shocking for sure, but what could I not do. I'm like a dog having to obey what a person tells me to do! That in itself frustrated me. Stella better know a way to get rid of this invisible collar as soon as we get out of here!

"I'm Stella's Dog," I said very pridefully, holding back tears.

"She didn't put it that way," she said, laughing, "but I guess it's the same thing."

"Do you know where they're taking her?"

"To the elder to talk about the thing you guys came to deal with," She said, turning to them, "here I'll guide you to your room," I followed her to a room that was big enough for two.

"So I guess Stella and I will stay here," I looked around and felt the walls smooth wood, "wow this is really well done, what techniques do you guys use for the walls," I said turning to look at her.

"That's a secret," she said, putting her finger over her lips.

"You know Suna, I think your kinda cute, like a 7 out of 10 in my book, after we deal with what we came here for we'll be on our way, I'm just saying, but we should hook up."

Suna turned to me and looked as though I had just asked a very puzzling question, then turned away, grinning, "I can't wait to tell Stella about this, I wonder what she will do to you."

"Right like she'll believe your word over mine," I said sarcastically, "So is it a yes or a no."

"Uhhh, no," she said half-jokingly, "I would much rather eat you than get in bed with you."

"What is it with elves eating humans? Stella talks about it sometimes."

"I mean, you are the best nutritional source in the closest proximity," she explained, "also, humans tend to have more fat and workout more than other animals, so we like them."

"Now, I don't feel safe here," I said defensively.

"Don't worry," she said, glancing away, "I would if I was your owner, but Stella is, so she's got dibs."

"Very conferring," I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome, oh, for a way to pass the time we could go hunt, come on." She grabbed my wrist, passing through the tree halls, and down to the floor, heading out of the woods. When we reached the border of the forest, one of the guards called out to Suna.

"Suna, you heading out," He yelled.

"Yeah just for a bit," she replied.

"Did you get permission?"

"Keep it secret," she said, putting her hands together like she was praying, "I'll be at the river if you need me, it won't be long."

We arrived at the river after a short run. The river was shallow but had some fish in it swimming upstream. "Take off your shoes and let's catch some fish," Suna said, taking off her shoes and rolling up her pants. I followed her lead and began trying to catch fish.


"Where are we going," said Stella.

"To the elder," said Esterv, "there you'll get the rundown of how we will deal with the flight-razor."

They walked into the elder's room to find him sleeping while he was sitting, Esterv walked up to him and shook his shoulder, "We have a guest, it's about the monster that has shown up."

"Ah yes, nice to meet you," said the elder waking from his slumber, "We plan on launching our attack on the monster 2 days from tomorrow, lead by Esterv, and I suspect that you wish to join us."

"Yes," Stella answered, "in total, there are 12 of us willing to help."

"I should also mention that some are human," said Esterv.

"Oh, I see, what is their opinion on elves?" said the elder.

"They treat them the same as other humans, this isn't our first job together," she said confidently.

"She's an urban elf," Esterv added in.

"Oh, so you're from a big city, and by any chance, are you a half-elf?"

"Why do you ask?" She questioned.

"Your trust in humans is unnatural even for one that works with them, reminds me of Suna, so you must have been raised by one or brainwashed into trusting them."

"My mother is an elf, and my father is a human," she said hesitantly.

"That makes more sense now, although it's rare for a human and an elf to have a child, what clan are you from?"

She paused for a moment, thinking of what to say, deciding on, "Tangtive clan."

"That's impossible," he said shockingly, "they all disappeared a long time ago, without a trace. Don't lie to me again, or I will not allow you to join us."

"I'm not lying, we didn't disappear. We went to the other side," Stella said, looking down.

"Oh so you're from the other world, you should have said that earlier."

"Why? She said, confused, "I thought the people here feared the ones from the other side."

"Hahaha," he laughed with a bit of raspiness to his voice, "that's the human mentality, always hating on things that are different from themselves, we used to be wary as well, but we meet some people who were from the other side. Kind people, I do say, unlike most humans here."

"How do you know I'm not lying?"

"Contact with the other side is forbidden, by the humans that is, something we used to follow, but everyone still thinks we do, so saying you're from the other side is asking for your death. Anyways I'll let Esterv here fill you in about the planned attack."