
Project Zackson

The time is now for him to act, he was pointlessly aiming but now a chance to get him on track with Zackson's plan but can he be trusted to truly help him or just use him.

rabbit_aqua · Fantasy
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56 Chs


"Because of the Flight-razor's weakness when it attacks," explained Esterv, "we plan on having a decoy get its attention while the others strike."

"Alright now that you two are done," interrupted the elder, "leave me be, I have important work to do."

Esterv nodded in compliance and guided Stella out, "We'll be having dinner soon, go to your room and, I'll have Suna call you when it's ready."

"Alright, but do you know where Max is," Stella questioned.

"The human?" He said, "He should be with Suna, although you can just command him to come to you."

Stella put her hand over her mouth as if to be thinking, "Yeah, you're right."

"So, I'm guessing there are others on the other side who own humans as well?"

"No, not the country that I'm from, but I do know about some overseas."

"Then you should remove the contract, I'm not sure the law would be happy if he still has it."

"Mmm, eh, if I feel like it," she said, smiling, "and was it not your idea."

"That was before I knew you were from the other side," he added.

"So, I just command it, and he should show up."

"Yeah, or you'll hear him scream from disobeying the command."

"Alright," She loudly said, "Max, I command you to come to my side!"


"Suna, I suddenly got the urge to go back to the woods," I said, looking in that direction, "you know what might be causing it."

"Stella could be commanding you to do something," she answered, "well, if I'm correct about how the contracts work."


"Yeah, the slave contract on your back, I can sense it, going off," she said, putting some fish a bag she had on her.

"Pardon," I said in shock, well anyone would be shocked to find out they have been a slave without knowing it, but thank you Abraham Lincoln for the 13th amendment because as soon as we get back to the other side, this stuff on my back will be illegal. Either way, this is so not cool.

"Don't worry," she said, "it won't hurt you as you do as your told. Here put the fish you grabbed in this bag." She handed me her bag filled with 5 fishes. "What's with the dull expression," she questioned, "don't tell me the dead fish shocked you."

"No," I said awkwardly, "I just didn't catch any."

"Hahaha," she blurted out laughing, "h-how unlucky can someone be, man my first time I caught at least 3, anyways let's go back. Stella must be a patient girl if your back hasn't started burning yet."

When we arrived back at the tree system, we found Stella and the other Elf waiting.

"Took you long enough," she said, pulling my ear, "where did you even go?"

"I took him to a river," Suna answered, "But we did catch some fish for dinner, well I did, but that's not important." She then pulled Stella aside and whispered something in her ear. Stella then turned to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me, "We're going to our room," she said in a hurry.

"ow- not so rough," I said, "Do you even know where it is?"

"No, that's why you'll tell me."


"I would ask if you got any information out," said Esterv, "but we now know that there from the other side, and don't go running off without telling anyone."

"Sorry," Suna said, "I completely forgot about getting information."


"So the villagers told us that the elves would be handling the monster," said Jacob.

"Didn't the other half of your team go this way," Athena said, pointing towards the forest.

"Yeah, they did, and since we're dealing with elves, I think Frigg should do the talking," he said, stretching his arms up.

"Do you think the others are heading this way," said Ophelia.

"If they got the same information from the other town they should be," he yawned, "man, it's getting late.


"Hey Joseph," Raquel said as she fixed her eyes on a dinosaur-like creature with a hard outer layer shell split up into plates, "you seeing this."

"Yeah," he responded, "enemy spotted, pass me your bow real quick, I want to see how it reacts to an attack."

"Are you crazy!" shouted Raquel.

"Shh- you're going to get us noticed."

"Sorry," she whispered, "but I don't want to get us killed."

"It looks like a Triceratops, but with a build prioritizing its defense." The monster looked around as though it felt as it was being watched. It heightened its senses noticing both Joseph and Raquel after a minute of focusing.

"Shit," whispered Joseph, "we gotta run." They both got up and ran as fast as they could for 10 minutes while the shells of the monster were being thrown at them.

"So its defense is also an attack," shouted Raquel.

"Yeah, it's annoying. There we can lose it in the forest," He said, pointing to the same forest where 6 other members of their team were just reuniting.


"The monster showed up," Shouted one of the guards coming into the dining hall.

"Everyone get ready to fight," said Esterv "this thing has now come to our home, let's show it how we handle intruders."

Now with the six of us, we can definitely help take down that thing, I thought. We rushed down and out of the forest, finding some of the elves and both Raquel and Joseph struggling to make a dent in the beast's armor.

"We have to go help them," said Jacob rushing in as we followed closely behind.

"Remember the plan," yelled Esterv, "We need to have it throw its shell, then I'll paralyze it, and we can go for the killing blow."

The monster launched its shells at all of us one after the other regenerating them after each through.

"Doesn't this big porcupine get tired," I said. Then it seemed to get serious, launching 2 shells at us at the same time. I was able to dodge both coming at me, but then I noticed Jacob's sword in the air high above him, with the second shell coming straight for his head.

There was no way he could block in time, I have to save him, I don't want to lose any more family. Then it suddenly seemed as if time froze, freezing my body as well.

'So you want to save him,' was spoken directly into my mind, 'I can help you with that.'

"Who are you," I said, trying to move, "and how are you in my head."

'That's not important, your family is about to die, don't you want to save him.'

"You didn't answer my question," I said in frustration.

'As I said, don't you have other things to worry about.'

It was right, Jacob could die if I don't stop that shell from hitting him, hell they were flying so fast I'm surprised I could even dodge them.

'Even you know, I'm right.'

"What's your catch," I questioned.

'Just that when you die, I take control of your body. Trust me it's worthwhile, just look around, he isn't the only one facing the same threat.'

My movement was no longer restricted, I looked around and saw that not only Jacob but Stella and Rachel were about to be hit with the second shell. That must of been the monsters trump card I though. As for the thing talking to me, it must have been waiting for this moment, just to force me to accept its deal.

"Fine," I sighed, "Lend me your power."

'Wise choice.'