
Chapter 9:

Takumi spent the next few weeks exploring the house and learning more about the spirits that resided there. He found out that the woman in white was not the only ghost in the house, but there were others who had been trapped there for years, unable to move on.

Takumi felt a strange connection to the ghosts, and he knew that he had to help them find peace. He began to research the history of the house and found out that it had a dark past.

It had been built on the site of an ancient burial ground, and many people believed that the spirits of the dead had been disturbed when the house was built. The previous owners had reported strange occurrences, and many of them had died under mysterious circumstances.

Takumi knew that he had to do something to help the spirits, but he didn't know what. He spent many hours in the house, trying to communicate with the ghosts and understand their needs.