
Project Purplestar

I remember vividly, that night… I remember the ancient pillars, the silver beams of light that cleansed the crimson moon, the pungent blood mist and the behemoth that slumbered underneath the blood river. I remember the yokai, it's smile as it looked me in the eyes, it saw no more than a prey to toy with. I remember the cold feeling of the ivory sword, Amantha and how it numbed my feelings, making me cold and emotionless but yet doing nothing against the despair that slowly ate at me from inside out. I remember the awakening of my abilities. That day, that fateful night, I was pulled into a world of secrets, horror and pain. I fought for the very people who yearned to see me die, those who wanted to use my body as a vessel for a dead god. I was naive. Not anymore. I'll hunt them all down; the titans, the yokais, the seekers and even the dead gods themselves. I'll hunt them all and make them pay. I'll kill anyone and anything that gets in my way and if the world seeks to hinder me,...I'll burn the world to the ground.

LEKE · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Heavens blessing 1

Three years later, Anubis; the northern empire.

In the city of Osiris, the sun shone bright on the bustling streets, its rays bouncing off shining ivory skin, a common trait of the denizens of the north. It is believed that the darkness of the skin came from the blessing of god. The people of the north believe mainly in deities and the supernatural, something that gave them a sense of superiority over those of the south. They believed that to be in tune with nature was the greatest gift of all.

Osiris, the crown jewel of the northern empire, was a city of contrasts. Towering minarets and domed temples dedicated to myriad deities pierced the skyline, while vibrant markets buzzed with life below. The scent of exotic spices mingled with the aroma of fresh bread, wafting through the air. The distant sounds of a lute echoed through the alleyways, blending with the chatter of merchants haggling and children laughing. The northerners had a sense of community like no other and this led to them being friendly to one another, even strangers. As far as you were dark skinned, you were family.But today, the streets seemed even more lively than usual, there was a strange feeling in the air, one that reeked of anxiety and excitement. The northerners had smiles on their faces, but at the same time, their eyes hid a grave seriousness that seemed to hide something within.

"Hey, can I get two kilos of mahogany, one bundle of angel's trumpet, and a few sticks of wolfbane?"In one of the many streets, a man stood before a stall. Known simply as Karim, he had dark hair and brown eyes along with the signature brown skin of the northerners. He was dressed in simple clothing; a pair of loose pants, an armless singlet, and sandals. Due to the desert-like climate of the north, most Anubians tended to dress in clothing that exposed their bodies.

"That would be twenty bronze tar," the shopkeeper replied. Thabit, a middle-aged man with long brown hair and dark eyes, was a familiar figure in the market. His jovial demeanor and rotund frame made him a favorite among the locals. He wiped his hands on his apron, the fabric stained with the marks of a busy day's work, and eyed Karim curiously.

"These are pretty toxic herbs you have here. Are you a hunter?" Thabit asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. He personally didn't care but he had to ask so that in case things went south, he would at least have a few words to back himself up before the authorities.

"You don't have to worry too much. I'm a pretty familiar face around here. It's a surprise you don't know me," Karim chuckled, his smile revealing a set of perfect white teeth. He reached out his hand, picking up the small bag containing his ordered items.

That doesn't answer my question, but since he's famous, I have no worries. Thabit noted inwardly, watching Karim with a wary eye as he leaned on the counter, his fingers drumming lightly.

"It's a pretty festive period, huh?" Karim remarked, casually counting out a handful of bronze tars. The coins glinted in the sunlight as he handed them over.

"Yes. Ever since three years ago, after the Outland was no longer separated from the mainland, the councils have decided to host the Heavenly Blessings Festival," Thabit said, a hint of pride creeping into his voice. "Each year, thousands of youths participate, and only the top hundred are honored enough to gain God's blood and enter the academy to become Seekers."

"I know. Every year since then, it's usually a day of great joy. The Heavenly Blessing Festival gives hope to us all, showing us that all is not lost. The Seekers will protect us from those bloody monsters," Karim replied, his tone matching the solemnity of Thabit's. He pocketed the remaining coins and adjusted the strap of the bag over his shoulder.

Thabit nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. "Yes, it's a day we all look forward to. A reminder of our strength and unity in the face of adversity." He glanced around the bustling market, the usual chatter of the townsfolk now tinged with an undercurrent of anticipation.

Karim gave a final nod and a brief smile. "Stay safe, Thabit. We'll need everyone in good spirits for the festival." With that, he turned and melted into the crowd, leaving Thabit to ponder the stranger who seemed so familiar.

At that moment, Thabit suddenly heard a loud commotion and turned his head to look at where the noises were coming from. His brows raised in surprise as he noticed a lot of people in the crowd looking up.

Above, a large aircraft shaped like a whale floated in the sky. It was massive, and as it passed over the marketplace, its enormous shadow enveloped the area.

Thabit's mouth hung wide open in awe, his pupils dilating just like most of the others in the street.

I see this every year, and I still can't get used to it. It's just so wonderful. Sigh… if only I had a family member who was a Seeker. Thabit sighed as he watched the large shadow cross over, heading towards the center of Osiris where the amphitheater for the event was located.

"I guess I better close up and get moving, or else I won't be able to watch the event clearly."

Thabit hurriedly closed up his shop, putting everything in order before joining the still-bustling but now even more crowded streets of the market, following the masses towards the amphitheater.

At a corner in the market, in a food stall, a figure suddenly got up from the chair he was sitting in. From his body, it was obvious he was male. He wore a hood even in the hot weather of the north, making him a bit eye-catching despite his intent to lay low.

He placed a few bronze credits on the table as he walked out, his eyes landing on the soaring aircraft.

I guess it's time for me to head to the amphitheater also. The figure thought as he walked into the crowd, blending amongst them even though he should have stood out due to his hood.

But just before he vanished into the crowd, a gentle wind blew past, shuffling his hood and revealing ancient symbols in the form of tattoos on his neck.