
Project Overworld

October 12, 2032, the game "Project Overworld" would release its first server to the public. Developed by the company "Advanced Simulations", this game aims to exploit the technologies behind virtual reality devices in order to simulate an entire universe. The players would all spawn on the same planet and try to survive with or against other players while building up stocks of resources and defenses. Eventually, they would be able to progress and exploit different resources to create technologies ranging from simple wooden spears to actual space rockets.

Cinerath · Games
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136 Chs


Exiting the institution by its main entrance, Keith was feeling very elated. Today was the last day he has had to attend the university. No more lessons to study at home now!

This exam session has been really distressing to him but he felt like he did quite well in the end. The results would be communicated in two weeks from now, a few days before the graduation ceremony.

'Finally... I may now entirely focus on Project Overworld until I get my diploma.' Keith breathed out.

Regarding his progress in the game, he has not been able to do a lot recently. He did manage to complete the first module that would be part of his space station, but nothing really more to it.

However, he now had a two week delay which he could use at its fullest to build upon its launcher and put the module into orbit.

'Well, I'm beat for today anyways. I should take a rest now and start playing tomorrow.' Keith decided.