
Project Overworld

October 12, 2032, the game "Project Overworld" would release its first server to the public. Developed by the company "Advanced Simulations", this game aims to exploit the technologies behind virtual reality devices in order to simulate an entire universe. The players would all spawn on the same planet and try to survive with or against other players while building up stocks of resources and defenses. Eventually, they would be able to progress and exploit different resources to create technologies ranging from simple wooden spears to actual space rockets.

Cinerath · Games
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Discovery of the EOSS

Jim did not dare to move by a single inch once the rocket lifted off the ground. He feared that he may activate some random mechanism and screw everything up.

As for Keith, he sat down comfortably in his chair and started his favorite video game. There was not a lot of things within this cockpit anyways, so there was no reason not to enjoy the travel. This time around, contrary to when he did it with Leyla, they would be arriving the next day to the EOSS. Since it was a Monday, Keith postponed their departure to when he came back from work.

Regarding his real-life job, it was a real constraint to him. He could not really complain that much because he had no extra hours whatsoever and most of the tasks which were assigned to him were really easy to accomplish. However, at an intellectual level, this job depressed him. He felt like he accumulated knowledge for nothing and could not keep up with such a repetitive schedule.