

White-tiled walls surrounded a crowd of people. They all huddled around one particular boy. His brunette hair stuck out in knots and clumps. You could barely see his ears under all the mats.

Heavy bags littered his pretty, dark brown eyes. They were darting side to side like something was about to jump out at him. His chest raised and fell rapidly. Surely he didn't look like this all the time?

"Fuck off!" The boy hissed. Frightening jolts flew down his spine as he was almost drowning in pain. Feeling the injections jump through his weak body. Planting roots in his genetics.

He showed his fangs in fear. He cried out, trying desperately to pull his now bruising arm away from the needles. But the chains wrapped firmly around his wrists were restraining him.

"Stay still Omega!" One of the few cruel laboratory testers spoke roughly. The brunette was once more pricked harshly in the forearm. He shivered from the disgusting feeling.

"Alright, the increased pups rate injection is completed, move George into the b34 roaming area for the mating process." The tester's voice was laced with a cold tone.

George repeatedly refused to continue. He lashed out, and the testers backed away out of his reach. Nevertheless, he was once again restrained from the chains. The metal was digging further into his skin. Causing it to react and leaving a gruesome rash.

Finally, it settled in that he was helpless and powerless. Even his nails were even trimmed to prevent accidents. If he got the time to think with no needles in the way. Maybe he could form some sort of escape plan.

When defeat overcame him like a shadow of a cloud. The testers went right back swarming him as if they were a flock of birds.

For a split second, George thought he was free. The testers were unlocking the chains from his swelling wrists. His ears flicked impatiently as the metal came loose. Though, as hastily as it happened, the disappointment was just as fast.

His hands were brought behind his back, and locked together with handcuffs. At this point, he might as well call this place a high-security prison. With all the guards, the shitty-designed building.

George plastered his eyes on the ground as he walked. Tiles beneath him came and went. However, the marble floor abruptly turned into grass. He was looking up when he realized. He was being heavily transported into what almost felt like a huge indoor forest.

The Omega admired the scenery. Vines slithered loosely around the trunks of the trees. Bushes and ferns scattered along the wide landscape. Finally, a river flowed undisturbed around the forest. Wrapping around it like a lasso, finishing it like a puzzle. However, the glass walls around it ruined the thought of it being real.

He wondered how it all fitted inside a building. The testers let him be at last. Undoing the cuffs as they did so. Once the heavy metal doors clanked shut. He spotted an increasingly long desk with the testers on the other side of the glass. Typing furiously at their illuminating computer screens.

George looked to the glass-covered sky in defeat. Even everywhere he looked. It was all securely caged. An escape plan for this place would take hours to think of something.

"Please help me Dream.." He sighed as his eyes glistened in the sun reflecting his tears. The Alpha was somewhere lost in this building with him.

The Omega felt sick to his stomach, the last brutal jab hit him hard. Quickly blinking away the tears before the testers noticed. Timidly, he wandered over to a moss-infested tree. Sliding his back down it until his knees were up to his face.

He re-gathered himself and his thoughts for a while. He found the nature around him soothing, even if it was fake. Letting the river's sounds calm him. Fifteen minutes or so must have passed. When he began contemplating his ways of escape.

Lazily getting up. Every move was documented as he felt multiple peering eyes on him. He ignored them and started to focus on the speakers. They were placed throughout the forest.

"The increased pups rate has settled enough, send in the Alpha." The cold tone echoed through the speakers of the caged room.

A glimmer of hope sparked in him. He hoped Dream would walk through the doors. He was the person George wanted to see the most.

When the bulky doors did shift open. The disappointment was all that followed the Omega. A much different-looking Alpha entered the room. Once the doors slammed shut, an intimidating silence sat between the two.

George worked out the situation and realized it was going to end badly. The only thing he could think of was to run. Bravely, he zipped away, having the Alpha quickly trailing up behind him.

The brunette's pupils dilated as he jumped for the sky. A cloud of smoke clouded around him like smog. In front of him, his hands morphed into cream-colored paws. He hastily unsheathed his claws and they dug into the tree's bark.

As a cat, his coat was cinnamon-colored with cream stockings. His light-tinted paws quickly got dirty as he clawed at the tree. George heaved, pulling himself to safety on one of its low-hanging branches.

He looked back, the Alpha was now a lion. He was three times George's size. And was now clawing up the same tree, with few steps compared to the Omega.

With the lion nipping at his tail. He had to jump to the branch in front of him, and then the next. Traveling further into the depths of the forest. The Alpha was practically on his hind legs from each branch.

His ears were knocked back onto his head from the rough wind and with concentration. The Omega's eyes had sharpened, getting a grip on the soothing tree branch before hopping from one to another with ease.

Time passed with the Alpha behind him but it was only a blur to George. He was only focused on the length till the next branch. However, something inside him told him that he couldn't keep this up forever.

The lion was now roaring up uncomfortably behind George. The brunette was clumsily messing up more and more of his sloppy pounces. His lungs were almost collapsing beneath his ribs. His pads ached from the harsh pressure of the chipped wood.

"Come here Omega!" The Alpha growled. George swore he could have felt the Alpha's breath on his back legs.

Whatever it was, it had awakened an unknown fear inside George. Causing him to knock off his focus. He ended up completely missing his leap to the upcoming branch.

George soared to the ground in such a short time, that his instincts set off, as his feet were guided to face the ground. He didn't realize how far up he had climbed until now.

He clenched his jaw in fright. He soon made a great collision with the ground. His breath was swept away like wind carrying a leaf. He had landed on all fours, sending a shock to travel through his body.

After collecting himself and getting his breath back. He continued to travel forward at a slower pace. His body might have changed, but his mindset never did. He knew his life was on the line, he continued to run like there was no tomorrow.

The Alpha was creeping up behind George faster than George could run. The lion must have found a safer route to climb down. Because now he was much faster than George, chasing his prey.

The Omega's ribs felt like they were brutally crushed. And his lungs right behind them were going to burst. George couldn't hold on much longer.

A few more laps had gotten George out of it. He was heaving out of his mind, but all hope finally came crashing down. His legs collapsed beneath him at last. George had shut down, given up, and drowned himself in his thoughts.

The Alpha now swiped the opportunity and took advantage, towering over George. The Omega was leaning as far as he could into the ground. Trying to get a further distance between them.

The lion's eyes squinted as he let out a low growl. Forcing George to shift into human form. With the Alpha following himself.

The unbelievable pressure on George's shoulder burned. His eyes pricked with tears. His lungs were already being put under enough pressure. He was still huffing from the ground-shocking fall.

"I'm sorry..." the lion spoke through rapid breaths.

George saw the Alpha's piercing eyes have a glimpse of pure sorrow. However, the intimidating feeling shone through. Staring at George's soul. The Alpha got a grip on George's hips with his head hanging low in guilt.