
Harbour Shootout

Same night while whole Mumbai relaxing few background stories are going on in the same city. Cops are still investigating for finding the connection between the recent two murders took place in the city. Collecting all the possible evidences. They are busy in that.

Mazagon docks mumbai:

A mobile phone rang in very untime. A big guy with huge muscles and very wild attitude answered it.

" hello, he will be here in no time. You don't need to worry. Everything is under my control. Task will be completed. Make sure you transfer the amount to right bank account." he said in a low and confident manner.

He cut the call and looked at his three guys situated at three different angles upon the harbour containers around him. He gestured him with his head which meant, are you ready? They too sent there reply gestures that they are ready. And each of the guys upon the container alerted almost ten members of their own to get ready. There is a sound of tyres screeching from far away. It made the members too alert. A suv is coming towards the guy down the container. He hid himself and alerted all the boys. The car stopped at 200 mts distance.

A man stepped out. He is white, early 40s in age and looking dignified and decent round faced with bald head. His face is glowing with charm and masked with smile. Soon after his entry into the harbour, some whisperings started and sounds like loading of the guns are heard. The guy from the car is in suspicion of these sounds. He observed all his surrounding and found none. Then a laser beam of red colour is spotted on his chest. He noticed that and bent down in fraction of seconds. The bullet missed and he looker over the container and found many snipers pointing at him. He stepped into his car and hid himself, his heartbeat is sounding like church bells, he just had an quick escape from a 7mm sniper. The guys continued there fire on to his car and made his car a sieve. He is in panic of this sudden attack. Finally after a 2 mins continues fire they expected that there is no more life inside the car. Two guys started walking towards the car for checking whether he is alive. Suddenly the car engine started and drove on to the two guys on the way hitting him badly and passed them. The guy in the car drove it very fastly for saving his own life.

After he left the harbour there is a dead silence over there. This entire scene was clearly recorded in security cams. The coast guards and all the forces in the port area reached to the place of shootout and alerted the Mumbai police. Within 5 mins whole Mumbai fell to the question of security. Coast guards and rest of all the forces found none but the crime scene is still fresh. The bullet shells and the gun powder, the smoke all are visible and the fumes of the incident can be smelled over there. But no guy with sniper is found there. All the news media suddenly got some breaking news to pass their time. There is a whole lot of chaos in the city.

Mumbai police headquarters

The director General of police ( DGP) called all the battalions and forces to a emergency meet on the behalf of the topic of the shootout currently took place at Harbour, which in place suddenly increased the crime rate of Mumbai in the country overnight. This is a serious call for them.

" have you all done with your dinners?" he asked very politely. Everyone is watching in confusion that he is making fun in such situation. There is a dark silence in the hall. Suddenly he increased his voice and shouted by raising from his chair. " can't you hear me?". "Yes sir". Everyone startled. "Then answer me damn it. You neither answer for the crimes nor questions of your personal being. Then what are you here for? Just for having your dinner Secretly and enjoy with your wives?. Everyone listen carefully. This doesn't gonna happen like this. Tomorrow morning our department will be forming a special team for this investigation. And you people just help them finding the clues from their leeds. Anyhow we have to shut down the raised up shit sooner. The Central Home minister is eating my brain for the mess created in the city. So now its our duty to clear it up. Understand?" he just made the hall tremble. "yes sir". Rest of all answered. DGP left the hall saying, "same useless answer all the time".

On the same time without knowing the chaos happening in the city Krish is with the lady from the pub in her car, on the way to her own guest house in West Mumbai.

"Ooooooo ooooo wooooo" she is shouting in excitement and enjoying the wind from outside rushing into the car. Krish sitting beside her gave her a look with smile drenched with attitude. She too returned him the same. She is smoking inside the car which makes Krish soo uncomfortable. Within 15 minutes they reached out their destination.

They both stepped out of the car. There is no one at the gate nor in the lawn and no sign of surveillance cameras within 3 kilometres radius, which makes him to feel a perfect place to have a secret intimacy with some lady. She welcomed him in, and showed the home. Its too costly and her collection of antique pieces made her house's interior design costlier. She offered Krish a burgundy glass of red wine. Both are having small sip of wine sitting in the hall. Both are staring each other silently. The lady is staring at him and having many dirty thoughts in her mind, just in few minutes. She became horny. After some time the silence broke and both went on to the bedroom just nearby.

She is handling him so roughly, she has fast run on to him. She pushed him on to the wall and started seducing him. " ooooo… Better if bit gentle". He whispered. " why are you soo shy? A hot lady is infront of you with all the permissions on her body tonight is up to you. Why don't you take chance?". She is tempting him. Their bodies are very close. Literally sticked to each other. " I like to take all the chances, but I never saw you handling over to me". Krish said sarcastically. "Hahah… pardon me… Iam too bossy." she smiled with attitude. Their breathes are getting heavy, and she is getting too rough. She started kissing on krish's neck which he trying to resist himself. She pushed him on to the bed and fell over him. She opened his pant button and came on to his face. She touched her lips with his, and just in a second about to kiss him deeply. Krish suddenly rolled to the side and now he is over her. She smiled with lust in her eyes. And both are about to kiss again. There lips touched to the half way inside.

All of the sudden the lady's throat started bleeding like hell. It is because of the narrow deep slit made by Krish with the surgical blade pulled out form his back pocket while rolling on the bed. She is bleeding more and dying in shock, and unable to breath. Still Krish is over her and the blood is draining out.

He just whispered in her ears closely, "sorry mam, unfortunately your lips touched mine."