
Project: Kirin

A group of assassins was organized to protect the President of Zephyr. However, one of them 'betrayed' the group and was being targeted by the likes of the Academy and the Government itself.

Daniifaa · Action
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3 Chs

Prologue: Running away

In the darkness of the night, when the twin stars Lyna and Lynaria were twinkling brightly, sounds of twigs broken and leaves moving can be heard at the heart of the forest. Birds were flying away in terror and insects stopped making noises as sounds of air getting cut by something fast can be heard. Bullets flew past the floras and faunas but some were accidentally hit by the blind shooting of the guards.

A boy was running from the guards. He wore a hoodie black in color to conceal his movements but it was futile. Every move he made just made him an easier target. The guards were armed with the latest sniper rifle with bullets capable of tracking moving targets. The boy however was not an ordinary boy. In fact, he was one of the best assassins to date in the Academy.

Wyvern Academy was one of the best Academies in Zephyr. Every year, graduates from Wyvern Academy will enter service in the Government as the Secret Service equivalent for the President codenamed 'Sentinel'. Most of the graduates have fully mastered the use of UniQ.

"Shoot him!"

"He's too fast!"

The guards were struggling to keep up with the boy. In the midst of the chase, some of the guards were wondering what went wrong with their 'faulty' security system. How did a mere boy able to escape the tightly guarded Academy that even birds who trespassed its airspace were shot without mercy by the .50 cal turrets.

Little did they know, the boy was not working alone. In fact, it was the Academy's own Senior Weapon Specialist that deactivated the traps and turrets, allowing the boy to escape. Why did the Senior Weapon Specialist help him? For now, only both of them knew.




The chase was still ongoing even after 30 minutes. The guard did not even realize that they were running in circles. This is it, the boy thought. The boy led the guards to an open area. One, two, three, four, five..... ten of them. Ten guards struggled to keep up with the boy's pace. Once the boy reached the middle of the open area, he stopped. The guards were startled and kept their guard up, considering the boy's capabilities. The boy was on top of his class after all.

"This many people just to capture one little kid? You guards always know how to show your incompetency." the boy taunted the guards.

"That just means that you are just as dangerous." said the tallest guard. He was the squadron leader for the guards that were tasked to chase the boy.

"I'm honored."

"Now, please surrender yourself, and we will find a way to lighten your punishment if you would be so kind."


The boy paused for a moment before finally replying.

"Nah, I'll pass."

Then, for a brief moment, there were crackling sounds resounding.

"Send my regards to that old man."