

In a universe which exists at an atemporal time, filled with infinite realms and dimensions. With an astral abyss comes the struggle for supremacy.    Races conquer the weaker species, lording over them like demigods, the quest for more resources turned the astral seas into a burial ground full with tales of wars.    In a universe filled with colossal beasts, monsters and mysteries, lies the foundation of the age in which Project Kied is based.    With the more powerful empires always thirsting and battling for more territories, they merge into leagues, orders and confederacies, to mutually channel their resources towards achieving their goals.    But a realm within the midst of this chaos suddenly disappeared as though it had never existed, its tides faded, taking along with it a race called the Nordens.    This set of lifeforms have had one basic characteristic with which they identified themselves, which is their State - Peace and Matter - Light.     Milleniums after, when their existence to the other realms had now become a myth, a child was born with a State and Matter that went against the status quo. By name Project Kied, he was confirmed to be of the State - War and Matter - Dark and Night.    Temporarily sent on exile after destroying his pillars of light, Kied finds his higher form - Equivax - while sailing the astral seas and he is trained by Equivax into becoming a cosmic pirate, who are the only form of resistance capable of challenging the feudal orders.    But Kied is fated to be more than a cosmic pirate, just as Norx Hade Zex had said, "... THE DARK CHILD OF WAR".     Will he be brave enough to pursue his destiny regardless of the trails and challenges ? Can he fearlessly grin at the death of day ? For in the beginning it was night.

Sigma Yaty · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Chapter 26

"Just send it burning Norgus", Zorg grinned with a revenge driven delight, "I can't wait to see him and his pet howling to the thores of death."

"I'm already getting it done Zorg", Norgus said his palms falling on that holographic screen, creating a configuration with those geometric shapes. He locked Trident on target setting the Trail Disector for a countdown to fire.

"Now I don't expect to ever see him poking how nose into what doesn't concern him ever again." Nord said pleased.

Staring into the Trail Disector's core, Thorace could see the complexities surrounding the creation of its immense surge of energy which was rapidly building up within its core, making the atmosphere around it steam with vivid ripples of fire and what it birthed at that moment was just the reflection of that same word - fire.

Thorace steeled himself within and so did Trident, who raised his burning shield, prepared to take the mighty blow of that enraged halo. It was going to be tough for them, they knew, but they were willing to undergo it all in order for it to become their.

Thorace strained feeling the resonating impact on Trident's shield with his arm as thee Trail Disector struck them. Trident's roar rose high, his antlers blazed, with his being burning in chaotic waves of fire, as he too struggled to keep the shield raised high. Thorace felt something strange about the halo, seeing those ideograms creating those double-helical symbols over its surface. Thorace knew that there was more to this cosmic weapon than just fire power and he was right. Feeling his strength draining within as though he was being scattered across multiple dimensions, it was a ripple effect of energetic decay, suddenly, Thorace was struggling to keep himself whole. His being now fraying like a dune, he stared at Trident who within his now braking shield was going through the same process of decay as his burning hides were gradually burning out, just like him, Thorace observed, his being was fraying into nothingness.

"Hold on Trident !" Thorace yelled. "It'll soon be over !"

"I know !" Trident growled. "I can feel its heat dying out."

Still raising their shield high, the halo kept digging its fangs into the cracking walls which kept holding it back with the same intensity as it had struck. Then slowly, the storm died out. Falling on his knees, Thorace breathed hard, so this is how powerful the Trail Disector is, so powerful that it could actually "disect" his energetic and cosmic core across multiple dimensions, weakening him as a result. He couldn't let them have such a weapon under their control and the only way he could stand up against it was to find a way to keep himself whole without breaking into an atomic mass of dust floating across multiple realms. This was one of those moments he always sought for, regardless of the aching, burns and scars, this was one of those moments he had always wished for and he was going to take charge of it in order it gain the ultimate - another evolutionary peak.

"I've never seen the mighty Thorace panting like a beaten puppy on his knees", that familiar voice called, "or have you decided to admit that the Trail Disector's power is beyond what you can take and here I thought the mighty Thorace was all fire and lightning."

"Because that is what I am Norgus ", Thorace replied to the challenge as he rode to his feet, "just as you said, fire and lightning !"

Thorace's voice rose like a tornado to the skies, with Trident's roar trailing him, both brought down that sea of fire and lightning upon the Trail Disector, consuming it within its waves, they sent it quaking within its core. It was just a weapon designed to scatter any form of energy and matter into nothingness, Thorace knew and all they had to do was to tame it by protecting themselves from being scattered into lifeless frequencies.

"Do something Norgus !" Shev panicked.

"Take it easy", Norgus replied calmly, "he's giving the Trail Disector exactly what it's meant to take."

Another halo tore out of the Trail Disector's core, tearing through the distance, it fell upon Thorace's wall of flames making it quake. Thorace groaned on receiving the impact which pushed him and Trident backwards. Getting hold of his balance, Thorace pushed forward, staying on defense only placed them at a disadvantage, giving them a weaker stand, making it even easier for the halo to tear them apart and pushing forward meant they were going to be using their entire being in this battle to survive.

A halo tore out from Trident's jaws striking the Trail Disector which pushed it backwards, they were gradually taking on the offense and it seemed to be paying off. Still, its surge intensified, the Trail Disector unleashed another powerful wave of energy which sent Trident and Thorace flying backwards, on regaining their balance they pushed forward, with Trident releasing a fusillade of halos at the Trail Disector making it quake within its energy field.

"Now I'm taking this to the next level !". Thorace yelled.

The skies overhead quaked and those pillars of lightning came crashing down as a sea of fire upon the Trail Disector who's armour exhumed sparks as it resisted the flames. Even Thorace could feel himself being pulled by the Trail Disector's field and his being once again began to fray, slowly decaying into dust.

"Trident gore !" Thorace ordered.

Trident's antlers bore themselves and from their enflamed tips came that fall of fiery lightning which struck the Trail Disector, making it quake within that chaotic sea of fire and lightning surrounding it.

Yelling to the skies , Trident's roar resonated the chaos within his soul, the battle intensified with neither side giving in to defeat. The five pirates of the Feudal Order stared in anticipation, hoping to see Thorace fall and rot into nothingness - defeated. But the fulfilment of their wish wasn't forthcoming as both Thorace and Trident fought on, their will keeping them standing and within this sea of energy came that burning orb from above, engulfing the entire battlefield in its exploding rays.

*** *** ***

"Breaking through Thorace's shield", the voice said, "I thought no one could do that."

"He's a cosmic pirate like me", replied Vage, "and he was expecting me, so I was supposed to find a backdoor ..."

"Open." Rode remarked.

"Wide open." Vage echoed.

"Now we know the way the Trail Disector functions just from observing it being used in battle and the effect it had on Thorace and Trident." Rode analysed, "So how are we supposed to find the perfect weapon to counter attack ?"

"Let's just say", Vage answered, "I made a new toy."

Placing his hand on the holographic screen at the Talon's helm, the projection of a gun like structure with a nozzle in the shape of a vertically set crescent appeared. It disintegrated itself, revealing its components.

"There's no time to give you a full analysis, but you can just call it the Leash." Vage explained.

"A leash to keep the puppy in check." Rode purred, savouring the thought.