

In a universe which exists at an atemporal time, filled with infinite realms and dimensions. With an astral abyss comes the struggle for supremacy.    Races conquer the weaker species, lording over them like demigods, the quest for more resources turned the astral seas into a burial ground full with tales of wars.    In a universe filled with colossal beasts, monsters and mysteries, lies the foundation of the age in which Project Kied is based.    With the more powerful empires always thirsting and battling for more territories, they merge into leagues, orders and confederacies, to mutually channel their resources towards achieving their goals.    But a realm within the midst of this chaos suddenly disappeared as though it had never existed, its tides faded, taking along with it a race called the Nordens.    This set of lifeforms have had one basic characteristic with which they identified themselves, which is their State - Peace and Matter - Light.     Milleniums after, when their existence to the other realms had now become a myth, a child was born with a State and Matter that went against the status quo. By name Project Kied, he was confirmed to be of the State - War and Matter - Dark and Night.    Temporarily sent on exile after destroying his pillars of light, Kied finds his higher form - Equivax - while sailing the astral seas and he is trained by Equivax into becoming a cosmic pirate, who are the only form of resistance capable of challenging the feudal orders.    But Kied is fated to be more than a cosmic pirate, just as Norx Hade Zex had said, "... THE DARK CHILD OF WAR".     Will he be brave enough to pursue his destiny regardless of the trails and challenges ? Can he fearlessly grin at the death of day ? For in the beginning it was night.

Sigma Yaty · Sci-fi
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56 Chs

Chapter 11

Henry sat in the second chair after the school bus' door, his head resting on the wound up window. He saw his "rival" approaching, better still, marching, and that nosy boy running after her from behind. She leapt into the bus, her gaze met his then turned to his seat, she growled, walking away she took her seat at the back of the bus. Then came the boy who scuffled into the bus, pausing he stared at Judith and back at Henry.

"Now I get it !" He exclaimed, the furious look on Judith's face making him grin mischievously. He took his seat beside Henry.

"Hello, I'm James," he began, smiling at Henry who just stared outside through the window.

"You really broke the record today, beating the best student in Physics - who happens to be my sister - to the number one spot, teaching old Sam to not be naughty, and sitting in your rival's favorite chair. You're not only taking her title, you're also taking her brother and her seat, guess what you'll be taking next ?" James paused, Henry's glistening eyes now on him, "her hand in marriage bro." He laughed.

Henry's grin tilted his lips to the left, for the first time in ages he was going to have a friend who's sister was mad at him for taking her place as the smartest student in the class and her favourite spot on the school bus, as for romances, he hated them.

The bus was soon ready to go, driving out of the school they found themselves plying the city's highways. James kept yapping on and on about anything and everything that came to his mind and that came in view not bothering if Henry was even listening. But he'd have to admit, Henry did enjoy this boy's company, James could make a good partner in crime, his sister ? She was one of those students who were complacent with only getting good grades and topping the class. For Henry, there was more to his life than just that, so much more that it made having good grades meaningless, he only studied to keep his new parents happy and to hide his true identity. He was way smarter than their greatest scientists who only played by logic, logic wasn't meant to be followed, it was meant to be kicked out of the way. Being rational made things difficult, just enjoying the thrill of being wild was what made the best of the best. And Henry knew how wild his dark side could be - really wild.

"Burger Lane !" The driver announced bringing the school bus to a stop.

"I think this is where we part ways," James said, "not to forget, I've been looking for the boy who could crush my sister's overblown ego, and I can see it that you're the one. Keep up the good work and help me carry out my revenge." James winked, following his sister from behind as they both alighted the bus.

The bus was about moving again when Henry suddenly stood up.

"Burger Lane !" He called.

"What were you thinking of kid ?" The driver complained, "you saw your friends getting down."

"I was searching for something," Henry lied.

Judith turned around, her eyes falling on that person who had been stepping on her toes and getting her furious all day. Seeing him walking towards them from behind made her reassess herself if she wasn't daydreaming, the face was as bold as ever, eyes glaring back straight into her as though it would cut her into halves, did he live in this neighborhood ? If he did, then she was done for.

"What's that ?" James asked seeing his sister's sudden reaction.

"Nothing," she snapped, quickening her pace.

Turning around wanting to see what caused his sister's strange behavior, James was elated to see that it was Henry.

"Why did you come after us ?" James asked.

"I live here," Henry replied.

"You do", James remarked, "and you didn't tell me. The bus could have taken you wherever it would have been heading to."

"That was exactly what I wanted," Henry gave his reason, "I wanted a tour around the city."

"A tour ho ! Who could have been your guide ?"

"I don't need one, I know every corner of this city with my eyes closed."

"You've got guts dude," James complimented changing the topic, "just seeing you take down Sam in one move made me feel on top of the world, how did you even do it ?"

"Something I learnt a long time ago", Henry replied, "that wasn't the first time I faced bullies, there has always been this magnetic attraction between I and their likes."

Stopping before a bungalow, both boys watched Judith storm into the house.

"This is where I live Henry, where's your home ?"

Henry pointed at another bungalow across the street just three houses away from James'.

"That's the place," he said.

"That close ! That means there'll be videogames at your place on Saturday."

"Are you sure you're up for it ?"

"You bet - wait !" James smiled mischievously, "Judith, it'll take me fifteen minutes to get to Henry's house at a speed of three metres per second, calculate the distance !" He yelled. "That'll remind her that she isn't the only posh genius," James laughed, "see you at school tomorrow - wait, no - I'll be coming to pick you up tomorrow." He said waving Henry goodbye as he ran into the house.

Henry took a final look at the house, appreciating the lawn and the flowers, he walked away. Once again he'd be facing the two persons who called themselves his parents.