
A Long night

It was an extremely cold night. The Police gave in a couple of sheets to them barely covering them. For the girl however cold was the least of her worries.

The night didn't seem to end.

While Alex was clearly just lost in his thoughts about his highly uncertain future. The girl seemed to be extraordinarily scared. She didn't know enough and Alex didn't care enough. In the dead of the night Alex saw up that the cops were trying to doze off. He gently took his coat and made a pillow out of it. They had given sheets to everyone and though Alex thought about the possibility of spares. A woman was severely warned when she asked for another. He offered up his own.

Alex didn't really care much.

Slowly at about 12 he went to sleep. The girl tried to stay awake with all she had got. She washed her face thrice pinched herself. She did her absolute best. And that was a mere 7 minutes later than 11.

Strange dreams filled her head. Running from someone in dark alleys and corners. All the horrors she had heard being inflicted on anyone she ever had the chance of knowing seemed like something in her future. She was alone since the five years of running from her foster home. Selling meth on the streets, picking locks and smuggling goods as a trafficker. Typical low thug stuff. She had always maintained her distance from anyone or anything too dangerous. She wanted to always protect herself but was just too scared. She knew that getting a bunch of tattoos would make her look tough. But she was too much of a coward.

Everytime she got near a customer that looked too dangerous, she was shaking in her boots. She was afraid he or she would pull out a gun and kill her or maybe worse...

She ran with all her speed. She was sweating like a seal. Feeling immense pain build up in her chest, she stopped at an old house. She knocked on the door frantically.

"Help !!! There is a stalker following me please."

A woman opened the door but it was still chained. One quick look and she slammed it shut.

"Help !!! Please !!!"

"You cheap Bitch Stay The Hell Away from My House !"


She glanced back and the stalker was around the corner. Gasping up she took to her feet with all she had. She ran even though her legs gave up.

"Help !!! Anybody HELP!!!"

She ran in to a dead end.

It was over now.

"Seems like it" He said just a few metres behind her.

He slowly started walking towards her. She couldn't see clearly but he was definitely smiling. It's over now.

He lunged forward with his knife.

"No!!!" she shouted.

Suddenly she was fully awake, clad in Alex's coat. And unharmed.

"What's yer damn problem ? Why you shouting ?" The policewoman at the desk shouted at her.

"Am I safe ?" she took a quick glance sideways only she and Alex were in the cell.

"Where are the others ?"

"WE do the questioning here, lady. They have gone out. Lady Tory brought their bail."

"Damn it I shouldn't have stolen her earrings for that meth."

"You are seriously in need of some counseling", Alex said.

"Hey you son of a bi-....Actually you are right."

She took a minute to get back to her senses and decided to understand the situation clearly. Alex hadn't done anything to her and she was safe there didn't seem to be any threat to her from him he even handed his own coat so that she won't freeze.

'Can I have my meds?, it's in the bag. I think I have some problems with migraine again.'

The officer sighed and looked in the bag.

'There is a lot of stuff here.'

'If you would let just get a look i will find it i swear it won't be long.'

He took the bag and came forward. 'Better not try anything funny.'

'She looked for a bit and took out a pack.'

'Thanks a lot.'

She then eyed up Alex and thought.

Finnaly summoning up her courage she decided to ask him, 'You didn't kill anybody did you ?'

He looked at her and shook his head. 'Not that it matters anyway.'

Alex had already seen all ways were blocked. He had been caught as there were his fingerprints on the gun and he was the highest beneficiary of the incident. In fact if not for a man watching him leave the Nabakov estate and him being in perfect state to be a killer it was possible no one would believe it.

'It does.' she said. 'It always does.'

For her it always mattered that she was doing something wrong only because she had to. There was insane pressure in this dog eat dog world. If you don't steal you die, it was that simple for her.

'Say,' she asked. 'What's your name?'


I am Stella nice to meet you. She offered her hand

Alex shook it and felt something.

Wanna see the world as a free bird again.