
Chapter 4: The Great Cataclysm (Part-1)

There she stood, Sophia, the sister of Arthur. She had been shadowing him all the time and had just successfully found him again, and to see this.

"How.. could you..?", she asked in a low voice.

"I..-I Knew you were up to something but.. this..?", she continued.

At that exact moment, Arthur froze in shock. That little lag was what Moby needed.

Moby's lip twitched before turning into a grin from ear to ear. Before Sophia could notice the fatty, he had crawled and grabbed a hold of her feet and dragged her down to the ground along with him.

Using her as an exchange, the same way "demon"s climbed up hell at the exchange of a human soul going down there as a replacement, as she was forcefully dragged down, Moby used her as support to climb up...

A person could now tell by witnessing this, Moby was the type to climb up the ranks by trampling down on others. His overbearing weight made him inevitable to not fall under his fat ass.

He grabbed her by the nape and helped her stand up slowly but threateningly. Once Sophia was in a standing position, he took the inside arm around of his elbow around Sophia.

"Haha Bitch, If you move you out.." Moby blurted out followed with a raspy laugh. Arthur abandoned Derek's collar, making him fall limp on the concrete head first, and eyes rolled into his head.

Arthur, in distress and fury, took a step forward, Moby took a step back with his hostage in his hand.

"One shtep forward..." Moby threatened, showing no fear in his eyes. With his free hand, he took out something from his pocket.

A knife..?

The next second, Sophia grabbed a stern grip around Moby's arm that was held around her neck.

"Please..let me go.." she said in the most sugar-sweet way possible for her. Her gaze shifted and focused on the knife.

"I'm shorry but N-", Before Moby could complete his sentence, the knife flew out of his grip, and she flung him over and on the ground.

As his broad back contacted the concrete, it jolted up, saliva and air forcefully exhaling out, and escaping his mouth and lungs before collapsing limply on the ground.

"I don't normally resort to violence but.. disgusting..." Sophia muttered to herself.

Arthur watched agape in shock.

What had just happened..?

Had his own sister that he thought needed his protection just flung over a person five times her weight..?

It then went up for him... He hadn't been the only one training

"What do you say? Should we dump the trash where it belongs..?"

Without replying, she turned back and walked away. His sister's disappointment had reached its climax.

Arthur didn't care what anyone said. Even if his sister was disappointed and sad, he would get his revenge and he had gotten it, but it wasn't complete...

Arthur stripped them with their upper clothing, in other words their tops, along with their shoes and socks, and threw them into random dumpsters.

He stuffed their socks halfway in their mouths

'Good luck finding them, happy digging' he thought.

Arthur wasn't heartless, so he stacked them upon each other so they'd share their body heat and not freeze to death till they woke up and desperately needed their clothing.


The bullying would most likely end. If they ever dared to step up in front of him again, Arthur knew to strike back 10x harder than this time... he would always be ready for them.

This time, he had been the weight of an atom more merciful to them. The next time if they dared to come up to him, he'd beat them up using a long object like a sword (metal pipe).

He'd take out a taser that he borrowed and tase them until unconscious. Then he stripped them completely and took multiple photos of each one of them and even filmed them after arranging them so that they would seem to be spooning to each other before dumping them all together inside the trash in that same state.

He'd download the video onto his cloud, and use a disposable email to log into social media and post it.

There was a wordplay called: Internet never forgets

Arthur'd manipulate that since the video would be on his cloud, no matter how many times they took it down, he could re-upload it using a disposable email. He could destroy their lives while staying anonymous.

And he could program the cloud to self-destruct the file saved on the cloud if he didn't log in every so-so time.

He would destroy their lives and reputation if they dared to try him on once again. And the best was that he could make money out of it. A video or picture like that would get him stacks of views upon views, and that'd turn into cash for him.

So, after humiliating his bullies, he'd make money out of their backs, and that from multiple disposable accounts.

No matter if you are a pessimist or an optimist, Arthur Elijah Henrikson's life wasn't a good one nor a bad one. It was just a mediocre, insignificant existence.

Arthur walked away from the battle euphoric, almost singing. He had never felt so proud of himself and had the completely undeserved confidence that he would never think about those bastards ever again.

But that didn't mean Arthurs life all fell in one piece. His life was still hell;

Before in the past, he tried to report his uncle's abuses to the social services with an anonymous email, but being overworked and understaffed, the social work assistant made a brief visit and never came back.

Then he tried to end the bullying by reporting their aggressors to a teacher, which in turn washed her hands by reporting it to the principal.

The principal did not want to meddle with what he deemed as childish pranks, so he called Arthurs's parents, which meant his overworked mother, to inform them of the problem, hoping they would let it slide. And at least his wish came true.

It all went the same way as when he told his mother, Erina, about the incidents. She told him she would talk to his teachers.

Arthur believed her and waited for tomorrow. But the next day, nothing happened. He still got beat up again after the death of his father, the one and only remaining parent of his had no time to listen to him.

Arthur was indeed happy. It was to the extent despite his sister was not far up in front of him; he was still jumping with joy despite his wounded condition and the disappointment she had shown.

The two squared up on the way home.

The way home was pretty far, so they went past the internet cafe where Arthur got his wounds treated with wound sanitizer and plaster at the local nurse's office of the internet cafe.

It was one perk of being on an appropriate term with a worker there. He'd allow them to go into staff-only places. The guy didn't even bother asking how Arthur got his wounds.

After getting treated, and eating chips and some other stuff, they got out. On their way out, they noticed a familiar figure. His back was the only thing showing, but in front of him were two hooded figures.

They couldn't see their faces, but focusing on their hands, they saw them...exchanging things. After their hands had stopped moving forth and back, the hooded figures looked like they said something before turning around and walking away, quickly disappearing out of sight.

Arthur focused on the face of the person standing with his back forward.

"Ol'El Rich boy..." said Arthur surprised, as he stepped his foot out. He probably said it loud because Elric turned around to face them.

They were on each side of the crosswalk, so they just stared at each other for some second.

"How ya doing," Elric said loudly. He was the first to break the silence, and his surprised expression was replaced with a friendly grin. He shifted his gaze to the left, then right, then left again, watching out for cars before crossing.

"Who were those two hooded guys.." Sophia asked, looking at where he once stood

"Those were just.. some friends.." He answered quickly but sternly and confidently.

Sophia's lips twitched and her eyes narrowed for a second. Arthur thought she was going to do the rock eyebrow, but her expression quickly shifted back to its original state.

Elric, despite how it was, that he met two hooded figures in broad daylight didn't sound suspicious. It was only witnessing seeing their actions and circumstances that were suspicious.

It was always hard to see if Elric was lying. He always had this straight face and even eye contact dint give it away. Even when he got home late, he always had some sort of persuading excuse, and it seemingly always worked.

And top that off, his voice never wavered. It was always said confidently.

Sophia knew she couldn't get anything out of him if he said no, yes, Elric had indirectly said

'I will not tell you, do your worst,' he indirectly said

So she just frowned. "Okay"

Being a teenager at over average height with pitch-black piercing eyes that he had inherited from his father and long blonde hair that is only tied at the top with the hair on the sides moving freely, he looked like his father...their father.

Arthur got lost in his thought, he imagined his father was the one standing before him now. In his military suit and a gun held in his hand proudly.

He imagined him to be gazing down at him. His father smiled.

"Grizzking.." He said

He had never heard his father call him Grizzking, but it must have been a fatherly thing to call their sons by nicknames, after a long time.


"Grizzking...?" He repeated

That's when it hit him, why amiddreaming,g he remembered it was only one person who called him that…was…

"EARTH TO ARTHUR..!?!" a familiar voice shout-whispered in his ear.

This shocked some sense into Arthur. He finally noticed he was staring at Elric, and his sister Sophia had just moved a step away from him after shout-whispering in his ear.

"Yes..?" He answered

"Are you okay--?" Asked Elric, slightly tilting his head to the right.

"Huh, yea — why?" The first thing Arthur subconsciously did was to scratch his eyes. That's when he felt it.

Elric gazed him down with worry in his eyes.

"Why are you crying..? Do your wounds hurt.?" Elric said looking at the plastered wounds on his hand, head, face.


Arthur quickly wiped them away.

While walking home, he finally broke the silence, "Don't tell anyone... That I was crying"

"We won't..." the both of them answered simultaneously in a blunt manner.

"Crying for no reason.... Why don't we get mom to get you a doctor to examine you?" she suggested.

"Don't be stupid.."


Suddenly,upfront a long row of black cars came driving down the road, the windows were blackened and each car carried a wagon with blackened windows.


The ground started shaking like crazy.

"..W-what was that?" Elric blurted,

"An earthquake maybe!?" Sophia answered slightly unsure. Arthur quickly surveyed the area. He saw people panicking and pointing in a direction. Some started lifting their smartphones while others ran away.


"Let's check it out," Elric suggested, taking the lead




Explosions and screams were constantly heard, the ground felt like it was moving, Arthur fire for some reason had a bad feeling.

Some screams even sounded inhuman, some fell on the ground and injured themselves, getting trampled on by people trying to get as far away from the place as possible.

Why all amid running Elric suddenly stopped around the corner. His eyes widened and his fist clenched.

It was like time froze at that moment. That was the second time Arthur had ever seen his brother tremble hopelessly with fear in his knees.

"What the f..." He managed to stutter, in a half trance.

"Elric..are you okay..what is happening?" Sophia tried without getting an answer.


Another series of explosions and destructive sounds came, followed by screams, and sounds of people dying and getting injured.


"H-hey, Elric what the heck are you looking at" Arthur blurted, along with Sophia ran over to see what their elder brother was so shocked off.

When they turned their heads around to the left, they saw it...