
project 01

Jack, a man with a lust for violence, wakes up in a new body, in a fantasy world that is ruled by the rich and the powerful. (This is my first attempt at writting and I am just doing it for fun at the moment, so please don't expect regular chapters. Also I am dyslexic so expect mistakes.)

Dark_O · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 23: Too easy

(Warning this chapter containes violence.)

Darkness, total darkness. I opened my eyes and was floating in an oblivion, void of light, noise, sound, everything and yet I didn't worry, I didn't panic at all, this sensation was oddly familiar and... comforting, I felt a presence, then like I was being embraced by somthing, almost like I was returning home.

I wanted so much to give in to this sensation, to just close my eyes and stay in this embrace of darkness forever and yet I wanted something more at that right precise moment in time, I steeled myself and opened my mouth to speak however no noise escaped.

'Ugh! What is this? Why does it feel so familiar?' I thought in irritation.

Almost as if to answer my question, memories flooded my mind but not my own, they where memories of my mother in a third person perspective as if she was being watched by somthing. She was sitting on a hospital bed incredibly upset tears streaming down her face, opposite to her sat a stoic doctor.

"Ms Offmen. As this was your fourth miscarriage in a row we ran some tests and I am afraid it is not good news, we have discovered that there is an infection, that if left will cause sepsis, unfortunately the infection is too severe to be treated with antibiotics so thr only way to deal with this is to remove the infected tissue."

"I don't understand what is it you're trying to say?"

"I am afraid that we will have to perform a hysterectomy to remove the infected tissue."

"WHAT!? I've just lost a child and now you're trying to tell me I'll never be able to have another one!"



"Ms Offmen this may seem insensitive however we must proceed as quickly as possible." my mother sat in silence for some time and then simply nodded in approval.

She muttered something inaudible. The entity seemed to react to it and sent a small orb of black energy into my mother's stomach.

One memory faded and another began, a very similar scene appeard my mother sat on a hospital bed however this time she was accompanied by my father, a docter rushed into the room in a slightly panicked manner.

It was the same doctor as before he frantically looked through medical charts beads of sweat ran down his forehead as he looked between my mother and the charts multiple times, he's eyes widened.

"My God" He muttered to himself bearely audible. But my mother had quite good hearing.

"WHAT! WHAT IS IT!?" My mother shouted in a panicked state.

"I am not entirely sure how to put this... but... you are pregnant!"

"WHAAAAT!? You said I couldn't have children!"

"Yes well... I said that as the odds of such a thing happening espicially with your hormone imbalance are so astronomically low it should be bassicly impossible."


The memory faded again and yet another one began this time a delivery room came into view this was the moment of my birth I had herd the story before, but actually seeing it was quite surreal.

"AAAAAAH!" My mother gave a large push and I emerged however there was not the usual cry of a new born instead there was an eerie silence. From the third person perspective I could see that the umbilical cord had wrapped around my neck I wasn't breathing my body was blue lifeless and limp.

"What-What's wrong why ain't he crying? ...What's wrong!?"

The doctor and nurses hesitated for a second then my mother's second shout shock them as the immediately took action they cut the cord moved my body and started CPR. My Mother seeing this uncontrollably broke down into tears.

Strangely my view shifted from my mother to me the view point got closer to my old body as if whatever was watching was getting closer, then I saw it. Black energy seeped out of my body going towards the thing that was watching however for some inexplicable reason instead of receiving this energy the thing forced it back into my body.

1 minute, 2 minutes, the thing observed no change nothing happened the thing then got closer it seemed to release more of that energy, more and more of it envoleped my small body completely covering it no one else could see it suddenly my body absorbed the energy coloure reapered in my body and I burst back into life letting out a cry.

The memory faded, another began this time the memory was first person I was five years of age. I was in a swimming pool I had gone too far out of my depth and was struggling to stay afloat, I looked over at my mother at the side of the pool. She disliked water so stayed at the side, I wasn't supposed to go in to the deep end and didn't want to get in trouble so I didn't shout for help and kept struggling.

I couldn't keep my self up any more and sunk under the water I panicked trying desperately to get to the surface to no avail, the light started to fade around me as I sunk towards the bottom I held my breath for as long as possible the light fading more and more untill I took a breath in, then everything went black it was comforting, calming it felt so natural.

The view shifted to the entity watching get again it watched my body sink to the bottom it focused on my mother, it sent a stream of energy into her. Suddunly she became worried she looked for me in the Poole but couldn't see me the entity focused on my body it pushed black energy into my body and I floated to the surface my mother saw me and reacted instantly fully clothed she dived into the pool and grabbed me taking me to the side she immediately started to breath life back into my body yet no reaction I laid there blue as the day I was born.

The entity reacted, it once again got close to my body enveloping me in energy. More and more energy flooded my body it was absorbed much quicker this time. The view once again shifted to first person as I coughed up the water in my lungs my mother hugged me as I looked over her shoulder perfectly calm I looked at the watching entity as it looked back. I couldn't see it but I still sensed that comforting presence I felt in that oblivion, watching me.

As it disserperd so did the memory. Another came into existence again in a third person view the entity was looking at my twenty-four year old sleeping body it was badly beaten and coverd in bruises, I was struggling to breath and blood was flowing from my nose suddenly my breathing stopped.

The entity once again reacted it forced energy into my body more and more but it wasn't working I wasn't waking up the entity descended it envoleped my body itself, allowing itself to be absorbed but it made no difference it seemed to shift focus from my body to something else, my energy, my mind, the entity drew it out of my body. what came out of my body looked like a black shadowy silhouette of my body it floated in the air as the entity covered it completely, it swirled around my silhouette creating a vortex.

The next second a flash of total black I was now staring at the body of a ten year old boy with black hair and grey eyes in a dark, woods during a thunder storm the entity approached the body a coverd it and forced my shadow into the boys body. The entity forced more and more energy into the body it seemed much, much more energy than before, it also seemed denser and far more powerful.

The clouds swirled above the body as the wind increased in speed lightning streaked across the sky, a tornado formed it was an exact copy of what happened at the town square but on much more powerful scale.

The trees in the area lost there leaves and seemed to shrivel and die instantly lightning concentrated above the boy then struck through the entity turning the lightning black as it hit the boy with unbelievable force destroying the area around the boy. The boy took a breath, the entity seemed satisfied and disapated the view shifted to first person.

As i opened my eyes I was transported back to that darkness floating in oblivion, I looked into the abyss and it looked back.

'So you brought me to this world to save me, huh?'

I felt a warm pressure pressing against me.

'I'll take that as a yes. Why?'

A mix of sensation bombarded my body I could tell it was trying to say something but simply couldn't.

'Ok, I get it, yes and no questions only.'

"Am I dead?'

A cold sensation.

'That's a relief, I was just starting my life in this world, I don't really want to leave it so soon.' I tried to think for a moment as to why I was experiencing this and I remembered the similarities between the resurrection it showed me and my awakening.

'Is this happening because I awakened?'

A warm sensation.

'Hmm... interesting a mysterious entity watching over me my whole life then suddenly um... resurrects? Me although I hate to ask this I kind'a have to... are you "God"?'

No sensation.

'Weird, not a yes, but not a no.' I thought about it for a minute. I thought about all the things I had learnt since coming to this world then a thought hit me, something I've been hearing since I got to this world "Thank the Gods." not God, but God's as in plural, as in more than one.

'Are you A "God"?'

A warm sensation.

'A God!?... Ha! Hahaha! so you can bring me back to life, transport me to another world, put me in another body and give this system, but you can't talk to me!?' I couldn't help but laugh.

A uncomfortable sensation, it was like it felt conflicted.

"Hahahaha! That's f*cking hilarious! What kind of "God" are you any way?' I laughed mocking the so called "God".

A memory appeared, it was me, the current me, I was clocked in white fog standing in front of a terrified man on his knees.

"W-W-W-What are y-y-you?" The p*ss soaked man asked me.

"I am cold breeze on your neck, the shadow at the corner of your eye, the constant presence in the darkness, I am the inevitable, I am DEATH!"

The memory faded and I was back in the abyss.

"So you're saying that you're death?"

A warm sensation.

"You?" I snickered slightly.

A hot sensation, it awnserd positively but almost as if it was getting agitated.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! So the "God" of death saved my life!? HAHAHA! That's to good!" I broke out laughing hysterically at the ridiculous irony. It took me a moment to calm down.

Another uncomfortable sensation a bit different this time, it felt embarrassed. I mean of course it was! The whole idea is ridiculous! What is the "God" of death doing protecting and reincarnating somone! That should be the God of life's role right?

"Ok, ok hehe. Let's say I believe you, i still don't get why or what you get out of it... But I know you can't

or won't awnser me. So now what?" I thought trying to contain my laughter.

Two memories appeared the first was the memory of me receiving the task "get good" the second was the system telling me I had no specific mission task or objective and could do whatever I desired.

"So basically you want me to get stronger apart from that i can do what i want?"

A warm sensation.

'I mean i plan on getting stronger any way but... i wonder why it wants me to get stronger?' I thought to myself pondering what a supposed God wanted from me.

A confusing mix of sensation bombarded my body once again.

'Um... I obviously wasn't asking "you" that! Haa... But whatever, so I will be able to understand you better once I get stronger, huh?

A warm sensation.

'Fine i still dont get what it is you want but i guess once I get stronger can you give me more answers?

A warm sensation.

'Ok well I'm not sure why you revealed yourself "now" that's a bit weird but... whatever, I planned on getting stronger anyway, getting answers is just a bonus I suppose. Fine, send me back and do me favour don't bring me here again 'till I can talk to you properly, this kinda felt like it was a wast of time. Also there is no way! I'm referring to you as a "God" from now on I shall refer to you as Grim ok?' I thought in an exasperated manner.

A refreshing breeze seemed to wash over me almost like it was hit by a realisation. Then a warm sensation like it was accepting my demand. The sensation of floating seemed to slowly stop and I started to feel the pressure on my back and head. I also felt the familiar warmth of the blanket covering my body. I felt like I could move again so I tried to open my eyes to my surprise I was back in my bed covered with my blanket, looking up at the ceiling of my hut.

"Well that was f*cking weird!" I mumbled to myself, I was gobsmacked by what I had just experienced. Honestly the whole idea of "God's" was quite unnerving, who knows how many other God's there are or thier powers.

I slowly got up off the bed and went to bathroom to have a shower I needed wash off all of the confusion and clear my mind. After coming back in I got dressed and sat back on the bed I noticed my HUD flashing.

'Notifications!' I said eagerly in my mind.


{Awaken - completed +100% to all STATS at the moment of awakening}

'STATS!' I thought excitedly.


H.P 1580/1580

STM 1580/1580

NRG 1580/1580(Limited)

Level: 70 (Capped) [EXP 1600/1000]


STATS (Each point is currently equivalent to a 1% increase to base STATS)

Body 190 (Requires 6 points)

Mind 190(Requires 2 points)

Skills: 5

Titles: 3

"... Ha... Haha... HAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed hysterically... For a while.

After calming down I put on my boots and coat to go get something to eat.

"Hmm... where should I go to day... Oh! I know, the stalls get fresh ingredients today so they might have something new."

I made my way down to the fountain area and browsed the stalls unfortunately there was no new items so I grabbed myself some meat skewers and a cup of herbal tea. While I was walking around I noticed people watching me and whispering but not in the useful nasty way, but more like in a respectful and excited way obviously my awakening had improved peoples opinions of me. I was kind'a like a minor celebrity, I even got the occasional congratulations and a couple of kids asked my autograph, which I accepted happily after that I then went over to a bench to enjoy my makeshift meal.

After finishing my meal I decided to walk around a bit and enjoy the weather. After walking around for about twenty minutes I spotted Marx sitting a table outside a café watching some women that where jogging around, I walked up to him without him noticing. Being able to sneak up on an expert like Marx who other than the chief had the best senses in the village showed just how good I had gotten... even if he was distracted.

The waitress saw me sneaking up but glared at Marx and then simply smiled at me and turned away, he had obviously managed to p*ss her off somehow. I grabbed a small sharp twig off the floor as I got closer then when I was right behind him in one swift smooth motion I grabbed his knack with my left arm and put the sharp point of the stick up to his eye he was so surprised he dropped his drink all over his crotch.

"If you want to keep your eyes I suggest you keep them of my woman." I distorted my voice so he couldn't recognise me and realesed a tiny bit of my killing intent just to let him know I was serious. I felt him shudder and gulp in anxiety. I had to let out a tiny bit otherwise I'd overwhelm over one in the area.

"S-Sorry friend w-won't happen again I s-swear it." he gulped again as saw a bead of sweat run down his forehead. I leaned in to whisper in his ear as I pressed ever so slightly harder on the stick near his eye.

"Hey assh*le" I said coldly in my distorted voice.

"... Yeah?" He nervously awnserd.

"Got ya! HAHAHAHA!" I let my voice go back to normal, as I let him go and revealed myself.

"KIIID!" He Shouted in total shock. I sat down across from him.

"You Sh*t head! When did you get so good at stealth!"

"HAHAHA! You're just losing your edge old man!"

"Who you calling old man!" He got all worked up and stood up. He was a bit sensitive about his age.

"Hehe... Old man you've even lost control of your own body" I snickered as I pointed to his wet crotch. He looked down at himself realising, He then looked around and saw the waitress, the women he was leering at, as well as some random people chuckling at him.

"I'll show you old man!" He said angrily.

"Oh! Is that a challenge... Old man!?"

"Training ground now!" He stormed off.

"Haha, This will be fun." I chuckled as I followed. After about five minutes we arrived he grabbed two wooden swords, threw me one and got into position.

"Huh? No gear?" I smirked confidently at Marx.

"... Skills are allowed, first to give up or be knocked out loses." He said angrily.

"Skills? Ha! You sure you can keep up old man!?" I said confidently

As I got in position Marx reacted immediately trying to catch me off gaurd, he used a skill to dash across the arena and slash at my side. He was faster than I expected and wasn't holding back at all, luckily I was ready, I simply took a step back and avoided his strike at the last second, I could have done it faster but I didn't want to reveal my skills to much.

As he was expecting to collide with me he overextended giving me a chance to counter, I whipped my sword around and hit him in the butt with the flat side of the blade. "Ah!" He helped in pain as he turned around and glared at me angrily, yet he didn't move he underestimated me and had let his emotions control him at first and he knew it, now he was focused and now he wouldn't make another stupid mistake.

We both repositioned, we where watching each other looking for an opening. I smirked, as I did we both rushed at each other. Marx swung diagonally as I swung horizontally we both clashed I used the force to jump back and swung again aiming for his knee, he took the bait.

As he jumped back to avoid my hit i threw the sword at his face as he blocked I dashed forward to his blind spot striking him in the solar plexus I grabbed the sword out of mid air and stepped around behind him hitting on the butt again as I retreated and readied myself again.

Marx looked frustrated that I was winning so far, with my E.P I could see him circulate another skill. 'Oh, Wanna play that game do you?' I concentrated the air around me preparing my own fake skill I just referred to as Air Burst.

We both looked at each other, wind blew across the arena a leaf floated to the ground. *BOOM!* We both activated our skills and launched at each other kicking up a cloud of dust flew into the air. *SMASH* *CRASH* *CLACK* A series of noises echoed out of the dust cloud as we attacked countered, dodged and parried each other.

The dust cloud settled as I stared across at Marx he was breathing heavy and had a few lumps, bumps, bruises and cuts where as I was standing there perfectly fine, not a mark on me, not even a bead of sweat.

"Haha! Give up yet Old Man!" I taunted Marx waving my sword around.

"NEVER!" He shouted but he wasn't angry anymore he was smiling enjoying a proper fight.

"Haa... yell I 'spose I'll just have to knock you out then." I said nonchalantly.

"Come at me!"

'Set STATS to 65' I thought to myself.

The entire fight so far I had my STATS set at 15 because with all my bonuses I was still at a 50% boost. ( Author note: STATS 15% + cultivation LVL 20% + Swift 15%) buy increasing my STATS to 65 I was giving myself a 100% boost. After that I prepared my Air burst again this gave me a boost of 150% movement speed.

"So be it no more holding back! Just remember you asked for this." I said seriously as I glared at Marx whith a sinister smile. Marx tensed waiting to receive my strike, he blinked that was all it took I vanished from his sight *BOOM!* the sound wave echoed as dust flew in the air.

Before he could even register my movement I had hit his leg dropping him to the ground, i appeared in front him just long enough for him to see me smiling "To Slow old man!" I said smugly before I bitch slapped him knocking him out instantly as flew across the arena making him tumble and roll a few times before he stopped.

"Haha! Too easy!" I said happily.

*CLAP* *...CLAP* *...CLAP* I looked around for the source of the dramatic slow clap.

"F*CK!" I cursed quietly as I spotted the Chief and Hilda and some random guy standing on a wall watching my match. The guy jumped off the wall and went to help Marx he checked him over nodded at the Chief and dragged him off.

"Well done! Very impressive you have improved a lot Jack."

"Hmm... Yes a lot." Hilda agreed as she was quietly analysing me.

"Thank you, it was a hard battle bu- "

"Oh! did I not just hear you say it was too easy not to mention you do not even have a single bead of sweat on your brow?" The Chief interrupted me cutting off my attempt to lie with a slight smirk on his face.

"Haa... Well I guess you got me there Chief. So what now?" I sighed in defeatand held up my hands.

Hilda picked up a wooden sword and walked into the arena as if to answer my question. Hilda was about 60% more powerful than Marx but the real problem is that on top of that she was much more experienced at fighting she used to be a soldier, then she became a mercenary before joining the village so she is very skilled.

"I want to see just how much you are holding back. I specialise in long range combat and support so Hilda here will be your opponent." The Cheif proclaimed.

"Haa... so be it... The usual rules Hilda?" She nodded in agreement and took a stance.

'Set STATS to 115 I hope 150% is enough, If not I'll just surrender i can't reveal my true strength.' I prepared my Air boost again an extra 50% this increased my movement to 200%.

I observed Hilda for any sign of weakness or opening but there wasn't one she was an unmoving, unfaltering, impregnable statue I would have to make the first move, so I did. I activated my Air burst and dashed across the arena amazingly Hilda reacted matching my movement with her own skill clashing with me in the center.


The sound wave boomed out as we collided but I had made a mistake I had forgotten one thing, my weapon was wood! It couldn't handle the impact of two equal forces and exploded in splinters. I didn't expect it, I faltered, I was relying on the rebound to stop my momentum like i did with Marx however Hilda had predicted this already and instantly discarded the weapon using my distraction and my own force against me she grabbed on to my head using all of her momentum and strength she slammed me into the floor it was over before it begun. I was instantly knocked out.


Some time later.

I woke up in a medical hut, my head was pounding.

"UUUGH! My head!... F*CK IT! I to damn focused on my opponent and forgot about my weapon!"

"Well at least you understand your fault and can correct it in future." A feminine voice came from the side of my bed.

"Hilda?... ugh yeah I 's'pose your right... Thanks. How long you been here?" I asked curiously.

"Since I bought you in, You recoverd quite quickly the Healer said it would take a day but it has only been five hours and there is no bruising swelling not even a mark." She said in admiration.

"Must be becuase I'm a cultivator?"

"Yes, I am sure that is the case. To be frank I am more surprised at your strength and speed you are easily equal to me if not even better, all you lack is proper training once you have that I doubt there will be almost anyone that will be able match you... " She said full of confidence and admiration. She trailed off at the end like she wanted to say something more but decided not to.

"Thanks Hilda I appreciate that. Do you know what time the party starts?"

"You are welcome, yes in about three hours from now, everybody is looking forward to it." She said with a slight smile.

"Ok thanks I think I'll go home, wash and get some rest untill then my head is pounding! hehe."

"Ok then see you later Jack." She smiled and got up to leave.

"Bye Hilda." I said as she left the room.

I got up and walked slowly home. once I got back I took off my clothes washed them and put them up to dry while I had a shower. While I was showering I channelled some mana into healing myself, by the time I was finished showering I was as good as new. I got re-dressed i set a timer on the system and laid down for a bit.