

Werewolves were always told that they could never be mates with a vampdragon; there was never a real problem until Faye, the beta of Howlers pack, found her mate who happened to be a vampdragon. Vampdragons have kings and queens so when Kevin overhears a witch and his mother about how he wouldn't be happy with his mate; he takes off, after a while he senses someone coming near the waterfall that he was laying in. He lets out a roar which doesn't scare them so he comes flying out which then he notices his mate; he was happy then he wasn't because od the wotch so he woshrd her a happy birthday and flew off.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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42 Chs


After telling the kid, he would ride with us; my loving mate, asks him questions. Which is normal since he'll be with us? Guarding the area where we were before; making sure that no one can hurt them. Before I could stop myself, I was already in front of Faye as she began sniffing the air.

"Love, what's wrong?", I asked her.

"Someone's coming, it's a rogue though.", she whispers.

"Kid, protect her; I'm going to find out if they're good.", I say as I make my way towards the scent.

⁑ "Don't hurt them. Try to lead them away from here.", she tells me.⁑

⁑ "No promises, love.", I say back.⁑

As I make my way towards the scent, I notice a few pixies following me. I wanted to tell them to leave but then again, If they were in my territory, I would do the same. Continuing on, we come to see injured werepup. The pup lets out a snarl, but it wasn't scaring anyone; one of the elder pixies tries to reach for them but they bite them.

"Miss, your mate told me to protect you. I can't do that if you're heading towards danger.", I hear the kid.

⁑ "Love?", I ask.⁑

"What?", she asks out loud.

"Didn't I tell you to stay put?", I ask, raising an eyebrow.

She says nothing, but she gives me a look before making her way to the werepup- once she's there in front of them, she squats down, and just as she does the werepup jumps into her lap. Shaking my head, I go over to her just as the George character comes yelling.

"What is that disgusting creature doing in our forest?!"

The werepup lets out a snarl at him as Faye tries to calm them down. "They're not disgusting, and second, anyone who has a pure heart can enter your forest unless someone forces their way inside, which isn't the case considering, it's a pup.", she says before explaining.

"I don't care! It's bad enough, our king wants to help werewolves in war but also the werewolf born from his sons' killer.", he says snapping.

"What do you want? I would understand if this was the king but you're not the king and your opinion on this matter doesn't matter to me.", she says calmly.

"You make me sick.", he states.

"Likewise.", I say under my breath.

Faye gets up and heads back to our area, taking notice of the werepup, their fur is a blend between dark brown and black; ⁑ "Do you think it could be someone's pup?", Zaff asks.⁑

⁑ "I don't know but those colors look familiar to me though.", I answer him.⁑

Getting out of my head, I notice her eyes are a faraway look which means she's linking either Alina or our friends. As I watch her, a smile grows onto her face as she shows pure happiness; wanting to link her but knowing she'll tell me when she's ready. Night comes and she, the werepup, and the kid are all asleep; as I slowly fall asleep, I feel her scooting closer to me.

"Mister, wake up, it's time to leave.", I heard someone say.

Opening my eyes to see the kid from yesterday; as I'm looking around, I don't see my mate, and before I could even ask the kid answers. "Your mate went with an elder to get some food for the werepup. They should be back in a few minutes."

Humming, I shift and get ready for her- a few minutes later can she come out with the werepup, in her bag with its head sticking out with some meat in her hands. Tilting my head, she just smiles and comes in front of me, while dropping the meat.

"Eat then we leave. My mother won't be at the packed house until the afternoon so we need to go soon if we want to make it before then.", she tells me before getting on me.

Quickly eating before taking off; as we fly, I see small balls of light; at first, I was confused when I realized they were in their pixies forms. Keeping my mind focused on flying so I don't fly into anything. I link our friends; ⁑ "Is everyone at the packhouse?", I ask.⁑

⁑ "Yup, we're waiting on you guys.", Jay says.⁑

⁑ "We'll be there soon.", I say back.⁑

⁑ "Take your time.", Christian says.⁑

⁑ "Can't. Their mother is coming back to the packhouse in the afternoon.", I state.⁑

⁑ "Shit; I'm calling a pack meeting then; get here as fast as you can.", Jay states before quickly closing our link.⁑

I soon notice we're closer to her pack so I pick up speed and make it in five minutes; Faye jumps off me just as we all shift back. Cam and Christian come running towards us, which I find weird until Faye turns around, so the werepup is facing them. They soon have tears in their eyes; interesting. I didn't know they had a kid. They grabbed the pup as they headed towards everyone else; "Now that everyone is here, it's time to get to business.", Jay says.

"As you know we'll be having a war on the third full moon, so we only have two full moons left. I appreciate the sirens and the pixies coming and helping us. If you have questions come to ask me, Valentina, Moraeka, and my sister Faye.", he explains.

"Trying to start first thing in the morning, I would like it if the sirens and pixies could watch and see what we need to improve. Males, you guys, will start off with close combat skills while the females will run.", Faye tells everyone.

"Why could we listen to you?", someone asks.

"My name is Faye Knight, beta of this pack and sister to the alpha.", she answers.


"Enough, she's the reason we're here. Her mate is a vampdragon. I want everyone to respect this pack, they are our allies.", someone says.