

Werewolves were always told that they could never be mates with a vampdragon; there was never a real problem until Faye, the beta of Howlers pack, found her mate who happened to be a vampdragon. Vampdragons have kings and queens so when Kevin overhears a witch and his mother about how he wouldn't be happy with his mate; he takes off, after a while he senses someone coming near the waterfall that he was laying in. He lets out a roar which doesn't scare them so he comes flying out which then he notices his mate; he was happy then he wasn't because od the wotch so he woshrd her a happy birthday and flew off.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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42 Chs


After a few minutes, I get up to use the bathroom when Queen Kiren links me. ⁑ "Do you think we can meet up?", she asks.⁑

⁑ "Yeah, just give me a few.", I say as I finish up.⁑

⁑ "Alright, meet me outside.", she says then closes the link.⁑

Putting my shoes on and leaving a note for Kevin just in case he can't reach my link again. Heading outside, I see my father with his head in his hands while mumbling some unknowledge to anyone. Knowing she is waiting for me but he's my father so hopeful she'll understand. Once I was behind him, I wrapped my arms around him and he slowly let go of his head then placed his hands on top of mine.

"I'm sorry we have to go against your mate, dad.", I say softly.

"It's quite alright. I know something like this would happen but I didn't know it would be because of my children.", he then states.

"This is because of me and a lot of people will lose loved ones even if we're extremely careful.", I say sadly.

He turns around and gives me a hug; "In a sense, yes, but at the same time it's not. No matter what you would have helped them in the end, I'm glad it was you.", he tells me.

Afterwards he kisses my head, "Now, get going Queen Kiren is waiting for you."

Nodding my head, I reach outside and I see her jogging over to her; she gives me a small smile before grabbing my hand and the next thing I know we're underwater. Wanting to ask but knowing this might not be the right place so I wait until she lets go of my hand. As we continue to walk, I take a look around and see a decent amount of gems on the walls shining brightly but also some duly. Finally after a few hours of passing the gem walls we reach a cave of some sort. Nothing was out of the ordinary, or so I thought. Queen Kiren pushes a piece of the wall and then the wall opens. Shocked but not wanting to leave, I continued to follow, which wasn't long considering we were just going behind the wall; she lets go and walks to the other side.

"Sorry for being so blunt about everything but there are a few things I want to discuss.", she says while sitting down.

"I'm all ears.", I say, taking a seat.

"I know you're going to have a daughter, I was wondering if it's possible to give her some abilities that may help her in the future?", she asks.

"What kind?", I ask to get to the point.

"To tell who's a siren or a mermaid.", she states.

"Yeah, that would be great actually. But could I ask, why not the boys?", I say then ask.

"Well we know that one is a vampdragon and the other is going to be a werewolf; they'll either have a siren or mermaid mate.", she says.


"Please trust me on this."


She smiles before continuing, "I have some fingerlings, that will be a little older than your boys and I would love it if they would be able to be your boys' protectors?"

"That'll be wonderful.", I say happily.

As we continue to discuss the future and plans for the upcoming war. "Is it possible to get the god of the sea to lend a hand?", I ask.

"Sadly, we are on our own.", she answers.

"You can't really get mad at him considering we've haven't been the kindest to the ocean.", I state.

She just nods her head with a smile before we begin leaving when we stop and hear someone speaking. "It's not that I don't want to help but more if I interfer then your children's future will be worse."

"Thank you for looking out for my children's future.", I say.

We leave and this time she takes some gems off the wall, mostly the duly ones. She grabs the orange gems then the pale white along with black ones. If I'm not mistaken, the orange gems are used for transferring protection power from the owner and the protected; the pale white and black I have no idea. Once out of the cave, I take notice of the saltwater which reminds me how I've never been to a beach before.

"Would it be wrong if we all went to the beach? We've been at this whole about to lose loved ones and can only have so many memories until we do.", I ask then say.

"Actually, I think that's a wonderful idea. Since we're as prepared as we can get and to make the other side think we're letting our guard down so they would be stupid enough to attack. I have many men and women on stand by if we ever need them.", she says.

"What are we waiting for; we need to get everyone else!", I say.

⁑ "Everyone get ready to go to the beach!", I say in the pack link.⁑

⁑ "Are you sure that's a good idea?", Jay asks.⁑

⁑ "Yes! I've already got everything under control with the help of Queen Kiren; so no more arguing and just get ready!", I answered him.⁑

Turning to Queen Kiren and seeing her already connect her beach to the packhouse so everyone could come. ⁑ "Alright, portal is up. All you need to do is walk through.", she tells everyone.⁑

We heard the laughter before we saw the children running towards the water. Smiling brightly because ever since we told them about the war, they haven't been smiling so this is a good change for once. Their parents are next with them shaking their heads before giving us a nod, which I give back. We continue to watch everyone come through except Valentina, Cam, Christian, Jay, my dad, and Kevin. Sitting down since my feet started hurt, I turn to walk the rest of my pack, pixies, and sirens having the time of their lives. Tilting my head back to the portal to see everyone but my dad and Kevin; raising an eyebrow they would be coming so I nod my head and enjoy the sun.

"You know if you're not careful you can get a sunburn right?", I heard someone say.

"Yeah, but I'm waiting for someone.", I say.

"Is that so?", they say.

"Yeah… Why do you care?", I ask not to open my eyes.