
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Gods Are not so civilized

"One is certain only of death at birth" ~~~ INK-Arcerated

The skies darkened as clouds rolled in. Looking over to the gate, I saw a hooded figure standing there, with 2 crimson horns poking out of his pitch-black hood. He was garbed in a cloak as dark as the deepest on nights, and the only bit of him, besides his crimson horns that slightly pushed his hood back, was his one piercing golden eye.

Holding up a cattle bell that seemed to be made from the purest of marble, yet was as shiny as the cleanest copper, he brought a small metal rod down on it. A piercing sound split the chilled, cloudy sky, as it reverberated through the coliseum.

From all around there was a tremendous cracking reverberation through the air, that seemed to sound like a continent was being ripped asunder by a great and mighty behemoth. From above, the clouds started to swirl, before suddenly and dramatically dissenting to the arena's magical dome with a thunderous clash.

A crack formed, unsealing the ground that the coliseum was built on eons ago, and with the crack in the barrier, also came a crack in the magical door that kept things from both entering and exiting the arena.

Going faster than he ever had before, Jason infused every sense in his legs with hind essence and enhanced them with blood magic, before bolting toward Drunia. When he reached her he didn't stop, instead, he grabbed her and threw her onto the ground with him on top of her.

"Oww!" She squealed, trying to peel herself away from him to no avail.

Using an element that he had no practical skill in, he used up every single drop of power within him, bringing up dome after dome of gray and brownstone to protect them.

Even through several feet of pure stone, the next ding on the magical bell reverberated through them, and they could not only hear but feel, as the shields collapsed inwards, the magic that was keeping them together giving out and fading away.

The torrent of pure power, seeking anywhere to go like energy, traveled through the domes of stone, collapsing them one by one, till like a bolt of lightning straight from the heavens, it struck Jason in the back, tearing through his body and his empty manscape, making Jason pass out from the pain.

From the darkness of my coma came light. A shaft of pure energy stabbed through the infinite void of blackness, soaking with it the calm tranquility.

'What is that'? I wondered to myself as I could feel the my illusory body being drawn towards it like the beckoned call of a siren at sea.

Like a lost lover, I drew closer, heedless of the burning pain that every inch of my felt. Like magma on my skin, I could feel myself flaking away one layer after another. Still I pushed further, till all that was left of me was a small ball of light, smaller than a grain of dust, yet stronger and more vibrant than Diamond lilly in bloom.


"Jason, JASON! WAKE UP!" Drunia screamed, as she held him in her arms. He was the first one to be nice to her, and the fact that she was about to loose him terrified her.

After the energy impacted him, where it should have rightfully killed her, it seemed to flow through his body, being trapped there. His veins, beginning to glow red and orange like magma all over his body, began to sizzle and pop.

"Hey! There you are, you little brat. Get over here!" A man screames at Drunia with lust and greed in his eyes. This man was, in fact, Drunia's slave master, and the one person she really didnt want to see.

As she ignored his orders, a pattern appeared running from her forehead just below her hairline to the base of her neck, glowing blue and bending to her features to perfectly match her. She started to scream as the slave curse kicked in, forcing her to either obey or die. However something strange happened as the power that was coursing through her flesh, searching for a way to stab into her brain, suddenly and abruptly vanished from her body, being yanked out of her, and swirling around Jason.

After a moment, more energy started to gather around him, coming off of everyone in the stands that were sitting there and watching the preceding with trepidation and fear in there eyes.

Jason, who was but a moment ago laying on Drunias lap, now began to slowly float in a sea of pure and unadulterated power. As everyone watched, the mana around him slowly seeped into him, creating raptures within his body that seemed to bleed liquid shadows.

<Error, Guildmark overload, Burnout inevitable>

As that popped up in jasons vision, snapping him out of his unconscious fuge, figures started to appear in the sky one by one, each one as regal as the king of kings and as magestic as a lightning gazelle. These being were, in fact, gods that were drawn to the extreem fluctuations in mana caused by the shattering of the barrier and the sudden implosion of energy focused solely on Jason.

Crimson chains started to appear, burning into Jasons skins and wrapping tight around him, but as they appeared they fractured and shattered, leaving pale skin in its wake.

"And now we see who this boy truly is" Khorne, who was in the sky watching the events unfold, said.

Then with a crackle and pop, Elesia, Whom Jason struggled to remember appeared behind Jason, revealing her presence to gods, and wrapped her arms around Jason.

"Its her… how can this be? She was supposed to have died with the 120th selestial war!" Threnal, the god of Knowledge said in an aghast and shocked tone.

"Its ok, my king, Break those chains that bind you to, brake this vessel that has decided to undermine you, destroy your enemies, and what through a sea of blood, to find the truth. These chains that have bound you are the physical manifestation of gods magics that were used to seal you away from me. But now the 1st of you is free" Elesia said.

A black tear opened up in front of jason, and a weapon slowly slid out of it, broken and dulled as it was, the hilt halk was still intact, and was more beautiful than even a goddess.

Out of some deep insting I reached out for the weapon, grabbing the hilt and ripping it out of the tear in the air. As I did, the rest of the chains that bound me shattered, and a flood of memories and emotions overcame me. It was the memories of centuries ago, in a word that was wrought with destruction. I was a little boy crying over the body of a lady, tears streaming down the little boys face. Then I was about a year younger, and wandering through a blackened and twisted wasteland, with nothing but death for miles around, when I came across a rock with a brand in it. Reaching out to it it lit up, and a girl chackled to it appeared. She didnt seem to be much older than I was, and she was crying, with an onyx crown atop her head and a two magnificent wings behind her, broken and tattered.

"I am elesia Silver, The goddess of the moon, monsters, and progression. It is my bound duty to offer those who reach this place a single wish.

With tears in my eyes from the destruction of my village, and feeling like i could drop from exhaustion, I said the one thing that I thought was valid at my young and age.

"I wish for you to be free, and to sit with me" I asked her.

When she hard this request, she looked startled, and took a step back.

"But why? You could aks for rickes beyond your wildest dreams, you adsk to become a god, you could even ask me to destroy this world, and yet you wish for me to be free? Why?"

"Becuse, what is the point of more destruction but pain? That is all it will bring me, and thats all it will bring those who those who i am fighting. I have lost everything, why wish that on someone else.

Turning around, the strange girl with white hair and an onyx crown walked to the rock, before grabbing the sigil on the rock, and unbinding the magic from the physical object..

In wide eyed astonishment I stumbled, then collapsed to the ground.

"Then I shall give yo me, and through you we shall both be free. Free from pain, from suffering, free from loss, and free from deaths cold embrace." Bressing the sigl into my palm, I felt a burning sensation as it wormed its way into my body and was absorbed by my meridians. As the sigil faded from view, Elesia Faded with four parting words… "The Beginning is now".

Then I was in the body of a 20 year old man, whom had wight hair and sed eyes. After a moment I realised that it was the boy, but older. He was fighting a giant that was plated in heavy onyx colored armor.

"Do you need help?" A feminine voice rang through my head.

"Yes, he is to strong for me to fight as I am" I said back.

As I was speaking to the strange voice, the giant swunt a heavy hammer with an underhand blow arking up, smashing into my chest and sending me flying into a wall opposite.

"Then we shall do this once more" The now familiar feminine voice said.

A tear formed in the air to the left of me, and I reached an arm into it, pulling out a silver weapon that seemed to radiate pure chaos. As I brought it up to strike, a shadow formed behind me, and a dager sank deep into my side.

"This is what you get for daring to rebel agains the Demonic Court!" The assasin said from behind me, before ripping his dagger out of my side in a gruesome spray of blood, grabbing my arm, and spinning me around. I came face to face, with a demon. Not the ones from lore, with red skin and big bellies, no… this was a true demon. Pale skin, Onyx hornes, and slits for pupils that seemed to contain a volcanoes wrath.

Bringing my still raised sword around in an ark, I sent the demons head sailing with a fountain of visera from his how headless corpse. However even that wasnt enough to instantly kill him, as a magic circle formed over the stump, stopping the bloodflow and making it so that his body could survive longer. Bringing the dagger back in for another strike, He stabbed me upwards from under the ribs, before falling to his knees and dying from the gash that I made from bringing my sword around and back up across his chest, splitting him in two.

The damage was done, and I collapsed to my knees, sword clutched in my bloody palm. My last act of defiance was to raise my sword up high into the air as the hammer came crashing down, snapping my sword in half and crushing my body.

Snapping back to reality, I felt Elesias arms tighten around me, and in response I turned around and hugged her, tears running down my face.

"This is unacceptable!" The goddess of knowledge screeched in a high pitch tone.

The devastation that was rought by the magical explosion was carastrophic, and the colesium was demolished. Dead bodies of civiliand were scattered every wich way, and as I looked back to where I saw Frank, I realised thankfully that everyone was all right. A golden dome was erected over everyone, stemming from Seleste. A haze of dust was in the air, and everything seemed to be still for but a moment, before Humphrey and Frank erupted from the cloud of dust towards the cloaked figure.

"Now die, scumbag!" Frank yelled, hurling a bold of lightning towards the cloaked man.

Humphrey, who was ahaid of Frank, reached out a hand, and as the lightning bolt touched Humphreys hand on the way to the hooded figure, and he disappeared. As it reached the man, he laughed and raies a single finger, where the lightning struck, leaving not even a trace of its existence. However As it made contact with the man, Humphrey suddenly appeared behind the cloakedmen with his blade held high. Bringing it down, The man had only seconds to erect, being able to just barely scramble out of the way of the sword, before being plasted with a torrent of hot flames.

"Ooh, you actually managed to hit me!" The man said, standing up to his full height of 6'10. His cloak had been burned away, revealing a set of black armor, and a mask over his face. The mask was clearly as strong if not stronger than steel, but appeared to be made of a dark, almost eerie black wood.

From the chin up to the holes for his eyes was scrawled a depiction of half a black rose, with a white over the left eye that clearly was written in the demonic tongue. From just above where his mask ended came a head of black hair, and two onyx horns brazenly sticking out for everyone what was left alive to see.

"Ohh my, it seems that the Demonic Court is also interested in the boy" One of the cods spoke from where they were in the sky. This god appeared to be a little girl, and she was sitting on the side of a could with her legs dangling off the edge, swinging them like your typical child.

Jumping down, she slowly floated to the ground, where she landed in front of what could only be a demon.

"And you must be a grunt to have been the first to be sent. You wouldnt even make for an appetised for our dear Jason. Lets help you out a little." She said, walking up to the man, who was frozen in fear, and rumped to reach his head. Reaching forehead level, she kissed him lightly, and all hell broke loose. A torrent of evergy ripped out of the now screaming man, and everyone started to back off. A dark blot formed, with the once demon man as the epicenter of it.

Just like that the girl was back on her cloud, acting as if nothing happened.

What is going on? What more could possibly happen. I have already been through a dungeon, a coliseum, and now this. Withought me even thinking about the week as a whole, I feel the world might just be falling apart! Jason thought to himelf, as he backed off, realising that the girl he had been protecting was already behind Seleste and in the protective dome.

"Call me" The voice from the vision I had rang in my head. "CALL… ME'''"

Tightening my hand of the broken blade that was in my right hand, I felt something foreign inside me, and as I focused on it, my blood felt like it was boiling and my head beat like a drum.

<You have obtained the new title Fallen King>

<You have accessed a part of you hidden bloodline, obtaining a trait, CRIMSON CROWN, The Halo of Death>

"Ooh ho ho!" A previously unseen god laughed. "Now things are getting heated up, who would have known he would be able to actually awaken a bloodline trait, and at such a young age too!"

This shocked the unknown god because, in fact, this was extreemly rare. Gods in the past had bound themselves to mortals, in the hope of creating someone that could both protect them and, also, help them grow there power in the mortal wrealms. Even then though, the chances of the human actually being able to awaken a part of their bloodline was 1 in a million, and if a human perished without awakening the bloodline then the god that was bound to them would also die.

It was a mystery to the man why Khorne bound himself to this Jason bloke, but why also KEK bound himself to Jason. As if that wasnt enough, Jason already seemed to have an affinity for both dark magics and blood magics. This created an extreemly dangerous magical user, being able to not only follow the path of a necromancer, but also be able to create LIVING beings using the dark magic to create the vessels, and using the blood magic to mold the vessel and braethe life into it.

But that still wasnt all, and Elesia, the Silver was also bound to him. Most gods believed that she was killed, but in fact she was bound what used to be the easten Death Wastes. The wastes were created to keep people from finding her, but one day she disappeared from the prison they kept her in. That was nearly 1,000,000 years ago and no mortal could live even a fraction of that long, meaning that Jason was probably reincarnated not just once, but many times.

As if that wasnt enoug though, to put the metaphorical cherry on top, the bloodline, or one of the bloodlines he had awoken was one that had not been seen for eons, and connected the dots for the mysterious god. Jason Bloodswrite, who the man knew was no pheasant, was in a previous life a great ruler and demigod of sorts. The Crimson crown was a blood red halo, that was stolen from the last of the fallen angels, imprisoned in the deepest bowels of the underworld. By the time that they found the Fallen angel, with his source of his power, his halo, missing, it was already too late, and the man had escaped hell itself, becoming one of the strongest men to have ever walked the earth. It was sad, then, that he was killed shortly after by one of the peopel that he had called his friends. The halo, was tied to the mans blood and was never seen again. He had no childeren and no family, so everyone considered it lost, and heavens doors were considered closed forever, the last of the haloes lost to time.