
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · Fantasy
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24 Chs

New Tides

The battle with the demon took a long time, but eventually was finished up, and earth mages were brought in to clean up and repair the coliseum. Luckily no other issues occurred, and all students that survived the disaster were deemed to be fit to join the academy. Shortly afterwards we were escorted to the central district where we used a rune to warp to Ikhoris, where we waited for our schedules and classes to start. Luckily I was able to get Drunia admitted into the academy, and was even able to get Elesia admitted as a unique familiar that likes to show up at random times.

Familiars are pets that are sentient and bound to the master. Whether they are spirit animals, or beasts that had contract magic used on them, there are different tears of familiars, and the familiar that you are bound to can provide special skills and abilities. Elesia is considered a unique familiar since hse is a person that was bound to someone else. The ranks are C, B, A, S, and unique. Though unique is at the top of the list, this does not mean that they are the most powerful because they are unique. There was one person who had a sentient rock as a familiar, which qualified as unique. Even though it had this rank it was nigh useless.

I had stopped while I was thinking about what happened with my talk between me and the headmaster when someone spoke.

"Come on, why are you just standing there?" Aris said, before grabbing my hand and pulling me forward.

"They are going to publish our schedules today! What classes did you sign up for?" She said in a rushed and anxious tone. The past week had been a blur of activity of getting ready for the school that we only dreamed of getting into, from getting a list of classes we wanted ready, to getting body measurements for uniforms and outfits. On top of that we were the last of the groups to have arrived on the campus due to the incident with the demons.

"I still can't believe I am actually here," Drunia said. She was a half elf, and as such was considered an impure being and had been treated as a slave for her whole life. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that she would get to go to an academy like the one they were walking the halls of right now

As they were walking down the hall made of white marble, with doors and windows overlooking gardens on either side of the rooms connected to the halls, they turned a corner and came face to face with a group of people beating up a kid that looked to be a year younger than them. When the leader of the group, the one kicking the kid that was on the ground, saw the three of us standing there staring at him, he stopped and turned towards us.

"And WHAT do you think you are looking at, peasant?" The kid said, walking towards us. He looked to be 17, and had a head of golden hair that was finely groomed back.

Stopping a couple feet from us, he turned from sneering at me to looking at Drunia.

"And who are you? Where is your master, slave girl?" He asked her.

"Hey, I dont know who you are but you should stop before anyone gets angry" Aris said, giving me the side eye. She and Drunia were the only two people who knew what had happened during the fight with the demon, and due to that they were cautioins with people acting out around me.

"And who do you think you are to tell me what to do? I am the son of the head merchant of Howard trading company and I dont get told what to do by some lowly peasant!" He said in an angry tone before pushing past us and walking down the hall that we had just come from, his lakkeys in tow.

Well who was that, and what was thare attitude problem? If they are such a big family I should have heard of them I think, but I have never even heard of there company, let alone their family… I thought to myself as I watched him turn a corner and walk down a different hall.

"Dear students, today will be your day that you will be entering into your classes. Please head to Training facility fifty six to begin your testing to see what classroom you will be put into for your classes. We will also be assigning long-term dorms after the testing, where your schedule will be delivered to you."

"Jason Bloodswrite, after testing is complete and you get settled in, please report to the main keep." A voice sounded from the corner of the room where a small blue orb floated. As I watched it, it fluctuated and wavered the tones that were passed through it.

Well that's weird, I wonder why they would call me out SPECIFICALLY?

Walking down the hall, we began to make our way to the training room for the placement testing for our year.