
Progenitor's Bloodline

Two battles between progenitors almost destroyed the universe. Both energies was formed from converging power that was capable of splitting the heavens.  Progenitor of bloodlines was the one at the loosing end, while progenitor of darkness seems to be gaining the upper hand. Both wanted to be the supreme power that ruled the universe.  Progenitor of darkness casted a bold look over to progenitor of bloodlines and in an instant, his hand gathered energy that caused both day and night to flicker.  It's intensity cleaved the void in two separate halves.  Progenitor of bloodlines was known as the Master of all bloodlines and the master of all techniques so he was able to discover that this attack was a spiritual attack. Without hesitating, progenitor of bloodlines released his energy… Starburst palm: A palm technique covered an entire dimension, instantly ripping the void in two.  There was a great rumbling caused by both attack and when both collided, there was an intense explosion.  Fire and darkness flickered.  The universe was destroyed one after another. It was said that there's always a universe overlapping another one in an endless succession.  Boom! Boom! Boom!  The void tore, progenitor of darkness was ripped in two. Black blood floated away, being sucked into different dimensions which means, the progenitor of darkness had seemingly left his inheritance before he died.  As for the progenitor of bloodlines, he was almost on the verge of death, and before that he casually waved a hand instantly peeling the universe away which dove him through the river of time and he unleashed his bloodlines where humanity was instantly born.

Spiceking_Peterson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Vitality Qi

Silence drown the entire vicinity. 

The sight of a Lieutenant defeating a Sub-Parallel was still hard to believe because it has never happened in any history of cultivation. 

He was the first Realmbreaker. A Realmbreaker that can break realm, defeating other higher realms and that was what Rann had done. 

His third copy of the first star dissipated and he looked about and after a while, the barrier that had been erected vanished leaving Rann visible to the climatic change. 

A strange wind tussled his hair for a bit but Rann didn't mind. 

The only thing that startled Rann was the sudden clapping of a thunder that came with an unbridled sensation and he turned towards Silverton.

"Uh, I'm leaving." 

With that, his spirit form dissipated only for him to reappear at the ancient stone beneath the hill. 

Technically, Rann never moved at all, it was just his soul that had battled with Jake. 

He solemnly stood up and bit on his lower lips. 

It was time to visit the Realm of Sky. 

Outside Heaven's Monument, a pair of eyes stared as Rann contemplated for a while before leaving and after he left, the same pair of eyes turned extremely cold. 

Meanwhile, after some minute everyone seemed to be outside Heaven's Monument. Their spirit seemed slightly exhausted so they couldn't remain in there for long. And after that, rumours of the battle flew all over Erebus weave. 

Someone had managed to get a video of the battle. 

In Heaven's Monument, since the era was an olden age, which led to the climate disasters, the video wasn't clear. Network was unstable and some parts of the interesting battle blurred so much that drove some watchers insane at why such battle was ruined with such a bad network. 

The only part they watched that gave no issues was when Rann had used A thousand rivers shifts space to swap his position with Jake in order to avoid the rippling chains only to retaliate with Starburst Palm. 

That small video incited chaos on the network. In all of Erebus weave, there had never been anyone who was Extreme Academy material. Just Rann defeating a Sub-Parallel while being at the Lieutenant realm spoke volumes of how monstrous his talent was. 


In a strange compartment, someone sat on a plush couch gaping at the gadget in his grasp. 

Seeing such act raved emotions on the man's heart. 

"He's a rare genius, no?" 

"He seems pretty interesting!" 


In another part of the universe...

"Look at that guy! He's still a Lieutenant who was able to defeat a Sub-Parallel? He's indeed a freak of nature." 

"An unrivaled freak! What on Earth would happen the minute he becomes a Martial?" 

"Don't you know, of course he'd erupt in power." 


Meanwhile in Extreme Academy!

"He's this Academy's future."

"We need him..."

"Someone who's able to break realm. He's a golden opportunity for Extreme Academy. You know what, we would just get there and bring him over. His parent wouldn't mind. Who's parent wouldn't be privileged to have their kid study in Extreme Academy until they break through and become a Skymender." 

"You speak right!"


At the small school.

Rann walked without minding the eyes that locked on him. Who wouldn't look at him with worship in their eyes? 

He had defeated a Sub-Parallel. 

Infact, this small school had never gotten anyone who broke through to become a Sub-Parallel Jake was the first and of course was his own legend. But the legend that bypassed all was a puny Lieutenant defeating a Sub-Parallel. It was quite enchanting. 

Rann walked until he was out of sight and that was because he just walked into the Realm of Sky ruins. 

Jake stared at Rann in envy. That used to be his position but he'd lost to Rann so technically, Rann was the new junior student leader and the overseer of the Realm of Sky ruins... he can appoint who comes in and who shouldn't so Jake simply counted himself as one of those unlucky few that would never visit Realm of Sky ruins. 

Rann turned back startled when he heard an indistinct shouting. 

"Junior student leader!" 

"Junior Student Leader! Please give us your consent!" 

"Junior student Leader! We want to explore the ruins with you!" 

Rann felt a cringe. 

That was crippling. 

He turned to them and slightly nodded and the crowd burst in excitedly. To be precise none of these set had been allowed into Realm of Sky with Jake as the overseer. But now, they were given a chance. 

The ruins was indeed ruins. Rann felt a bit confused at first. 

He remembered the tale about the Realm of Sky. 

Realm of Sky used to be a place that actually transcends the heaven... a place that no normal humans are fitting to enter. It was the legendary Daosource... 

But there had been an insane battle that reduced the Realm of Sky to it's pitiful state at the moment... ruins. 

But, since there's a space here that holds another Realm of Sky, Rann was determined to locate it. 

Suddenly someone attacked Rann.

A powerful whistling crept behind Rann. 

And his back instantly chilled to the bones. 

His heightened senses allowed him to perceive danger before they lands on him so he immediately dodged and a strange looking qi fleets past him. 

Rann's eyes grew cold and he turned. 

Surprise struck his face seeing that senior who's combat ability reached 1000 that had been able to withstand his gale. 

Psh, 1000... Jake had been 3000 until he broke through. And probably he'd absorb essence energy from essence crystals until he reaches 5000. 

While he stood there, Rann felt a sudden sense of crisis wash over him and the next minute a force knocked him sinking him deep into the ground. 

What had happened? 

He had been staring at this senior not knowing how he had still managed to attack. 

"You humiliated Jake..." 

Rann gritted his teeth.

"Are you avenging him?" 

"You can put it like that..." 

Fine, have it your way. 

Star Art: 

The star Art was something one can cultivate. But extremely difficult to cultivate. The stars can actually reach a particular number indefinitely and that might be the limit but, Rann could only comprehend just two. 

Twin stars immediately manifested and grew larger. 

The battle with Jake, he had only manifested just one star now he is manifesting two. 

The seniors eyes twitched. 

Vitality Qi: 

Rann's jaw dropped. 

Vitality Qi? What the hell... how was he supposed to defeat such a thing. 

Rann watched as Vitality qi wrapped around the senior to form a sort of cloth that protected him. 

Vitality Qi was capable of shielding one, attacking and also trapping. Just say, it is both a defensive and an offensive battle technique. 

Rann immediately sent the two stars, as he manifested another twin stars. 

They were now four. 

Yet again he added another two to the fray. There was a limit to how many twin stars he could manifest and that was due to his low Realm. 

When six stars collided on the senior, even his Vitality qi began to tremble. 

The void was torn and repaired at the same time causing the senior to grit his teeth. 

What he heard next was,

Boom! Boom! 

Two stars exploded. 

The seniors Vitality Qi became defensive as it collided with the explosion only for the vitality Qi to be instantly dissipated. 

The seniors eyes bulged out. 

What the hell...

Another two stars exploded again. This time the senior spat out a mouthful of blood as he was forced deep into the earth. 

Rann did not plan on letting him go and the last two stars exploded. 

The seniors body instantly scorched causing him to pass out. 

Rann nonchalantly continued exploring the ruins.