
Progenitor's Bloodline

Two battles between progenitors almost destroyed the universe. Both energies was formed from converging power that was capable of splitting the heavens.  Progenitor of bloodlines was the one at the loosing end, while progenitor of darkness seems to be gaining the upper hand. Both wanted to be the supreme power that ruled the universe.  Progenitor of darkness casted a bold look over to progenitor of bloodlines and in an instant, his hand gathered energy that caused both day and night to flicker.  It's intensity cleaved the void in two separate halves.  Progenitor of bloodlines was known as the Master of all bloodlines and the master of all techniques so he was able to discover that this attack was a spiritual attack. Without hesitating, progenitor of bloodlines released his energy… Starburst palm: A palm technique covered an entire dimension, instantly ripping the void in two.  There was a great rumbling caused by both attack and when both collided, there was an intense explosion.  Fire and darkness flickered.  The universe was destroyed one after another. It was said that there's always a universe overlapping another one in an endless succession.  Boom! Boom! Boom!  The void tore, progenitor of darkness was ripped in two. Black blood floated away, being sucked into different dimensions which means, the progenitor of darkness had seemingly left his inheritance before he died.  As for the progenitor of bloodlines, he was almost on the verge of death, and before that he casually waved a hand instantly peeling the universe away which dove him through the river of time and he unleashed his bloodlines where humanity was instantly born.

Spiceking_Peterson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Realm of Sky

"This is definitely Jake's finishing move. Have you seen him grab an opponent with that chains?" 

"Jake shouldn't kill the new kid Master said that we would treat him nice." 

"Shut up! That proud kid deserves to be beaten. He should know his place. His father is a Vanisher so what?" 

"Don't forget a Vanisher wields intense power." 

The duel was starting.

Rann wasn't even interested, he stared at the ruins, he saw mountain of debris mixed with bones. 

The flood was Sandy red. 

Blood probably. 

He wasn't even taking the duel seriously which made Jake much more angrier. He ran and screamed.

Stone palm: 

His essence energy formed a solid palm that raced at an incredible speed towards Rann. 

He wasn't bothered. 

When the stone palm was an inch closer to him, Rann muttered.

Ancient Flicker: 

His body instantly flickered out of existence and reappeared some distance away with him still looking around not caring about the duel one bit. 

Jake was shocked. 

His stone palm was supposed to solidify the air to prevent anyone from speeding away or escaping but, Rann actually escaped. 

Jake was angered. 

Antique sword 1: 

The air immediately distorted at this proclamation and his essence energy created a great amount of gale that wracked havoc to the ruins and when he pushed forward. 

Rann still didn't care. 

The antique sword was supposed to lock space and even the void to prevent transparency or dissipation Jake was glad.

"Let's see how you survive this one." 

The sword raced towards Rann and Rann sighed. 

Beast Terror: 

Rann stood in place as a whirlpool appeared around him and when the sword reached him, the sword phased through. 

Jake's eyes widened. 

"Time to end this..." 

Rann's eyes suddenly became serious. 

Starburst palm: The next minute Jake was forced to the floor as he spat out a mouth full of blood. 

What the... 

Rann moved three steps and was beside Jake who's eyes widened. 

That was Testament Feet. A speed technique that Jake had been dying to comprehend. 

Rann had taken just three steps which increased his speed to tenfold. 

"Should we continue or should we end it here?" 

Jake felt helpless... he had been defeated, utterly defeated. No wonder he wasn't interested in the battle from the start. For his focus to have been somewhere else while the battle was in progress showed that he was an elite, a genius, a freak! Yes that's the word... 

"I give up!" 

Jake finally conceded.

After Jake sounded out his defeat, Rann continued staring at the ruins until his curiosity got the better of him.

He turned to Jake.

"What's this place?" 

The ruins looked more like an abandoned sect... or a destroyed daosource. 

More likely, the place used to be a place were ancient powerhouses lived once in their lives. Now the question is? What happened to this place? Who destroyed it? Events that led to it's actual destruction?...

Jake nimbly stood up and stared at Rann for a while before answering. 

"This place is the Legendary Realm of sky?" 

Rann's eyes widened.

"R— realm of Sky? Are you sure?" 

A smirk eluded Jake's face. 

"I am the one Master had put in charge of Realm of sky. I had wanted this duel that's why we used this place." 

Jake seemed to be showing off his authority as a junior leader.

Rann was still left bewildered.

"Realm of sky?" 

"Yes, Realm of sky... Many years ago three supreme beings were pledged to have uncovered three powerful powers that humans find it very difficult to cultivate. One was Forcefield, another was aureline force and lastly illusions. These three powers are the hardest to cultivate since the very beginning of cultivation, but it was said to be in existence. This is the ruins of Realm of Sky, but... a similar version is within it's ruins."

Rann's eyes widened. 

"Y— you mean..." 

"Yes! Another version of the Realm of Sky still lives underneath the ruins. Did you forget the legend of our infinite universes? Also... you'd get a chance to cultivate all three powers..." 

Jake smiled mischievously. 

"Wow... I can cultivate it?" Rann almost believed it. 


A great sense of premonition washed over Rann. It was a bad feeling. Of course, for Jake who was about letting Rann use the ruins told tales that he actually needed something from him. 

Rann frowned.


Jake's smile grew bigger. 

"I want you to tell Master that you've changed your mind... you won't want to join Extreme Academy." 

Rann froze.

"Extreme Academy? But if I don't go, dad will disown me."

Suddenly Jake laughed and the others laughed alongside him.

"Of course he'd eventually disown you. You have never been his child, you were picked up from an already destroyed planet so you should be happy." 

Rann's body instantly trembled hearing Jake say that. 

"You're lying!" 

Laughter's echoed from the kids. 

"Justus picked you up... infact, you should thank him for giving you a good life." Jake answered with a scheming glint on his face. 

Rann's eyes was bloodshot.

Anger blossomed within him and he formed a harsh gale from his essence energy that crushed almost every kid standing. The only person who managed to withstand the torrent was a senior who had combat ability up to 1000. 

A Lieutenant, once they completed their energy sphere by absorbing Essence crystals their combat ability would get to 1000. 

One energy sphere is equivalent to 1000 combat ability that enables their body durable for a breakthrough to another Realm. 

So as Lieutenant has 1000 combat ability at their peak, so will Martial have 3000 combat ability at their peak. 

But the higher the realm, the bigger the spheres which means, a Vanisher's one sphere is equivalent to 10,000 while a Progenitor realm has its one sphere as 200,000 and two hundred multiplied by 50 spheres resulting to an even higher combat ability. 

Rann's combat ability was just 700 so it was surprising that he could knock down even few that reached 1000 except the senior, while others were crumpled including Jake. 

Rann just simply left because finding out that Justus wasn't actually his father hurt him too much.