
Progenitor's Bloodline

Two battles between progenitors almost destroyed the universe. Both energies was formed from converging power that was capable of splitting the heavens.  Progenitor of bloodlines was the one at the loosing end, while progenitor of darkness seems to be gaining the upper hand. Both wanted to be the supreme power that ruled the universe.  Progenitor of darkness casted a bold look over to progenitor of bloodlines and in an instant, his hand gathered energy that caused both day and night to flicker.  It's intensity cleaved the void in two separate halves.  Progenitor of bloodlines was known as the Master of all bloodlines and the master of all techniques so he was able to discover that this attack was a spiritual attack. Without hesitating, progenitor of bloodlines released his energy… Starburst palm: A palm technique covered an entire dimension, instantly ripping the void in two.  There was a great rumbling caused by both attack and when both collided, there was an intense explosion.  Fire and darkness flickered.  The universe was destroyed one after another. It was said that there's always a universe overlapping another one in an endless succession.  Boom! Boom! Boom!  The void tore, progenitor of darkness was ripped in two. Black blood floated away, being sucked into different dimensions which means, the progenitor of darkness had seemingly left his inheritance before he died.  As for the progenitor of bloodlines, he was almost on the verge of death, and before that he casually waved a hand instantly peeling the universe away which dove him through the river of time and he unleashed his bloodlines where humanity was instantly born.

Spiceking_Peterson · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Lost in The River of Time

Rann let out a depraved sigh. 

The star Art was his strongest attack and if anyone discovered that he didn't have anything more in his arsenal, then they'd set him up with someone far more stronger. Maybe then, he'd be done for. 

Anyways, who would know that the star Art was his strongest attack? No body because to the people, Rann was very mysterious. He was hard to read or hard to figure out. 

He was not like those mundane human, he was a rare genius. 

Speaking of his strongest attack, he still had his innate Bloodline which he never wish to disclose. 

Someone like Jake who's innate bloodline was chains.. if he had managed to nurture that chain, by what Rann could tell it would be difficult for him to dodge even with, Ancient Flicker, A thousand rivers shifts space, Starburst palm, Beast Terror or Testament Feet. 

The moment those chains reaches a certain level, it would begin to travel through the river of time only to attack before Rann made a move. 

It was such a pity. 

Innate bloodline were very special and not everyone was qualified to have one and also, not everyone who are qualified can become a powerhouse. 

Rann stopped when his feet crushed an ancient bone. 

He looked down and picked the bone remains. 

"What is this..." 

He wasn't done talking and what remained of the ancient bone was reduced to dust particles as they dropped from his hands. 

This is... 

Rann sighed. 

He had been walking for god knows how long and he was yet to find the hidden Realm of Sky. 

What if some of those explorers had found it? 

What if they learn those powerful techniques before him? 

"I shouldn't have let them in..." 

He turned as his gaze swept around the place only to stop when he saw a young man. 

He used Testament Feet only to appear before the man in a heartbeat. 

The young man was startled. 

"Go back! Leave the ruins. Tell anyone you meet on the way and ask whoever you meet to tell others..." 

The man simply nodded and dashed out. 

Rann let out a sharp breath. 

In less than a few minutes, the order from Rann caused a few commotion as everyone was starting to leave the ruins.

Rann didn't mind and instead of going deeper into the ruins, he started by heading back. 

Maybe he wasn't destined to find the hidden Realm of Sky now... maybe. He would rest for a bit and return alone! 

But as he headed back, something glinted from afar on the west. 

"What... " 

He immediately saw another student heading there. 

Some of them heard the news to leave the ruins but refused so now Rann was about to punish such disobedient students. 

Reaching the man with Testament Feet, the man jumped... 

It was the senior. 

Rann's eyes turned bloodshot?


Although Rann defeated him and his vitality Qi, he still didn't believe that he would defeat him so easily. 

Two stars suddenly orbited around Rann's palm. 


The senior shivered remembering that these star had plunged him into chaos earlier. 

He gritted his teeth...

"This isn't over." And he turned leaving Rann alone who's star Art dissipated. 

He sighed. 

Of course, this senior was also a rare genius. Despite being a one sphered Martial, he was also hard to deal with. Who knows what his second attack would be. 

Rann shook his head as he faced the sudden glint that came from the west. 

But something strange took Rann's heart, the more closer he got to the glint, the more devastating his emotions become. 

No, emotions sometimes overrides time so... what was this feeling? 

Is it time? 

Rann continued to take step forward and the glint he saw instantly took on another form. 

It was more like a portal... no, a hidden dimension that takes one through the river of time. Time was constant and for something that's constant it should have been rather troublesome to ride through it. 

Rann sighed. 

Definitely, this was the hidden Realm of Sky... This dimension is supposed to take Rann back to the Realm of Sky through the river of time even before it was devastated by the battle. 

The river of time would display the battle that destroyed the realm backwards. 

A bad premonition struck Rann. 

Should he continue or wait till he becomes stronger? 

He took one step back... 

But, his one step back triggered the reaction of the dimension and a suction force immediately sucked him into the dimension. 


Rann screamed as he watched a very powerful sun descend like a death halo ready to scorch the entire universe. 

Quickly activating Ancient Flicker, his body faded away like an evening gone but his body was still scorched badly... he did not still escape the power of the sun. 

The land trembled, the void was split in half and space shattered. 

Worst part, Rann was not seeing the people battling, all he knew is that powerful techniques was raining down like the doomsday of earth. 

The minute his Ancient Flicker ran out of energy, he reappeared but by that time, it had taken him quite a considerable distance. 

Almost immediately, Rann felt a great sense of crisis. 

When he turned, a sword qi was headed for him. 

This sword qi was extremely large, it covered half the layer of the world. 

How was he to counter this? 

Besides, there was no one around so using A thousand rivers shifts space would be apparently useless. 

Rann managed to dodge with Testament Feet and when the sword qi struck the ground just few feet away from him, Rann spat a mouthful of blood as the ground beneath him collapsed. 

He survived... 

But this was the river of time flowing backwards... would he survive the next attack that destroyed the Realm of Sky.

Suddenly, the sky changed. 

Space shifted and the void split open. The heavens collapsed and Realm of Sky was plunged in destruction. 

There was no where to hide in it's overbearing power... no where. 

The ground was tearing, day and night was interchanging. 

Daynight punch shattered space, locked the void and reduced the earth to dust. 

Rann couldn't escape. He was bleeding from his seven orifices. 

Then the sky started descending ready to drown everything out... ready to destroy everything within. The interchanging sky with the overbearing power which released a crushing pressure. 

The closer the falling sky get to land, the more serious his injuries get. 

Infact, he was enduring the pain of mental failure. 

He was trying to survive, but... will he? The power that destroyed the Realm of Sky was something that he was unable to fight against. It could easily crush him without a second thought.