
Progenitor's Bloodline

Two battles between progenitors almost destroyed the universe. Both energies was formed from converging power that was capable of splitting the heavens.  Progenitor of bloodlines was the one at the loosing end, while progenitor of darkness seems to be gaining the upper hand. Both wanted to be the supreme power that ruled the universe.  Progenitor of darkness casted a bold look over to progenitor of bloodlines and in an instant, his hand gathered energy that caused both day and night to flicker.  It's intensity cleaved the void in two separate halves.  Progenitor of bloodlines was known as the Master of all bloodlines and the master of all techniques so he was able to discover that this attack was a spiritual attack. Without hesitating, progenitor of bloodlines released his energy… Starburst palm: A palm technique covered an entire dimension, instantly ripping the void in two.  There was a great rumbling caused by both attack and when both collided, there was an intense explosion.  Fire and darkness flickered.  The universe was destroyed one after another. It was said that there's always a universe overlapping another one in an endless succession.  Boom! Boom! Boom!  The void tore, progenitor of darkness was ripped in two. Black blood floated away, being sucked into different dimensions which means, the progenitor of darkness had seemingly left his inheritance before he died.  As for the progenitor of bloodlines, he was almost on the verge of death, and before that he casually waved a hand instantly peeling the universe away which dove him through the river of time and he unleashed his bloodlines where humanity was instantly born.

Spiceking_Peterson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Daos Seven Sages

Three days went by in a flash and Rann was returning back with Silverton. 

The middle aged man sat on the couch as he munched on a few ancient fruits that lay adorned on the exquisite table. 

Both Justus and Rann stepped out of the void. 

"He's ready." 

Silverton smiled widely that displayed a mischievous kind of man full of experience. 

"Is that true Rann?" 

Rann let out a small sigh...

"I know Jake and the other kids had been an arse! And, I've considered things through. But..." 

Rann paused as he observed Silverton in order to check for a sliver of emotion. 

"I want to be in charge of the ruins, Realm of sky! I can't stand Jake stake high with such a privilege because, that would give him the chance to mock me the more."

Silverton grinned.

"Consider it done! I'll announce your position the minute we get to my small school." 

Rann couldn't help but smile mischievously. He desperately wanted to see Jake's expression as he hears this news. Jake wanted to use the Realm of Sky to make Rann give up Extreme Academy. But now, Rann wanted to take everything off of Jake. This was merely the beginning. 


"Jake, Master won't take this matter lying down." 

A blonde girl spoke in the presence of many other students while Jake lay relaxing on a soft chair meant for leaders. 

"Listen, I know Master's gonna be a bit pissed, but letting Rann know his place is better than let him take all of our positions from us." 

"Master had already warned us not to mess with him. But not only did you duel with him, you went ahead and revealed something that he wasn't supposed to know." 

Jake got fed up.

"Relax, beside he was destined to find out sooner or later. The entire of Erebus weave knows this secret so what's the big deal?" 

Suddenly, the void twisted and two figures emerged from it. 

Almost immediately a sudden pressure descended instantly suppressing every student within. This suppression came from Silverton using just his energy essence. With his realm as a Skymender, he was able to suppress other lower realms with just his essence hence, the sudden pressure right now.

Jake's face was contorted with displeasure. Everything had to be because of this kid. 

"I had asked of you all just one thing; and that is to not offend Rann the son of a powerful Vanisher. Instead one of you dueled with him and went ahead to reveal something he wasn't supposed to know of."

Jake couldn't take it anymore.

"Master he's just some random kid!" 

Silverton's eyes flared.

"A random kid who defeated you in a simple duel." 

Determination flashed in Jake's eyes.

"Let's have a rematch..." 

Silverton smiled.

"If Rann win this round, consider your title as junior student leader given off to him as well as your control over the ruins of the Realm of Sky!" 

Jake's eyes immediately turned bloodshot. 

He suddenly felt threatened... not just him but his position. 

Silverton continued.

"From now on, I wouldn't want anyone saying anything negative about Rann or else that person is gonna have me to deal with. As for the duel, I want it happening at Heaven's Monument."

With that Silverton vanished leaving Rann who was feeling much more confident than when he arrived to the small school three days ago.. 

The only thing playing in his mind right now was Heaven's Monument. 

'What the hell is that? Is it akin to the Realm of Sky?' 

His thoughts was instantly interrupted. 

"What did you say to Master?"

Rann's eyes dulled immediately.

"I wanted your position!" Rann answered matter of factly plus, with less interest in his tone.. but that action instantly caused tension to fly about within seconds. 

"Did you think you would defeat me a second time? I was sealed and I will break that seal." Jake said. 

Rann raised a brow. 

"You were sealed? I don't care! Hell I defeated a Martial Realm once, he was at the peak almost breaking through to Sub-Parallel although it wasn't an intentional defeat, I still defeated him! Do you still think you can hold the fort against me." Rann's voice instantly dripped with contempt. 

Chill ran through everyone's back at the sudden undertone. 

But the whole thing was immediately abated as everything returned to normal. Rann's own focus was Heaven's Monument. 

He turned to one timid kid and pulled at him. 

"What's the Heaven's Monument?" 

The young man's eyes narrowed but he gave a reply nonetheless.

"It's a restructured realm left behind by Daos Seven Sages. The Daos Seven Sages were seven powerful powerhouses that could create dimensions using scripture pallets." 

Rann's brows furrowed.

"Scripture pallets? Is that even a thing?"

The young man sighed and continued to explain.

"The Daos Seven Sages had one thing that makes them different from any other powerhouses. They don't learn techniques but dwell of scripture reading. The more scriptures that they could find, the more powerful they become.." 

Rann was intrigued.

"Scriptures? I can get these scriptures right?"

The young man instantly showed an expression of scorn. 

"Scriptures are not something you simply get. They are invaluable. They are priceless! Can't be obtained... not now, not ever." 

Rann ignored the man's expression.

"Tell me what naturally happens at Heaven's Monument!" 

"Naturally, Heaven's Monument is a center where all natural disasters such as tornado, wind, lightening and other strange phenomenon occurs the rarest. Heaven's Monument only allows one to test their rate of endurance and the sturdiness of your spiritual force." 

Suddenly something clicked and Rann realized.

"Wait.. we cannot enter Heaven's Monument with our normal body?" 


Rann began to contemplate more on the information that he's gotten. But when he wanted to ask more, he realized that the timid young man had escaped and Rann sighed at such a loss. 

With everything he had learnt about Heaven's Monument, he knows how to easily deal with Jake without lifting a finger sealed or not, he wouldn't escape it. 

Still, Rann couldn't forget about the Daos Seven Sages and their powerful scriptures ability. If he can find the scriptures, even if it's just one page, his powers would instantly take a qualitative leap.