
Progenitor's Bloodline

Two battles between progenitors almost destroyed the universe. Both energies was formed from converging power that was capable of splitting the heavens.  Progenitor of bloodlines was the one at the loosing end, while progenitor of darkness seems to be gaining the upper hand. Both wanted to be the supreme power that ruled the universe.  Progenitor of darkness casted a bold look over to progenitor of bloodlines and in an instant, his hand gathered energy that caused both day and night to flicker.  It's intensity cleaved the void in two separate halves.  Progenitor of bloodlines was known as the Master of all bloodlines and the master of all techniques so he was able to discover that this attack was a spiritual attack. Without hesitating, progenitor of bloodlines released his energy… Starburst palm: A palm technique covered an entire dimension, instantly ripping the void in two.  There was a great rumbling caused by both attack and when both collided, there was an intense explosion.  Fire and darkness flickered.  The universe was destroyed one after another. It was said that there's always a universe overlapping another one in an endless succession.  Boom! Boom! Boom!  The void tore, progenitor of darkness was ripped in two. Black blood floated away, being sucked into different dimensions which means, the progenitor of darkness had seemingly left his inheritance before he died.  As for the progenitor of bloodlines, he was almost on the verge of death, and before that he casually waved a hand instantly peeling the universe away which dove him through the river of time and he unleashed his bloodlines where humanity was instantly born.

Spiceking_Peterson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"Let us go!! This is earth, so you cannot just barge in and want to control all of humanity." 

A shrill laugh echoed after. 

There were five group of people being surrounded by the Vallions Sequence and these five, three were Martial and two, Lieutenant. 

But the Vallions Sequence was a Spectar. 

"Vallions Sequence wants bold and confident people as your selves into our group..." 

One of the five immediately shouted.

Twin sun: 

A big bright Halo formed from his energy and separated to make the twin sun. Then he pushed it over and the intensity of it alone was enough to distort the air. The attack hasn't landed and another of the five unleashed his strongest attack.

Blaze inferno: 

Flames gathered in his arm that scorched the air as he sent it forward. 

The Spectar only laughed. 

Before the attack could land, an invisible whirlpool surrounded the Spectar that shielded him from being burnt. 

Immediately, he released his energy that formed a nebulous chain and all five were binded and suppressed without putting any form of resistance.



A man screamed as he used his ability as a Martial to flee but continuously the man kept on hearing the voice loud and clear just behind him.

"Where are you running to?"

Just the Realm Death or Devil's Villa is enough to send earth into chaos.

All the civilization that earth had managed to build up was being destroyed once again by these dark humans. 

Even humans were rendered useless to this sudden invasion. 


"Master, you mean we should trash earth?" 

A grating voice resounded.

"Yes! Trash earth, kill some of their humans and recruit some of their geniuses..."

The invasion of these Vallions Sequence instantly took on another twist. 

They were killing humans. 

Some of them tried to escape but no, those Devil's Villa was enough to completely annihilate them. 

Meanwhile, figures of three sneaked stealthily with a baby in their arms. When they got to an underground, they placed the baby right underneath and left. 

That very moment, a Spectar immediately ambushed them instantly reducing those three figures into a bloody pulp. 

Half of earth was immediately incinerated and the void tore revealing a Sickle Lord who calmly looked as members of the Vallions Sequence was undergoing their mission. 

This whole ordeal was totally bad news to earth. 

No one was spared from deaths and after everything, earth was left desolate. Dead bodies of humans were laid scattered about. 

People of earth with great potentials were now captives for the Vallions Sequence. 

But the only surviving body on earth was the body of an abandoned baby. 


Some minutes later after earth's apocalypse, a man flew down into earth as he watched the planet with a solemn expression on his face. 

"As expected of Vallions Sequence... Poor earth!..." 

He turned to leave but suddenly froze. He found life. 

In an instant, he tore through the void and appeared by the underground sewer pipes and when he looked underneath, he found a baby. 

The child was indeed an unfortunate child, to have lost his parents in the apocalypse. 

The man picked the child and left by immediately tearing through the void and just outside the planet earth, a spacecraft awaited him. 

Inside The Spacecraft.

"Young Master, should we head to Zenzi Planet?" 

"Yes! I found a child..." 

The young pilot was visibly stunned. 

"How had a child survived an invasion of the Vallions Sequence?" 

The Young Master chuckled.

"Indeed Those mercenaries turned out to be more useless to have not noticed a child." 

The young Master smiled. 

"I love his smile, I'll call him Rann." 

The pilot left a slight chuckle.

"Rann, what a cute name... who knows what his parents would have loved to call him." 

"Once he's eight years old, I'll make him start cultivation. He needs to be strong! He needs to avenge his planet..." 

"Young Master Justus, I expected you to give him the best life not the one of cultivation." 

"How else do you expect him to avenge his planet?" 

The next minute, the Spacecraft went through a wormhole that took it faster towards Zenzi Planet. 

Traveling through these wormholes were like traveling through fleets of light years ahead so that, a journey of three years was shortened to a journey of 8 days.

Zenzi Planet was located in a weave that joined both the star and the universe together. Space was an endless place until it forms a dimension that corresponds with time, and that dimension was called Starblock. 

Starblock dimension has nine weaves. Lanai weave, Erebus weave, inner weave, outer weave, Ghuda weave, Sohai weave, Malah weave, hunda weave and Mordo weave. 

Each weaves have it's own planets so Zenzi star was located within Erebus weave.

One dimension already have an enormous amount of lifeforms and it is said that dimensions varies in types. There are different types of dimensions one can find in the universe and countless dimensions makes up an uncountable number of lifeforms including earth. Although earth did not exist in any dimension at all making them almost visible for invasion.