

DISCLAIMER- All characters and copyright belongs to J. k. rowling

It was the middle of May in Scotland. A middle-aged woman around age 35 can be seen lying on a grassy plain in the early mornings. her eyes shut while a soft, pleasant smile could be seen on her face. but even then if one could look closely one could see there is a hint of sadness carefully hidden in the angelic beauty.

her fierce red hair spread on the grass. her skin, pale and fair with no blemishes. Her face can only be described as heavenly like god himself or herself has sculpted it with the intention of making a piece of art that one can never forget in their life.

Born of the union of James Potter and Lily Evans Potter, her name is Iolanthe Lily Potter.

The woman opened her eyes, emerald green eyes that she inherited from her mother, and sighed.

"sighh.... "


suddenly with a 'pop' sound, something appeared out of nowhere. it was a curious little creature known to the magical population as house elves. they serve the witches and wizards in exchange for bonding with them and using their magic and are fiercely loyal to the bonded human to the extent of nothing sort of an imperious curse can make them betray their bonded. sadly not every witch or wizard treats them well.

"what can dobby be doing for the great Iolanthe potter, great Madame?"

"dobby, can you bring me my journal and my pen?"

"dobby be coming right back, great Madame"

with a resounding 'pop' he was gone only to be back a couple of seconds later.

"dobby also brought yous mail, great madame"

"Thank you Dobby, you can go back now"

after dobby disappeared Iolanthe opened her journal and started writing. She only started writing in her journal after her godfather Sirius Black had fallen into the veil of death back in her fifth year at Hogwarts.

she stopped writing, and once again remembered her friends, and family whose faces she can never see again. She swallowed the tears threatening to burst out of her eyes and tried futilely to forget them.

Voldemort was long dead, and with him also half of the magical population of Europe was gone. when Iolanthe was in her sixth year she realized that there is no way of getting as strong as Voldemort in time before Voldemort takes control of the ministry. So after convincing Dumbledore for a long time, they both delved into time magic to see for a solution. Not necessarily to go back in time but to get more time for her to learn everything magical from Dumbledore.

but alas. It was not meant to be, Time is a transcendental concept that cannot be tampered with in so little time, even for a great wizard and scholar like Dumbledore. before dumbledores death, he told her about the Horcruxes and gives her one last gift. a clue for making a time bubble and the whole of Dumbledore's book collection.

but only a year after dumbledores death the ministry fell. she had managed to find three Horcruxes, the diadem, the locket, and the ring but she couldn't find rest no matter how hard she tried.

before fleeing Hogwarts she copied every book in the Hogwarts library into her trunk.

over the years she and her friends tried fighting the death eaters and finding the Horcruxes but they were powerless against Voldemort's onslaught.

it was on a sunny day Iolanthe was gone from their temporary base for supply the worst of her nightmare happened. When she returned 5 death eaters ambushed her. She managed to kill three and immobilize 2 of them but was left with severe injuries.

she frantically ran to the tent hoping with all her heart that her friends were alive but the scene inside made her throw up. the face of her two best friends Ron and Hermione were contorted enough to guess that they have been tortured with cruciates curse. Hermione's clothes were torn apart with blood all over her legs and her skirt leaving nothing to the imagination of the horrible things done to her. Ron was missing both his eyes and hands as if they were torn apart with bare hands. That day she cried for hours hugging the bodies of her friends.

Rain fell and lightning descended upon the earth in rapid succession, as if the heavens themselves were repulsed by the heinous act. After that day she killed and killed and killed any death eater she came upon until finally Voldemort himself found her. It was only with sheer dumb luck that Iolanthe managed to run away from him. She needed power, a power so great she alone can fight all the death eaters and Voldemort at once.

So after locking herself in for 3 years at the age of 24, while Voldemort rampaged across Europe, Iolanthe finally managed to figure out the magic of the time bubble. it was a piece of magic that allows the time inside the bubble to flow faster and doesn't allow any outside interference. the only downside is that she also can't go outside the bubble.

after making a complete vegetable and fruit ecosystem inside the bubble and gathering all the necessary ingredients for rituals she activated the bubble. But smart as she may be she is only human, and humans make mistakes. 5 years of outside time was meant to be 20 years inside but something happened. What? She still doesn't understand to this day, but 180 years passed but the magic still didn't end and she was stuck inside.

After the first 20 years she thought her calculations must be a little off. after 50 years she thought maybe a little too much off.

after a certain point she no longer needed food and to be honest, she was bored of fruits and vegetables. after 150 years she was still as young as she was in her thirties. the technicalities didn't really matter to her anymore.

After a grueling 300 years, the magic finally wore off. it was 2009 and Voldemort has decimated Europe's magical governments. finding the Horcruxes tied to Voldemort's soul was not much hard thanks to her newly developed magic sight. neither was killing Voldemort. After 12 years the war was over but at what costs? her friends died the remaining order members including Weaslys, lupin Tonks also died.

everyone she knew was dead, what a cruel world it is.

after the magicals were somewhat resettled they wanted her to be the minister and lead magical Britain. She refused and instead took on her ladyship and joined the wizengamot of Britain. now at the age of 40 in the original time, she builds a house on the quiet planes of Scotland to be away from civilization. the reason being that she noticed she was aging once again. by no means her beauty was gone, only more prominent. so she decided she was going to spend the rest of her life quiet with her only remaining friend dobby.

presently she opened her mails to check if anything important has come except the usual fan mail. finding nothing important she took out three items from her locket which is an extended shrinked compartment. it was a wand, a stone and an invisibility cloak. she knew for a long time that these were none other than the deathly hallows of the legend. she never thought much of them until now.

she might be a great warrior but at heart, she was a scholar. overcome with curiosity she finally decided to unite the hallows so to speak, but she has no idea what to do. after tinkering with them a bit she tried channeling her magic through the hallows at the same time.

suddenly there was a flash of light and she was gone never to be seen again. After some time Iolanthe opened her eyes to see that she is floating in space, dark, vast, and silent space with countless stars twinkling that reminded her of dumbledores eyes.

"Is this the Afterworld? Am I dead?"

"it is in between the mortal world and the land of the dead"

an ethereal voice broke the sweet silence. Iolanthe turned around to see a looming hooded figure peering at her.

"may I ask who you are?"

"do you truly not know?"


"yes" Death answered

"Am I dead?"

"no, I brought you here" Death answered with the same ethereal voice

"I suppose the hallows are responsible?"

"yes. you are the first one of the peverells to ever unite the hallows. you are the first of your family to achieve what your ancestors could not. you who have not fallen to temptations of the hallows, you, a soul without a single blemish of corruption have earned my respect as such I will be giving you one wish and only one. ask away, last descendent of the peverells, but beware for what you wish for it can lead to consequences far worse than you can ever imagine.

at this point Iolanthe had only one wish. Time. so she asked

"send me back to where it started.....send me back so I can do what is needed to be done"

Death was silent for a moment, then spoke

"Time is a transcendental power. As such there must be a price, even with my interference. you will lose many of your memories. are you sure that is what you wish?"

Iolanthe thought for a moment. without her memories changing the past will be hard but there is a chance it can be changed even if it was small.

"before that can I ask why you call me a Peverell?"

"you are a descendent of the peverells through your potter heritage. however little it may be, you still have Peverell blood flowing through your veins, only a Peverell can unite the hallows"

"...then this is my wish"

after a while death spoke

".....as you wish. do not worry you shall remember why you have gone in the past. consider it a gift and

good luck Iolanthe lily potter."

with another burst of light, Iolanthe was gone.