
To Atone

"P-please, bring her back..."

Looking at the half-dead woman kneeling before them, both Anne and Lukas frowned, unspeakable emotions on their faces. But Matten, he seemed unbothered by her desperation and only one word came out of his mouth:


"*Sobs* Why..."

Looking at the broken mess sobbing and crying in front of him after a few minutes of silence, replies:

"You... are not in a fairy tale... Where you can hurt people. Kill people... without consequence. So... do not expect your loved ones... to be alive when they are killed... by your own actions,"

Finally, after finishing his piece, his cold eyes softens slightly, and pity could be gleaned from his gaze... But this small, almost unnoticeable amount of pity would not matter in this situation, not to him, nor to the people he had to take care of; By birthright, he was destined to be the judge, jury and executioner, his words... Absolute law, his actions... Absolute law and his judgment for her... was punishment...

Realizing that she couldn't get through to him, Mirca simply gave up and lied down on the ground, as if waiting for the grim reaper to strike her dead; maybe then she could meet her sister in hell...

Seeing such a sorry sight from the once cold and stoic warrior, both Lukas and Anne couldn't help but feel really bad for her, and Lukas even tried asking Matten:

"Um, hubby... Shoot, I kinda feel bad for her... can't you at least-"


"Hey! that's a little unfair don't cha think-"

"I... will not go back on my decision. If I, the judge were to be indecisive, law and order would be impossible,"


Hearing their back and forth, Mirca, who still had that sliver of hope, that maybe Matten would have a change of heart, finally stopped thinking about saving her sister, and slowly started to relaxed her tensed muscles, as if to finally rest after a long journey... But Matten was not done, he opened that cursed mouth of his, and spoke in a softer tone this time:

"...But if a judge was to be too rigid, the people will hate him, and they will eventually rebel, killing order anyways,"


"S-so you're saying-"

"No, Lukas, I will not revive her, but if Mirca was... to somehow atone for her sins, I will reconsider on how I deal with her sister..."

"What do I do?"

As Matten spoke, he was cut off by Mirca, who had finally regained hope and started to kneel in front of Matten, gripping at his blue robes, which he had casually made while watching the chaos. Matten was instantly puzzled at her eagerness, like he had discovered a new creature.

'Hm... normally, people wouldn't be so willing... well, those normal people aren't really people, but gods and mounters that have their pride so much up their ass, it hurts,'

"...Do you have your sister's card?"

"W-what do you want with it?!"

"...Do. You. Have. It?"


Saying this, she passes her sister's card,『Linda, scissor sister』to Matten. After he took it, his eyes began glowing a bright blue, and he started to float 5 cm above the floor, before his empty hand moved in the speed of light, disappearing and quickly reappearing with a card on it, a few moments later, Mirca spat out blood. Her complexion paling.

Matten didn't seem to be bothered by her reaction, making both Lukas and Anne confused at what he was trying to achieve; He started to say something but it was a mess of garbled words and sounds, nobody present could comprehend


Suddenly, 15 other cards appeared out of nowhere, all of them mortal god level, what he achieved by just speaking nonsense was shocking, but what he did to them was astronomically confusing. They started getting disintegrated, before being absorbed by the 2 cards on his hands. By now, you should have figure out that, yes, the card that suddenly appeared on his hand was Mirca's card 『Charlotte, Scissor sister』.

After both cards finished absorbing the disintegrated cards, he fused both of them together to make 1 card:『Charlotte and Linda, Dublin's darlings』then gave it back to Mirca. Who gingerly received it due to the heaviness of her wounds.

Seeing her suffer, Matten then remembered to finally heal her back to peak condition.

-----a few minutes later--------

"Do you, Mirca Mulhall, swear to protect Lukas Von Falken with your life?"

"...I do,"

"And you, Lukas, do you swear to take her in, as her master, and treat her as you would your sister?"

"...I-I do"

"Then pay your promises with blood; Alvidae Lomas..."

"Alvidae Lomas,"

"A-alvidae Lomas"

Alvidae Lomas, soul seal. A spell used between master and subordinate to ensure trust between both parties. With Matten as the judge and Lukas, who was woken up and took back control of his body signed a pact with Mirca, who was made to follow Lukas as a follower, to atone for her sins so she may one day see her sister yet...

As this chapter draws to a close, Matten and Lukas(1st one) went back into Lukas's soul. Anne, confused and confounded by their actions ask them upfront:

"Why don't you just stay outside of his body? wouldn't it be easy for you to stay out with your power?"

But instead of Matten answering, it was Lukas who replied to her question:

"It's because we aren't bored enough to do it!"


"Yup, y'know what Ben 10 is?"

"U-uh, n-no..."

"Well darn! it was a hit show in the 21st century! Well anyways, in the show, to put it simply, he has this power, called alien X. It was a super mega powerful power that was the strongest in the show. But Ben couldn't access it freely, this is because in each alien X, there are 2 consciousness that have to come to total agreement before alien X can be used, we're practically the same, we both have to agree to come out or else, well, I love this big guy and if he says no, he says no..."

"...I am a judge, if I find what you are doing to be wrong, although you will not be sentenced in respect of Lukas, you will never receive my help, even if you are going to die,"

Saying this, Both Lukas and Matten disappear, possibly for a long time... After they stopped existing in this plane, the body that was once originally Lukas, transforms back into the 13 year old-ish look we all know and love.

Finally, after a long while, Lukas had full control over his body, and not shared control... Seeing that her brother was ok, Anne ran up to Lukas and hugged him tighter than Zangief's bear hug. Mirca who saw the loving exchange between siblings, couldn't help but remember her own sister, sorrowful tears began to cover her face as she cried silently. Of course, it wasn't for long...

"Mirca, w-what are you crying for?"


"Oh... you're thinking about your sister. I-I'm sorry it had to end this way-"

"N-no don't be! I-it was my fault after all..."

Saying this, Mirca lowers her eyes, barely concealing her regret and sadness. Suddenly, with a pouting face, Lukas pulls Mirca into a hug, unlike Anne's loving bear hug, his was gentle and caring, like a mother bear taking care of her cubs.

Widening her eyes at his actions, she hurriedly looked up at him, studying his face, she could see no intentions or schemes. She could only see the face of a loving boy, who wishes, at that moment, nothing more than for her to finally be accepted and forgiven.

"I don't want you to feel like an outsider, you've heard him right? He said for me to treat you like a sister, so, now you're my sister, Ok?"


"Come, enough hugs, let us explore this temple, we've got an inheritance to take,"

Being interrupted by the almost annoying tone of Anne, both Lukas and Mirca blushed, then hurriedly followed Anne who was walking towards the statue of Hugo Raylei...

Hi! I want to try something. I want to ask you guys a question, would you want me to write more comedically, or do you want me to write a more serious story? Now this is where the test comes in, unless at least one person comments, I won't be posting anymore chapters, I just need to make sure this story has people who read it! Sorry for imposing this on you! Enjoy!

Ajax_was_herecreators' thoughts