
Producing Genshin Impact : Elysia Helps Me Speak For Myself

In a world where the game is in the early stages of development, Mo Li awakens the memory of his past life, binds the game production system, and creates a game studio. When he came to the studio, he found out that the employees here are the characters in the game? Looking at the familiar faces, Mo Li waved his hand and started the production of "Genshin" and "Honkai III". KeQing : "Boss, can you give me... No, strengthen KeQing in the game, it's too scratchy!!" Mei : "General Thunder... a very domineering character, but you really can't insult my cooking skills!" Himeko : "Boss... I'll finish Chapter 9, and you'll keep pushing me out to send knives. Is this really okay?" ... "The Last Lesson" made players collapse, and "Xin Yan Eternal Burning" made players cry. Every pv mobilizes the player's emotions. Music, plot, graphics, let players in this world know what a real game is. However, these two games are just the beginning of "Sekiro", "Silent Hill" and "Witcher 3"... . . . . . . . - This novel is not MINE and I do not own anything in this novel, whether it is the cover, images, novel, references and so on. All are the property of the original creator. Please visit the original site at FALOO to support the author - I just want to share this novel to everyone and i kinda improve the translation (about He,her and the character name) a bit from the MTL version so it's might be little better - I don't play the game so i don't really know if there's a mistake at the game plot name or something

Nebula_Arhein · Video Games
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91 Chs

"Genshin Impact" Promotional Video, Amazing Music

Mo Li took the computer over and logged in to Mihoyo official account.

Elysia and Eden both came over at the same time.

The video was uploaded quickly, and at the same time, Mo Li also placed a wave of advertisements in the game announcement of "Honkai Impact 3rd".

At present, it can only be regarded as preliminary publicity, so Mo Li has not purchased advertising positions on Douyin and Bilibili.

He just posted this promotional video with the official account of "Honkai Impact 3rd".

At the same time, many players who have followed Mihoyo and the official accounts of "Honkai Impact 3rd" have been notified of the new video at the first time.

One by one they rushed in.

They thought that this video would be the preview of the new version of "Honkai Impact 3rd".

As a result, the title turned out to be a few big characters that they had no impression of at all - "Genshin Impact" promotional PV "Come and explore the continent of Teyvat with Amber~"

Genshin? Amber? Teyvat Continent?

Is it the Honkai Impact 3rd new activities?

But without giving players much time to think, the video starts quickly.

The opening is also had a big [Mihoyo], and then, the logo that appears is no longer Honkai Impact 3rd, but [Genshin Impact]!

Seeing this, many players finally reacted.

The title, plus this logo...

This is the new Mihoyo game??

This situation shocked countless players.

"Honkai Impact 3rd" is at the height of its popularity, and it has only been in open beta for more than two months.

Now you have a new game out?

But the surprise is the surprise, and the players are also looking forward to it.

After all, Mihoyo current reputation is very good in the world.

Players will naturally not think that Mihoyo will make a shoddy game just to make money.

In the video, after the [Genshin Impact] logo disappeared, a young girl with a bunny ear headband popped out.

"Hello everyone~ My name is Amber, I'm from the Knights of Favonius, I'm a Scouting Knight~"

Seeing such a style of painting, many players immediately lit up.

It is still this extremely comfortable and natural two-dimensional 3D painting style!

It has both a 3D stereoscopic effect and a 2D style of beauty, which is a game style that completely appeals to young people.

In the current game industry, Mihoyo unique three rendering and two drawing style is absolutely unique.

It's not that other companies can't study it, but the game rendered in this style cannot be produced in just over 2 months.

Refer to Penguin's "Girl's Journey".

At the beginning of the service, it was extremely eye-catching...

At this time, Amber, the energetic girl in the video, finally finished her self-introduction.

"Then, today I will be the guide to introduce you to everything about Teyvat~"

After the girl finished speaking, everything on the screen turned into a game perspective.

In the lower right corner, there are also six big characters "Real Game Recording".

The windy scenery of Mondstand slowly passed by, Amber ran all the way, and came to a small camp of Hilichurls people.

The players also thoroughly saw the game UI interface, as well as the picture quality.

Whether it is the grass with clear roots or the extremely smooth and comfortable style of painting, players are amazed.

Visible to the naked eye, "Genshin Impact" is much higher quality than Honkai Impact 3rd!

It's definitely a big deal!

What makes players care most is that there are 4 character avatars on the right side of the screen.

Anyone who has played "Honkai Impact 3rd" knows that this is the place to switch team roles.

This is actually a team of 4 characters!

In the game, accompanied by the rushing music, Amber charged and fired an a Arrow, which alerted the Hilichurls people in the camp.

Players who watched the video thought it was just an ordinary rocket.

But I didn't expect that after the arrow hit the grass, the grass actually burned!!

But it didn't stop them from being surprised.

After the grass was burned, the character named Venti in the team was called out, and the picture turned directly to Venti face shot.

The young man put up his bow and arrow and chuckled, "Don't even think about escaping~"

An arrow was fired, and a cyan wind eye was immediately formed in front of it.

As the gust of wind blew, all those Hilichurls people and monsters were attracted together, and the dense damage numbers kept jumping out.

Seeing this, the players didn't have any special feelings, they just felt that the game screen was better than Honkai Impact 3rd.

Venti big move animation is just average, not as good as "Honkai Impact 3rd".

However, the next scene completely left the players stunned.

I saw the game cut out Amber again and used Amber's ultimate move.

"Arrows fall like rain~"

Countless rockets fell like raindrops, igniting large fields of grass.

And the wind eye shot by Venti also rolled up countless fire elements.

I saw that among those damage numbers, a [Diffusion] prompt popped up.

Immediately, the cyan wind eye was dyed fiery red.

The grass covered by the eye of the wind also burst into flames.

Seeing this, the players finally understood.

The gameplay of this game is probably not as simple as they imagined...

Wind can work with fire to deal higher damage...

Is there a combination of water and fire, ice and fire?

Players didn't wonder for too long.

Soon, other elements react to the effects of the video.

Ice freezes water, fire melt ice, lightning strikes, fire and thunder overload, fire burns grass...

The wind element seems to be rather special.

With Amber's explanation, the general gameplay of the game was also introduced.

Climbing, swimming, wind wings, combat puzzle, secret exploration, and... surprise treasure chests everywhere!

Seeing this, the players were completely boiling.

[What a fool!! I thought it was Honkai Impact 4th, but there are so many novel ways to play!!]

[Looking forward, looking forward to looking forward to it!! Too much anticipation!! ]

[How does Mihoyo boss's brain grow? Can you come up with so many novel ways to play? ]

[amazing Mihoyo!!]

[Open world? It means... I can go directly from the Destiny Headquarters to the Inverse Business Headquarters without the need to transfer and load the game interface??]

[What a fool, it seems that this is what it means! This sense of substitution is too strong!! ]

[Me : I really want to play]

[Phone : No, you don't want to (sweating)]

[Nokia applies to play! (Dog head)]

[Sure enough, Mihoyo has never let me down!! Hurry up and give it to the master! ]

Although the promotional video shows many things, it still feels a lot worse than the real experience.

Despite this, the novel gameplay in the video still deeply shocked the players in this world.

In their previous games, in addition to fighting monsters to upgrade and update equipment, the skills of different characters were the most distinctive.

And "Genshin Impact" has too many features.

Just watching the video gave them a feeling of experiencing a different world.

As the video continued, Amber also brought the traveler (players) to a place called [Mondstand].

"Besides the battle, why don't you come to Mondstand for a rest~"

"Overall, this is a very safe place~"

With the switching of pictures and music, the architectural style of Mondstand also gives players a very serious feeling.

"Although... occasionally some powerful monsters will come to attack here..."

Following Amber's explanation, a giant western dragon swept in with a strong wind and a sense of oppression.

At this point, the barrage exploded again.

[Beibelong! Is that you? (funny)]

[No, it's Big Brother Beilong!]

[The two upstairs... went to the wrong studio!]

[Although I am looking forward to it, I am also a little regretful. Is it Western style again...]

[In the current environment, Western style has become the mainstream]

[Mihoyo has done a very good job, there is at least one Immortal "Fu Hua" in Honkai Impact 3rd, whether it is boxing, title or copywriting, it is full of dragon country style]

While the players were discussing, the game also completed a level 0 of the Wind Demon Dragon dungeon.

At this time, the screen switched to Amber again.

She still said in a vigorous voice : "Okay~ Today's trip to Teyvat is ends here~"

"Speaking of which... next time we have a chance, let's go to a farther place to explore together~'

"Like… go to the stone forest shrouded in mist?"

"There, there is a city completely different from Mondstand, called - Liyue harbor~"

When Amber said this, the video screen cut out an ink painting with the characteristics of the Dragon Kingdom.

The picture scroll depicts mountains, busy city, wooden bridges, ports, sailboats, and other buildings...all that people can see at a glance...architectures full of the ancient style of the Dragon Kingdom!!

And this scene made the pupils of all the players who were watching shrink!

Before they were shocked, the music also changed, and the symphony with the guzheng as the prelude sounded slowly.

The style of the music is light and leisurely, and the perfect combination of flute and guzheng makes this symphony play a sense of playfulness, but it is completely atmospheric.

Coupled with the ink painting scroll in the video, the audience subconsciously imagined the bustling cityscape of the Dragon Kingdom in ancient times, and the screams of sales.

Although it is a symphony, no matter who listens to it, they will subconsciously think that it is music created with the theme of the dragon country.

It is obviously a western symphony, but it is full of strong dragon country element...

This is the perfect combination of Western symphony and Eastern classical music.

Seeing this, after hearing the song "Liyue", the barrage completely exploded.


[What the hell? My gods? This, this...]

[I want to say a lot of words, but I don't know what to say...]

[I have no knowledge, so I can only use "amazing" to express my current mood]

[Nima! As soon as the flute sounded, my scalp exploded directly!!]

[Ink painting... Guzheng flute + symphony... This moment! I have no way of expressing the complex emotions in my heart]

[The picture that pops up in my mind...it's so beautiful...it seems to be back in the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom, walking in the bustling streets of fireworks...]

[I actually feel that there is a New Year's taste when I ride a horse! It's still too early for the New Year...]

[Wow wow wow!! It sounds so good~ As expected of a studio that has worked with Eden! ]

[This flute really... stabs me!!]

[Mihoyo art and music team... Can I give you a kowtow!!]

[Mihoyo is awesome!!]

[I'm riding a horse and blowing it! ]

[Just for this ink painting and symphony, no matter whether the game is fun or not, I will definitely rush it! ]

At the end of the video, this ink painting is displayed for 4 minutes.

And this static video, but no one skipped.

They couldn't help sighing, rejoicing, and excited, and they fully enjoyed the symphony.

Countless players liked, reposted and watched this video repeatedly.

An ordinary promotional video for a game has spread across the country at an unimaginable speed.

In a very short period of time, the hot searches on Weibo were almost completely dominated by the three entries of "Genshin Impact" [Mihoyo] [Liyue].

This terrifying heat, even if Eden comes, I'm afraid she have to avoid its edge.

A song "Liyue", an ink painting, and a game promotional video almost made the entire Internet praise it.