
Chapter 5

'Yes, I'll go to where my father has asked for me to be and I'll negotiate.'

She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't realise that someone had walked up right behind her.

"Boo! Who do you think it is?"

Lucy's elbow went back into her assailant's stomach, and she backhanded their face, and then to top it all off, the back of her foot went right between her attacker's legs. She quickly turned and got into a fighting position.

"Ow😣. Where did you learn that Lucy? And how have you got so much strength in that tiny frame of yours? And how did I not know that you could fight so well?!"

'Whoops' She thought. That was Lucas.

"Lucas! You know I don't like it when people cover my eyes!" Lucy said angrily.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I just forgot!" He yelled worriedly.

"Alright just don't forget next time. I will personally make sure that you can never do it again. Okay?" And then she smiled radiantly. It was a cold smile, but dazzling all the same.

Lucas could not help but be blinded. Every move of hers he believed was like a goddess. It had been like this since she moved to his school. He didn't know why she didn't really talk to anyone else other than him and Jessie, but really, he was quite happy about it. After all, that meant he still stood a chance, as the only other men in her life were her father and little brother. He supposed that he would have to keep on trying to wear down her defenses though. She didn't seem to have noticed how he felt yet. The keyword is yet. He knew that eventually she would fall in love with him.

On the other hand, Lucy did know that he seemed to have a crush on her, but she guessed it was true that one never forgets their first love. Even truer for her. After all, she had loved Matt for eight years. Who knows. Maybe she still does. With the first love one can never be the same afterwards. They will constantly think about the other in every spare minute they have. And that would just not be fair to other pursuers. Speaking of things not being fair to pursuers, she should probably tell Lucas that she didn't have feelings for him. It would be so much better for him. She didn't even have to tell there was a reason.

"Lucas." The cold smile had melted off her face by this point. She looked completely serious. "I know that you like me. And I need to tell you that there is no point. I don't have any romantic feelings for you whatsoever. I'm sorry, but you're more like a brother to me."

He tried to smile, but knew that he would fail before he did. He turned away and said, "Yeah. I probably should have seen this one coming. Hehe." At strained chuckle escaped his lips. "I'm gonna go then. Bye."

" I really am sorry Luke." Lucy said, sadly.

Lucas just walked away without another word.




Lucas' pov

I somehow managed to make it all the way home, and up to my room, without breaking down. But when I got to my bed, the floodgates opened.

I had known that I would never match up to Lucy and her family, but to have it said to my face so bluntly, that she would be the one to say it. She doesn't love me like I love her, or anything close to it. I spent so long saving up, so that I could one day confess and then propose to her, after we left school. I took on countless part time jobs so that I could buy her a pair of earrings that she said she liked once. But she still rejected me.

I was getting into these thoughts, thoughts of how hard I tried to be worthy of her, only to be shot down when I have come this far, my phone rang. It was Jessie.

"Hey should we meet up with Lucy tomorrow? I think that you should tell her how you feel."

This choked me up. "No need Jessie. She already knows."

"Judging from your voice, I should come over right now with a lot of ice cream before you do something stupid."

I'm so grateful for Jessie. Sometimes she might be quite annoying and tough, but I know she's always got my back.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, my doorbell rang, and when I opened the door, there she was. With about a thousand tubs of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.

I'm sorry that my updates are really irregular but I can't always find the time or inspo to write.

Also do you think I should write in third person or the individual characters pov?

Moonstonewolfgirlcreators' thoughts