
Chapter 4

Lucy's pov(flashback continued)

"Well. When I woke up the next morning, I realised I had made a mistake whilst I was drowning my sorrows in a bottle of wine, but he was already gone."

Honestly, I hadn't expected any different seeing as apparently my father was the freaking devil. Of all the people my mom could of hooked up with, she had to choose the king of hell himself.

"So I decided to search about him, and it turned out that nothing with him was as simple as it seemed." She continued. At this point I had to butt in.

"Mom of course not! He is the devil! Lucifer, Beelzibub, Satan, whatever you want to call him! He's the king of hell! Are you stupid?!"

I know it was probably a bit harsh, but I was beyond angry at how naive she had been. You don't just go around innocently making deals with top tier demons! Drunk or not!

"I know honey. I was stupid. Very. Anyway, when I searched, there was one thing in common between all the cases of people that had gone to the church to confess that they had entered a deal with the devil, and had requested the church's help. It seemed that after they had entered the deal, a contract had come through the mail, stating that they had agreed that the devil would give them something like riches, or fame, and they would give him something precious to him in return. And just like the others, a few days later, I got one. I was still so young, and so eager for money and acknowledgement, that I just signed immediately completely skipping the important step that now I never overlook that's reading through the clauses. And I couldn't do that after I signed because it just evaporated. Disappeared into thin air. I never heard anything about it again after that. Well, until two years ago."

This made me curious. Why two years ago? What happened?

"I got a letter. Or an email to be precise. All it said was 'give her to me'. The sender's address was untraceable, I got the very best people I know on that email address but nobody could track whoever it was down. After a month had gone by and I hadn't received any more messages I calmed down a little. I thought that it could be just a prank. But then there was another message. This time it said 'I'm not messing around. Where is Lucy? The time has come for you to put her in the care of her true father'. I started to get a bit worried, but I still didn't tell you because I thought that you were too young still. Well, I still think you are, but I have no choice but to tell you now. I'll give you two weeks to decide by yourself if you want to go to your father or not. I trust you. You're sixteen now and old enough to decide, even if I don't want to let you."

(End of flashback)

This was the end of the two weeks she had. She was twisting a ring on her finger, indecisive. If she stayed, she could be endangering her family, but if she went to her father, then that probably wouldn't end well either. Then she thought, 'what if I could do both?' and smiled suddenly. She had decided that she would go to her father, but she would try to negotiate with him, like Persophone did with Hades. Except she would try to get a better deal. Maybe every other year she could stay with her father? Would he accept that? It had to be worth a try.