
Chapter 3

Right now she was thinking about her unresolved issue. This issue lies with her true father, a prince of hell. Her issue was the fact that on her birthday last month, she got a splitting headache. With that headache, she heard a voice. It said to her, "For fuck sake let me out." Yep. She started hearing voices inside her head. Then she let him out. And died immediately.

Kidding. Her mother came home when she was just about to do what the voice told her to do in order for the man to appear in front of her. "I hope you know that what you are trying to do will let a demon into this world young lady!"

"Mom? Are you okay? Why are you so pale? And what demon? Holy Mother of Christ are you telling me that there is a demon inside my head?!"

Her poor mother's face was indeed pale. She said to her daughter, "Okay, Lucy, come with me. I think it's time I tell you some things.






Flashback: Maria (Lucy's mom's pov)

I thought I had hidden her well enough. I thought that maybe he wouldn't be able to find her. Of course, I was wrong. If I was right and he hadn't found her, how to explain the scene I just witnessed? My poor little Lucy, holding her head in pain, chanting a demonic incantation of freeing, whilst looking like she was taking instructions and replying to someone in her head.

I steeled myself and said to myself, 'Even if she wasn't found by that monster, it's time for her to know the truth'. I told Lucy, "I hope you know that what you are trying to do will let a demon into this world young lady." She seemed shocked. She uttered a few questions, making me realize just how hard the realisation that she was growing up, and that I had not been there for her for most of her life, as I should have been, hit me. I hadn't realised I was that pale. Come with me Lucy. I think it's time that I tell you something."

I take her into the drawing room, which I know my husband never enters, and I tell her everything. "Lucy, I assume that you were talking to a voice in your head? Who asked you to let him out?" She nods, not exactly hesitantly, but in a confused manner.

"Yes. Why? I just wanted to stop this cursed headache that I've been having since my birthday yesterday."

At that, I was worried. Since yesterday? So she had to put up with a demon all day and all night? No wonder she was grumpy down she woke up this morning and came home this afternoon. Or so the servants tell me.

"Honey why didn't you tell me? I've actually got a friend who's a witch. She can probably make you a few pills to help!"

Wait a second. I got carried away there. I forgot that I'm supposed to be telling her about her true heritage. So I told her about the fact that her father is a prince of hell, and that the voice inside her head is most likely one of his servants. She focused on something that I couldn't see, probably talking to the beast that she had to have stuck in her head. Poor girl. Suddenly, jerking me out of my thoughts, she said to me, "Mom, how do you know so much about this?" Well shit. This was going to be hard to explain.