
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Second Age, Echo Realm

Oasis 2 made a circuit around the periphery of her garden. A few more seeds went into the ground, causing her to smile in the usual unfettered way. A girl who loves the company of green. Sweet mirth, with a clumsy heart going bump bump bump. But in the truest sense Oasis was not at all happy. Even though the wind that day smelled of lilac dipped in honey. Whispers of her intimate life crept into her consciousness. Uffhill and his antics. The way he looked away from her. Like a shadow receding through her house. It was of little consequence to the seeds and their new adventure. Oasis 2 continued on her march towards inventing the one thing that mattered … scenery. As she did the oversized lava lamps around her unscrewed their tops and let out those misshapen balls. Like a magician she ordered them into their places, and waited a few until a tree sprung up, impregnated with the color of wax. "Ahh … this one is purple," she remarked, with both hands clasped behind her back. Yesterday a new sheath of grass had grown from the walking trail up to where she stood, and it danced up to the level of her white socks. In these parts, grass certainty enveloped the land in the most delicate of ways. Oasis 2 leant over a little more, and looked with all her might at the tree and its luster of purple. With all her freckles, it may have been a hundred eyes. The white dress she wore was of paper cut with patterns. It emasculated the world with its beauty, until she was subtle and the rest was not. Her hair was moist brown, and felt the wild abandon of every coursing breeze. Now her knees were a little jittery. The white mandalas upon her person were anything but fickle. Even with so much pause in the nature of things. In the heights of spring. She had chosen them herself. Tailored them like a good girl. And She was like that and her heart was aloft most of the time. But this was different. Ever since she had arrived… her companion was so … disdainful. It was mentioned to her of course that Umlave had enacted fragmentary regeneration to become Onsuru, and that she was the new avatar of Onsuru, thus granting her the station of Umlave, and Umlave was his last wife and … blah blah blah. It all made little sense in the long run. Creatures enrobed in lilac crawled up the trees behind her. "Why does this have to be so hard?" she thought aloud. Uffhill and his daring but wicked ways. The man was fighting a war … or was he? Oasis 2 shuddered as she acquired the truth. Drops met little resistance on the way down. The forest danced. Leaves flew by like little paper airplanes. The essential greenness of the world clung to her but it was not enough. "I want to be his wife!" she cried, "why won't he notice me?" As one tear fell to the ground in front of Oasis, a tree rose behind, decked in pink like the wax it was born with. Just to the side, the lamps continued their unerring motions, enforcing the circulation of their orbs. The woman placed her head against the trunk of the tree, letting brown hair droop over all those precious freckles. It was at this moment that she was spotted by three of her friends who had come to spend time with her - Galatea of the Ten Velvet Roses, Lilly Llamas and Clovera. The maiden Galatea took her hand and brought them all to a circular stone table not far from the walking path. Having completed the first release of emotion, the woman looked up, and saw her friend's face. It was like a beautiful beast, surrounded by bright red hair. And on her body were roses. Plenty of them. "Ahh! Why can't I be like you girls" Oasis bayed, returning to the comfort of her palms. Clovera massaged her back until the little one could manage, and she raised her head again and looked, comparing herself with the dominance of Galatea, the gorgeous feral-ness of Clovera, and the bright colors of Lilly Llamas. "It's just that … i'm not like her" Oasis mouthed.

Galatea: Let me just say … you're perfect just the way you are. Don't give in to him.

Lilly Llamas: I remember when you were happier, Oasis. I couldn't be happy either if i knew

Clovera: That's easy for you to say, Lilly. You and Zemmy are fellow soldiers and family.

Lilly more than anyone understood what was going on. Zemmy had her fling with Teddy, then had her fling with Tipsy, and she had stolen Uffhill a long time ago. But In their family, she would go to the ends of the earth for her.

Lilly Llamas: I'm here to settle this, Clovera, not to take her side

Oasis: Why doesn't he look at me like other girls? … Waaaaaaa

Galatea (whispering to Lilly): Uffhill is a dog

Galatea: Darling, listen to us. It's not like you asked for this. He went his own way … and it's not your fault

Clovera: I would have suspected something earlier. Like … how is he like when he's at home? Is he taking care of you or minding his own business?

Oasis: I guess … he's just so rigid, you know. Like it's his duty to be my husband. And then he's always trying to be in a different room from me. Like we're playing a game. And when I do get him to myself, he can be so condescending, like … anytime i ask him anything about the patrons. I'm not freaking Etheria okay. I'm not a force of nature like that. He hasn't taught me anything. I had to go to academy to learn spells.

Clovera: Alright but … what's it like when … you know

Oasis: Oh that … I guess it's normal. He says he likes it.

Lilly: Does he ever say he loves you?

Oasis: Yeah but, only during the day, never when we're alone

Galatea: Maybe he just needs some encouragement?

Oasis: Waaaa!

Lilly: What was the last thing that you remember about Zemmy?

Oasis: Like … hopscotch … I mean she's always like … visited the house for some reason. And she he said that she was his lieutenant under his command, but I knew that isn't true. You can see she's from Suburbia, and weren't like … we at war with them? I mean, I was there in the house by the table. Cutting out a new paper dress with my scissors. I had done that all day waiting for him to come home to show him. Then Zemmy barges in to the room and she takes one look at me and leaves. Not even saying anything. And she's like this shadow that's everywhere.

Lilly: I didn't know you were going through so much, Oasis. I'm sorry

Oasis: Waaaaa! LIke how am I supposed to compete with that! Have you seen her body! It's so mature. And she's always wearing leather. And she's this fierce warrior chick. And those eyes are like clocks that tick time. She's got these weird robot spider legs but even they're attractive. What am I going to do?

Clovera: Oasis … Um … this might be cruel to say, and I know it's not fair but … have you thought of maybe trying to maybe do some work on your looks? To make yourself look more womanly I mean.

Galatea: (slapping Clovera on the shoulder). Clovera!

Clovera: I mean yes, it's unfair. I get that. But boys like their woman to be you know …

Oasis: He hates my freckles !!!

Lilly: I knew it would come to this. Why couldn't you keep your hands to yourself Zemmy

Galatea: Maybe if someone had warned us earlier, then we wouldn't be having this discussion

Lilly: I didn't have anything to do with this Galatea. Zemmy always gets what she wants. It's like boys are toys to her and she steals them

Oasis: There has to be an answer! Like I can change my hair, or put on cream for my skin.

Galatea: You have so many freckles. Like I can't even count them.

Oasis: (in despair) I know !!! Waaaa!

Lilly: How about you do something about the nails, you know boys like that

Clovera: Haha. That's not going to work on him, Lilly. They don't even care about that

Galatea: You could try a red dress. I have plenty of them

Oasis: Maybe that would work?

Lilly: I doubt it. Zemmy looks good in any dress. This is a fight. We need something she can't copy

Oasis: Oh my. Hopscotch! This is so hard. Zemmy's looks are so mature. She has that black hair and her face is made with perfect bone structure. You can't even look away from it. She has bigger breasts, and she has a cool sword. What am I supposed to do!

Galatea: Calm down Oasis. I've got all my girls at home and we can make you look so beautiful. I know a hundred ways to do that. Just let me call the girls, and in an hour you'll look better than Zemmy, believe me

Clovera: This is a tug of war, you need to go big or go home

Lilly: That's a good idea, but what can catch Uffhill's eye?.

Galatea: It has to be everything. Hair, lips, eyeshadow

Oasis: No Galatea … thanks for saying that. Sniff … but i think i figured it out.

Galatea: What do you mean? You're not giving up on him?

Oasis: That's not it. I think I need … a new move. If you know what i mean.

Clovera: Ahhh! Our girl is growing up!

Lilly: I can't believe what i'm hearing

Oasis: I mean … I heard some gossip recently about the Divine Couple. Someone came in on them while they were together. And they were doing all these magical moves. I heard a lot of stories about it, so i don't know what's real or not, but … I have a few ideas.

Galatea: If you think that's best, we'll stand by your decision

Oasis: I do … thanks girls.

As Oasis walked away from the table the three of them waited until she was gone and pointed the finger at each other until they realized it was all Uffhill's fault.

Later that night Oasis stood by the painting in the living room waiting for her betrayer. She had trained her body to be womanly for that night alone. The lights were bright, and she had done a few things to highlight her best features. The girl stood as still as aphrodite in marble as the door opened and the key was inserted and the knob turned. "There you are my love" she spoke, humbling him with her presence. Uffhill returned after what must have been another celestial battle of epic proportions. He had stars in his eyes, and even the aura of a patron couldn't hide such terror. The rain made his bear coat sopping wet and he removed it onto the hanger. As Uffhill looked towards her, the rough manly features of his face met their counterpart in freckles. The white paper mandala dress was tight around the hips in just the right way as she strode over to him, "Its time for you to do your duty". Uffhill paused for a moment. He was the man who knew everything, and so relented, "I suppose that's acceptable, what do you have in mind". "I'm glad you asked. I actually have something new tonight. Please go over there and i'll be right back" she responded, and departed to the hallway as he stood in what was a medium sized space with enough light to entice the senses. He was a well built man of African-American ancestry. He ran his fingers through his hair once for the occasion. In a few Oasis was back. Bringing articles for dinner - wine glasses, and plates, utensils. Uffhill stood there healing from wounds. He didn't know what to make of it but he stayed silent. "I heard some gossip about the Divine Couple and their night together. My friend told me about a few magic spells they used, and I want your cooperation for one. Since your my husband, you have to agree". Uffhill smiled for once and gave her his eyes. It was the best attack he had dealt with all night. This one was aimed directly at his soul. "I'll do what you tell me to do, so take the lead my love". His wife smiled in reply. He took another look at her and saw what few other men have ever hoped to witness. Polished brown hair the color of acorns falling to her shoulders. The shape of her face seemed more feminine. Eyes that had a certain singular focus. Lips filled with red will power. And a dress that was like a blank canvas for all his unspoken desires. Oasis stepped one at a time towards him, and placed a full palm upon his chest. It was … rigid to the touch. After their introduction, she explained to him the procedure, which was unusual given the Couple and their sort. Firstly, it involved him getting full dressed from head to toe. Once that was done, he had to activate a spell to transform into a dining room table. Oasis placed a long white tablecloth over the whole of it, then set the table with everything - the wine glasses, and plates and utensils.The woman closed her eyes and remembered how to do the trick. With both hands she grabbed the skirt of the tablecloth and yanked it, leaving everything as it was. The plates had not moved an inch. Uffhill transformed back to human and was completely bare.Oasis looked at his ornament below the belt, which had so much to give it was almost a cornucopia. Steadily she made her way towards him. He knew that his time had come and so embraced the trickster and all her ravishing curves. Bulky arms threw themselves around her chest. She found herself in his safekeeping, and he brought her to the bed. Embraces began and then ... Oasis layed on her side with her head on the pillow and tried to predict the words that would depart his lips. It was going so well. Uffhill honestly looked at the other side of the room. He sat up. Oasis fluffed her pillow once. "My love … that was kinda weird" he said. He really didn't know what to say. The shadows in the room drifted around him. And she was getting tired anyway, so she fluffed the pillow again and went to sleep. It was all the freckles and she knew it.