
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Second Age, Echo Realm

The zebra sombrero doctor hustled down the stairs. He had been reprising what can only be said to be the ontological breakdown of society. Concrete from outside blustered in the wind, its fragmentation on an epic scale. A car went by. In its window was something deliberately blinding. Anywhoo, the guy who has the crabs stuck to his body walked into the doctor's office. He had a lot of backfat. The doctor didn't really know his name. His nostrils were replete with the most subtle brushes of hair that one could name. They smelt of sea salt from the shore of a radiant beach. The type you ride past in the lorry. Sunlight drip drip drip. The man became so bored that he broke off a claw and started eating the crab meat like it was a Sunday lunch. Just then the assistant jumped in through the door. She had trousers on from the night before. They were prophesied to be plaid by wizards from long ago. Her linen and the cotton trousers were left behind in the drawer. Whispers of linen. A drawer in the bedroom where a dark night makes sweet dreams. Those dreams that are dreamt of in the horse-barn by men who drank apple cider with the company of goats on a stack of hay, while examining the fine aspects of the universe. She was a clever girl, marshalled in the law. A fair appearance. A fragrance with tones of lilac and a twist of fate that no one could have seen beforehand. It had come from a dynasty of silver clad women, of silver clad magistrates, and robins and bluebirds in knight's armor. The man was ready for his doctor. Shivers went up his spine in the best way possible. Zebra Sombrero Doctor examined him. A tap here a tap there. An eyescope here, an eyescope there. The backfat was getting impatient. It extended out some arms and started reading a magazine. Mumbling its lower lip with the complaints he witnessed. The opinion piece. The Zebra Sombrero Doctor had his assistant return to the sanctuary on the forgotten island with the mighty stone quarry, where the pillars are gargantuan. She lifted up a pillar just for fun. She came back to the office and went to the closet where the zebras waited with their sombreros in a fashionable lineup. Meanwhile the circular shadow from the lifted pillar extended outward. Its benevolence continued, draping all those who stood in its path. The doctor put his hand on the man's belly to feel a grumble. It was simple one, nothing to be concerned about. A crab crawled along his arm and onto his hand and took it's cigar out of his mouth and looked at the doctor straight in the eye, "For gosh sake, can't you tell the man's got us crabs on him. We pinched him all day long. Let's hurry it up. I don't have all day". So the doctor took a magazine and whipped all the crabs off the man until he was pretty again except for his backfat. But in the end, this was all the dream of a man on a rooftop somewhere in Bell City. He owned a few wild crows. Stacks of perfect copper pennies made up the majority of his home. He was not a credible witness.