
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasy
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51 Chs


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"Haha … the universe must have a twist ending" Priya chuckled, glad to be removed from mortal danger for the time being. Bulbous acorns lined the path to David Gold University, seemingly abandoned by everyone except pillaging squirrels. Lonely, half-broken fenceposts invited her to the main courtyard. Boughs of modest elm bathed in wind and whispers. Hopping towards her on the path a frog landed on a whoopee cushion. "And that must be it" Priya concluded. Finding the secret entrance to the computer room, Felicia ushered her onto the lab floor, introducing familiar faces – Imani Veralux, Enrique Will, Convex Geology – and others. Dominique sat on a desk, tossing another crumpled ball of paper with formulas into a trash bin. "We are so close to cracking the code and winning this" Felicia bragged. "I'm sure you're all been through the wringer trying to find the cure" she granted, considering how desperately they needed the fruits of their labor. Exchanging pleasantries, Felicia grabbed her wrist and brought her over to an elevator at the side of the laboratory, "come with me, I have a surprise, hope you're not claustrophobic". Tucking into the ordinary, humdrum lift they started a journey to an indeterminate level. Visions of being sealed in the chamber made the hair on her arm react, "much more of a wide-open spaces person". "Good, that means you will enjoy this" Felicia predicted, leading her out into a warehouse of immense proportions. "This silo is one of many that Linden and Melina constructed. There are a dozen in North America, and more overseas, one in every country, hidden in plain sight" Felicia vouchsafed, showing the labels containing name and real-life digital photo of each person on the panels below that corresponded to each acorn in the great storehouse. Conveyor belts and robotic arms could be seen, rearranging across the sleek modernized space. "Lift that jaw back up honey, I know you've seen nuts before" Alexa said, leaning back against a railing and smoking a cigarette whilst twirling a sword with the other hand, its tip against the ground. Waves of animosity at all the useless poppycock that had separated them up till now washed over her. "That's clever … but don't let Felicia see me embarrassed … my cheeks are redder than strawberry shortcake" she thought, then went to her old friend and pressed her forehead against hers, holding the back of her neck with one hand in solidarity. Felicia's watch beeped interrupting the moment, "Felicia, you had better come up and see this, bring our guests" Convex invited, resulting in a rather cramped elevator. Abandoning the formalities of proper etiquette, the scientists, who had all convened in the center of the floor tore off their name tags and stuck them onto each other, mixing up the names to humorous effect. "Ah … these were the days, simpler times" Priya thought with fresh, unadulterated homesickness. Veralux lifted up a power drill in the air, making it buzz as the crowd applauded, "Mrs. Echo, who would you like to handpick as the first test subject. All of our formula led to this". "Good question, but I already have someone in mind, follow me" the lady, who slowly was admitted to herself her new role as patron of the sciences led the white-robed flock through the corridor. Outside, near some steps an ugly protrusion of the brick wall stood. "Richard is immured in here" Priya noted, directing them to carefully tear down the barrier. Using surgical precision Veralux drilled a hole in the shell of the acorn. Attendants handed her what looked like a lunchbox, then inserted plastic tubes into the opening. With a treatment of liquid medicines and pills from the lunchbox, which contained a pump connected to the tubes, the cap of the bulb began to rattle, then shrink back into what could have been a silly hat. Yawning, Richard swiped the cap onto the ground and steadied himself with a hand on one of the steps, "Shyness, is that you? Knew there was something special about you, it's always the silent ones". Embracing, the crowd did not notice one of their number backstep up the stairs onto the stoop. He tossed off the human disguise, and grabbed a walkie talkie, "Agent Bushytail-Bob to home base, target acquired. A whole mountain of emm, right under our butts" he reported, with the box screeching electronically. Expertly the squirrel defended himself against two scientists with a high-kick and slapped Enrique with sausage link num-chucks, pouncing into a tree and away from sight.